Урок-путешествие по теме "Animals in our life"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Познавательный аспект:

  • отработка лексики по теме.

Развивающий аспект :

  • тренировка навыков устной речи,
  • развитие умения высказывать свою точку зрения.

Воспитательный аспект:

  • формирование навыков самостоятельной работы, умения анализировать.

Учебный аспект:

  • развитие умения читать и аудировать с разными стратегиями,
  • формирование лексических и грамматических навыков говорения по теме “ANIMALS IN OUR LIFE”,
  • использование ИКТ (презентации в Power Point, языковое портфолио)

Методы обучения:

  1. Словесный;
  2. Проблемный;
  3. Поисковый.

Формы обучения:

  • Фронтальная;
  • Индивидуальная.

Средства обучения:

  • учебник,
  • рабочая тетрадь для 5-6классов ( Биболетова М.З.и др. “Enjoy English” для 5-6классов);
  • магнитофон;
  • картины с изображением животных;
  • доска;
  • терминальная станция.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

1.Приветствие, представление, определение целей и темы урока.

Good morning, boys and girls. What date is today? Is it a lucky day for you?

P1: Yes, it’s a lucky day.

T: Today we are going to read, speak and listen to about animals. We’ll travel to different places where animals live. Shall we begin? We’ll start our lesson with the poem about animals ex.14, p.107.Begin reading, please.

2.Фонетическая зарядка.


Обучающиеся слушают и повторяют слова.

3.Речевая зарядка. Предложение на мониторе и доске.

а)The quick Brown Fox jumps over the Lazy dog. (Уникальность этого упражнения в том, что обучающиеся повторят не только слова по теме животные, но и прочитывают все буквы английского алфавита).


Обучающиеся слушают и читают выражения.

II.Основной момент урока.

Т: The motto of the lesson is “Be caring, loving and tidy”.

На доске девиз урока.

T: What kinds of animals do you know?

P2: I know 3 types of animals here they are: wild, domestic, endangered.

Таблица на доске и в презентации Power Point

Kinds of animals
wild domestic endangered

T: Thank you, you are quiet right. But do you remember that there are exotic animals too?

Таблица на доске и в презентации Power Point

Kinds of animals
wild domestic endangered exotic

 T: Look, please, at ex.10, p. 106. Let’s check your homework. Answer the following questions. When did exotic animals appear in Great Britain for the first time?

P3: I think, that exotic animals were first taken to Britain in the thirteenth century when King

Henry III received a gift of leopards and elephants.

T: Did you enjoy the story?

P4: Yes. I did.

T: I would like to tell you a story about the hippopotamus. It’s name is Obaysch. Obaysch was sent to the Royal Family in 1850, the number of visitors doubled that year, which was not surprising, since he was the first hippopotamus to be seen in Europe since Roman times.

P5: I’d like to speak about the word hippopotamus.

This word is taken from two Greek words “hippo” - a horse, and “potamus” - a river. To my mind this information is very interesting.

P2: And I know ancient animals.

T: OK! But that not correct. Try to use the word reptile.

T: So. We’ve just spoken about different kinds of animals. And now answer my questions, please. Where the animals live?

Таблица на доске и в презентации в Power Point, заполняется учениками

Places where the animals live
at the



the zoo

in the mountains in the seas and oceans in the rivers in the trees and in the forests in the


in the


языковое портфолио

P3: I think that some animals live at the farm. For example:

  • camels
  • sheep
  • horses
  • hens

P4: I guess that animals can live in the zoo. They are:

  • crocodiles
  • camels
  • sheep
  • horses
  • hens
  • eagles

P5: To my mind animals can live in the mountains:

  • sheep
  • horses
  • eagles

P6: I know that animals can live in the seas and oceans:

  • whales
  • dolphins
  • sharks
  • tortoises

P7: A living things can live in the rivers:

  1. fish
  2. crocodiles

P8: A living things can live in the trees and in the forests:

  • monkeys
  • pandas
  • horses
  • bears
  • foxes
  • hedgehogs

P9: A living things can live in the country:

  • sheep
  • horses
  • eagles
  • pony
  • donkeys
  • lambs

P10: A living things can live in the deserts:

  • tortoises

camels языковое портфолио

Places where the animals live
at the



the zoo

in the mountains in the seas and oceans in the rivers in the trees and in the forests in the


in the




































T: Let’s play a game. Match the words and the descriptions. Are you ready to begin?

Таблица на доске и в языковом портфолио

Zoo the planet
Park all living things except plants
Animals a place with grass and trees, usually in a town.

People go there to relax or enjoy themselves

Circus a place where animals live. People can look at them and study them
Earth a group of people and animals who travel to different places to give shows. There you can see clowns and wild animals such as lions, tigers and elephants.

Таблица на доске. Заполняется учениками.

Zoo a place where animals live. People can look at them and study them
Park a place with grass and trees, usually in a town.

People go there to relax or enjoy themselves

Animals all living things except plants
Circus a group of people and animals who travel to different places to give shows. There you can see clowns and wild animals such as lions, tigers and elephants.
Earth the planet

P11: Earth is the planet.

T: OK!

P12: Park is a place with grass and trees, usually in a town.

People go there to relax or enjoy themselves.

T: Good for you!

P1: Circus is a. place where animals live. People can look at them and study them.

T: That’ not correct. Try again, please.

P2 Circus is a group of people and animals who travel to different places to give shows. There you can see clowns and wild animals such as lions, tigers and elephants.

T: Fine!

P3: Animals are all living things except plants.

T: It’s great!

P4: Zoo is a. place where animals live. People can look at them and study them.

T: Do you agree with him?

P5: Yes. I do.

T: Excellent.

T: Let’s play a little. (Физкультминутка)

Пантомима. Обучающиеся должны объяснить мимикой и жестами названия животных.

T: Show pantomime! You shouldn’t say a single word, let your classmates guess what you mean.

Дети угадывают животных.

T: Answer my questions, please. Have you ever been to the zoo? Did you like it?

P6: Yes, I have been to the zoo in Abakan. I like it. It’s worth visiting.

P7: I’ve been to the zoo in Novosibirsk. But I don’t like it, because the animals are not free.

T: Let’s travel to London and look at the places where animals live? We start with Regent’s Park where you will find London Zoo. (Схема движения на доске и в презентации Power Point).

T: How many animals are there at London Zoo?

P8: They have over 5000 insects and 650 animals.

T: Next visit is Panington Zoo, one of the oldest and largest of England’s parks. It was founded in 1923. Read, please about it at Workbook ex.17, p.52.

T: Our traveling is continuing. We start to visit Hedgehog Hospital at Prickly Ball Farm. What do you know about hedgehogs?

P12: Hedgehogs are funny animals, they live in the forest and in the gardens, they like milk and bread.

T: Thank you. Your visit to Whipsnade wild animal park will be enjoyable. Read ex.18, p. 108.

T: Now imagine that you a director of the zoo. What would you do as the director?

Ученики продолжают предложения. Начало предложений на доске.

P9: If I were the director of the Zoo, I would feed the animals well.

P10: If I were the director of the Zoo, I would create a wild animal’s park.

P11: If I were the director of the Zoo, I would move the zoo to the country.

P12: If I were the director of the Zoo, I would close the zoo.

T: Dear children. Today we travel to different places where animals live and now we’ll speak about the differences between a zoo and a wild animal’s park.

P1: The better place to live is a wild animal’s park.Таблица на доске. Заполняется учениками.


a zoo a wild                              animal’s park

             negative facts                                           positive facts                            
animals can’t run and jump

as they like

animals can run and jump

as they like

aren’t happy are happy
not free free
keep in cages have more space for living
can’t meet other animal meet other animals
           positive facts                                                  negative facts                   
eat special food it is dangerous for the weakest animals

T: There are a lot of ecological societies, here they are:

  • the Zoological Society of London;
  • the Royal Society for the Protection of birds;
  • green Piece.

What is the aim of these societies?

P2: I think to save and to help animals, especially endangered.

T: Excellent. Our travel is over,invent the signs about the protection of animals.

(Оформление на доске и в презентации Power Point).

T: That was very interesting. Thank you very much.

III. Заключительный этап.

Домашнее задание.

Write down your homework. W.B. p.56,ex.32;

Подведение итогов урока.

T: The motto of the lesson is “Be caring, loving and tidy”. Finish this phrase, please…

“Be caring, loving and tidy to …

Children:“Be caring, loving and tidy to our parents, relatives, people, friends, classmates, animals”.

The lesson is over. That is all for today. We have done enough. Your marks are a …, a … You’ve got a …, your mark is a … .Goodbye, everybody.

Children: Goodbye.

Список использованной литературы

  1. Биболетова М.З.и др. “Enjoy English” для5-6классов. – М.:Титул , 2004. 207 с.
  2. Биболетова М.З.и др.“Enjoy English” Рабочая тетрадь для 5-6классов. – М.:Титул,2004.80 с.
  3. Биболетова М.З.и др.“Enjoy English” Книга для чтения для 5-6классов. – М.:Титул, 2004. 101 с.
  4. Гальперин И.Р. Большой англо-русский словарь.- М.: Русский словарь, 2000. 1600 с.