Открытый урок по теме "Welcome to London Zoo"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: развитие языковой компетенции учащихся через освоение знаний, умений, навыков по теме “Welcome to London Zoo”.


  • изучить грамматический и лексический материал по теме;
  • практиковать учащихся в аудировании и устной речи (диалогической и монологической);
  • развивать языковую догадку.

Оснащение урока:

  • учебник “Enjoy English-3” Биболетовой М.З.;
  • книга для учителя к учебнику “Enjoy English-3”Биболетовой М. 3.;
  • магнитофон, задание на аудирование;
  • тексты на чтение;
  • тестовые задания;
  • плакаты-лозунги с правилами поведения в зоопарке;
  • наглядный материал;
  • алгоритм работы “1-2-все”.

Форма проведения: урок с использованием технологии “Техники кооперации: групповая работа”.

Содержание урока

1. Организационный момент.

Th: Good afternoon, dear children! The topic of our lesson is “Welcome to London Zoo ". Animals play an important role in our life. That is why we'll speak about them and about zoo. (Pupils have to be divided into two groups).

Take the tickets. You are welcome to London Zoo!

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

 - Ребята, наша обезьянка давно с нами не виделась. Она зовет нас гулять: [ei-ei-ei].

- Она говорит, что она долго болела и ей тяжело было говорить:[m-m-m].

- И тогда она пошла к знаменитому доктору Айболиту и показала свое горлышко: [a:-a:-a: ].

- А потом он ее послушал, как она дышит: [h-h-h].

- А когда он сделал ей укол, она вскрикнула: [ai-ai-ai].

- Алиса лечилась и выздоровела так быстро, что доктор удивился: [au-au-au].

- Он еще раз проверил у нее горлышко: [e-e-e] и разрешил ей снова встречаться со своими друзьями.

Every Zoo has some rules. Here they are. (The signs are at blackboard).

  • Please do not feed the animals!
  • Don't open the door of cage!
  • Don't drop litter on the floor!
  • Don't shout at the bear (hare, crocodile ....)!
  • Don't touch the lion's (fox's, tiger's ....) hair.

3. Речевая зарядка. Активизация навыков диалогической речи.

What animals do you know?

There are many animals. They are…

Where can they live?

They can live …
What animals have you got at home? I have got………at home.
What animals would you like to have at home? I’ like to have…..
Would you like to have your own zoo? Yes, I would (No, I would not)
What animals would you like to have if you were the director of the Zoo? If I were the director of the Zoo I would like to have…..
And what would you do as the director? I would……… as the director

4. Активизация навыков монологической речи.

  • Imagine that you are speaking to visitors to London Zoo. What would you like to tell them?

  • Meet our baby animals. See the young birds stretch their wings. And watch out when “Junior Jumbo walks”. This little elephant likes a walk. And those funny little monkeys are always full of fun: swinging, jumping, chasing and chattering.
  • We have over 5,000 insects, big and small, walking, jumping, sleeping. And when it’s feeding time at the zoo, look at all those sharks diving for their daily catch. Wow!
  • The Zoological Society of London is fighting to help save endangered animals all over the world. The African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino are just some of these animals.

5. Актуализация знаний по изучаемой теме.

Many things (songs, poems, tales) are written about animals. Now listen the poem, which is called "MY DREAM" by Gillian Brown and be ready to answer to my question "What is the author's dream?"

I love all kinds of animals
Dogs and cats and rabbits.
I love all kinds of animals,
Despite their little habits.

If I had tons of money,
D'you know what I would do?
I would buy lots of animals
And have my own zoo.

But they wouldn't be in cages;
They would be free to run around.
And there's one thing they would feel
And that is safe and sound.

The dream is author's own zoo. I wonder what the Zoo is. Zoo - is the place, usually in the city, where many kinds of animals are kept so that people can go to look at them.

6. Физкультминутка.

Little bears, turn around
Little bears, touch the ground
Little bears, nod your head
Close your eyes and go to bed.

7. Работа в группах (структура “1-2-все”).

Read the text and decide whether the following sentences are True (T) or False (F) or we have the new fact?

(Приложение 1)

London Zoo

London Zoo is a zoo in Regent's Park not far from the centre of London. The Zoo is opened every day from 9 o'clock a.m to 7 o'clock p.m. There are many exotic animals at London Zoo. A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food. In London Zoo you can see camels. Children love to visit London Zoo very much.


London Zoo is in Hyde Park in Moscow.



There are many exotic animals at London Zoo


The Zoo is opened. from 8 o'clock a.m. to 5 o'clock p.m  



In London Zoo you can see cats and dogs.



Children love to sit on a camel's back.    


Children don’t love to visit London Zoo.



A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food.



8. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.

I’d like you to make up your own crossword on our topic at home.
I give excellent marks to ..., well- to ..., etc.
The lesson is over. See you later. Good bye!