Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Английский год"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Compere (ведущий): Good morning, everybody! We’ll speak about the Englis Year today.

Girl: There are 4 seasons in the year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The winter months in Great Britain are November, December, January and February.

Compere: Let’s speak about the winter months.

(Выходят зимние месяцы).

December: On the 25th of December there is the greatest holiday of all in England – Christmas. At night Father Christmas comes. He has got many presents. Presents for children are in their stockings.


We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.

(Песня на мотив песни «Маленькой елочке холодно зимой»).

My little fir – tree
Stood in winter mood.
Home we took it.
Took it from the wood.

How many small balls
Blue and red and white
How many small cakes
Here in our sight.

Lights in the fir – tree
Shine at once
Round the fir – tree
In a ring we dance.


Thirty days has September, April, June and November;
February has twenty-eight alone
All the rest have thirty-one,
But leap, year coming once in four
Gives February one day more.

Girl: The 14th of February!

St. Valentine’s Day.

People buy or make Valentine cards and send them to people, they love. They don’s sign their cards – you must guess who sent the cards to you. There are different cards to suit all tastes.

(Нарисовать красивые «валентинки» и подписать)

1) St. Valentine
I’ll be your Sweet heart
If  you will be mine,
All of my life
I’ll be your Valentine/

2) St. Valentine
The rose is red,
The violets are blue,
The honey’s sweet and so are you.

(Звучит музыка Чайковского «Времена года». Появляются весенние месяцы).

March: In Great Britain here are two spring month: March and April.

March wind goes out to play,
He will have such fun today!
When the boys and girls come out,
He blows their caps and hats about.

Girl: In March there is also a holiday for English women - Mother’s Day/ On that day people visit their mothers and give them some presents.


Days are clear,
Day after day,
When April’s here,
That leads to May.

In April there is a day for fun - April’s Fool’s Day. It’s on the first of April. English children like this day very much. They play jokes and tricks on other people jokes (Выходят два мальчика)

I – boy: Oh, Ted, look your right shoe is on your left foot.

II – boy: Look at his feet and see that he has got the right shoe on the right foot.

I – boy: You are «April Fool»

April Fool’s Day.

The door bell is ringing,
Better hurry and see!
It might be the postman
With a present for me.

It might be a farmer.
With a bag of hay,
Or a clown from the circus
Who just wants to play.

It might be a space man
Coming in for a call,
But - today’s April Fool’s Day –
There is no one at all.

(Звучит веселая музыка, и на сцену выбегают летние месяцы).


Ring – a – ding! Ring – a – ding!
Ding! Ding – Ding!
Welcome, Summer!
Good-bye, Spring.


Summer’s here!
Days are long.


And the sun
Is high and strong.


Long live, Summer!
Golden bright,
Full of warmth
And sweet delight!


Come, my children come away.
For the sun shines bright today,
Little children, come with me,
Birds and brooks and flowers see.


Get your hats and come away,
For it is a pleasant day.


Let us make a merry ring,
Talk and laugh, and dance and sing!
Quickly, quickly come away,
For it is a pleasant day.

(Звучит музыка.)

Autumn comes in September. The summer holidays are over in September.


There are twelve months in the year.
From January  to December –
And the best month of all the twelve.
Is the merry months of September.


The maple tree has turned to red,
The poplar leaves  are gold.
The sky is sunny over head,
The wind is getting cold!
The robins all have gone away,
The grass is dry and brown.
Chrysanthemums are bright and gay.
October come to town!

Girl: On the 31st of October in Great Britain there is a nice holiday for children  – Halloween. People put pumpkins on the windowsills. They draw eyes, noses and mouths on the pumpkins and put candles into them. So the pumpkin looks like a face.

(Можно сделать или нарисовать тыкву, прорезать глазки и вставить свечи)


The summer is over,
The trees are bare,
There is mist in the garden,
And frost in the air.

(В заключение звучит веселая музыка, все месяцы выходят, и ведущий завершает).


Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.