Урок английского языка по теме "Исторические условия формирования английской нации и английского языка"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Форма урока: урок-семинар.


  • Познавательный (социокультурный) аспект: знакомство с историческими условиями формирования английского языка, с образом жизни и чертами характера британцев, сформировавшимися под влиянием определенных социокультурных факторов.
  • Развивающий аспект: развитие общеучебных и интеллектуальных навыков: способности к догадке, к сравнению и сопоставлению, к выявлению причинно-следственных связей в рамках учебного материала, к формулированию выводов.
  • Воспитательный аспект: формирование потребности и способности к осознанию образа жизни, манеры поведения людей другой культуры, толерантного отношения к особенностям национального характера.
  • Учебный аспект: совершенствование навыков говорения и аудирования с целью извлечения детальной информации.

Дидактическая задача: продолжить работу по внедрению адаптивных педагогических технологий (групповая работа, проблемное обучение, самостоятельная исследовательская деятельность учеников, проектная методика).

Сопутствующая задача: контроль усвоения лексико-грамматического материала, контроль уровня сформированности речевых умений.

Речевой материал: лексический материал, соответствующий социокультурной направленности по темам: "From the History of England", "Development of English", "Population and Religion", "Cultural Traditions of Britain", ''Importance of Learning English".

Наглядность: таблица «Страна, столица, население, религия», диаграмма «Национальный состав населения».

Оборудование: мультимедийная установка, учебный фильм «Лондон».

Ход урока

1. Вступительное слово учителя.

Цель: приветствие, введение в иноязычную атмосферу, создание благоприятного психологического климата, введение в тематику урока.

Режим: Т - Class.

T. Dear friends, today we are going to have a special lesson of country-study. During your school course of English you became practically experts in every sphere of English-speaking culture. But now we'll try to specify our knowledge for a more in-depth study of British history, culture and language on a more advanced level.

Be very attentive, try to obtain as much information as possible because at the end of the lesson you are supposed to write a test which will show whether our today's meeting was of any use to you. I wish you good luck and pass the reigns of power to these young ladies. You are welcome, girls.

2. Обзор изученного материала по теме "Britain at a Glance".

Цель: дать краткую характеристику различных сфер английской действительности, используя изученный лингвострановедческий материал.

Режим: Р1-Р2-РЗ-Class.

Britain has a rich history. The British Tourist Authority has selected 600 of British famous historic sites – castles, gardens, monuments, cathedrals, etc. Colourful royal ceremonies attract millions of visitors each year. We have a wealth of traditional ceremonies and customs which are open to all from the Changing of the Guard to the annual Oxford v. Cambridge Boat Race.

London has an international reputation for its historic sites, museums and famous institutions. Such cities as Oxford, Cambridge and Bath are visited by large numbers of tourists every year. People travel to Scotland, the Lake District and other areas of Britain to enjoy the beautiful scenery. For those who like music, Britain offers numerous concerts, ballets, operas and festivals all year round. The history of the UK dates back to the ancient times. From the 6th to the 3d century ВС the British Isles were invaded by Celtic Tribes. Then the country suffered several more invasions (of the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons and the Normans). Every invasion changed the country.

T- Now we'll listen to some information prepared by our students. Boys, you are welcome.

3. Введение нового материала по теме "From the History of Britain".

Цель: ознакомить с учебным материалом об основных этапах завоевания островов.

Режим: Pl-Class, P2-Class.

I’d like to add some information on the subject. It was not easy to conquer the Britons and the Romans had to encamp troops all over the country. It is from these camps that the English cities later arose. Many things the Romans taught the Britons were given Latin names. They made the Britons build roads and bridges and a high wall in the north to keep the savages out. But the Romans and the natives of Britain did not become one nation, all the Romans wanted was to make the Britons work for them.

4. Development of English".

Цель: ознакомить с основными факторами, повлиявшими на развитие английского языка в период завоевания Британских островов представителями различных культур. Первые произведения английской литературы.

Режим: Р1-Р2 -Class.

P.1. In 1066 England was conquered by the Normans. William the Conqueror won the battle of Hastings and became King of England. Norman power was absolute and the language of the new rulers, Norman-French, had a lasting effect on English. After the Norman Conquest there were three languages in England. There was Latin, the language of church and the language in which all learned men wrote and spoke: the kings wrote their laws in Latin for some time after the Conquest. Then there was French, the language which the kings and nobles spoke and which many people wrote. Finally, there was the English language which remained the language of the masses of people. Some men might know all these languages; many knew two; but most of the people knew only one. Rich people who owned land often knew French and Latin. In time came the general use of the English language. But the English language, when it came into general use, was not quite the same as it was before the Conquest. The grammar remained, but many words came into it from the French language. The role of the Norman Conquest was also great for the development of feudalism and absolute monarchy in Britain. About 1350 English became the language of law. Between 1350 and 1400 lived Wycliffe who made the first complete translation of the Bible into English, and Chaucer, the Father of English poetry.

P2. Geoffrey Chaucer was a poet and an artist, eager to learn and observe. He began by translating, adapting and imitation works from Italian and French then in the last years of his life he wrote his masterpiece - "The Canterbury Tales". It was the first great English work in verse, and it gave Chaucer the name of the "Father of English Poetry". In "The Tales" he painted a wide picture of English society, such as it was in his days. "Beowulf” is one of the earliest English poems and its author is unknown. The manuscript dates from the 10th century, but the poem was composed much earlier. It is written in Anglo-Saxon, the story is of Scandinavian origin and perhaps the Anglo-Saxons brought it with them when they came to settle in England or may be heard it from the Danes who invaded England in the 9th century. Beowulf is the name of the hero and the poem tells us about his brave deeds. Whatever Beowulf did was not for his own glory but for the good of the people.

а) 'Words of English". Заимствования. Древнеанглийский язык.

Режим: P1-Class. P2 - Class.

T. - The English language developed on the basis of the dialects of Angles and Saxons. Later it was influenced by the language of Scandinavian Vikings and by Norman French. Many Latin and Greek words came into English during the Renaissance. At the present time when there are close ties among nations English also experiences this influence. Let's listen to some information on the subject. Girls, you are welcome.

P1 - The words of English came from many different sources. The English language began from the Germanic dialects of the Angles, Saxons and Jutes which invaded Britain from the 5th to the 6th centuries. There are almost no words in modern English which came from the Celtic language of the Britons, the ancient inhabitants of the British Isles. There are also very few words from Latin that was used by the Roman invaders. Vikings from Scandinavia added their words to the language of the Anglo-Saxons. For 200 years two languages were spoken in England - Anglo-Saxon and Norman-French. At the end of the 13th century the official language appeared. It was Old English, the language of legendary Geoffrey Chaucer, St. Bede, Alcuin and Caedmon.

Celtic languages have disappeared from most of Europe, but are still spoken in parts of Wales, Ireland and Scotland. These languages are Welsh, Cornish, Irish Gaelic, Scots Gaelic and Manx Gaelic. Let's dwell on the information in the table. (Table "Parts of the UK, capitals, languages").

5. "Population. Religion".

Цель: расширить знания о неоднородности населения Британии и об основных религиозных течениях в государстве; определить влияние многонационального и мультирелигиозного общества на развитие английского языка и на образ жизни британцев.

Режим: Р1-Р2-С1.

P1: A lot of ethnic groups constitute the population of GB. Since the early 1950s Commonwealth immigrants, particularly from India, the West Indies, Pakistan and Bangladesh have increased the population of the country. The population of Great Britain (1995 estimate) is about 58,093,000. The overall population density is 238 persons per sq. km. A small percentage of Britons live in rural areas; 89 percent are urban dwellers. The largest cities are London, Birmingham, Leeds and Glasgow. Most Britons are either English, Scottish, Irish or Welsh. The remainder include Indians, West Indians, Pakistanis, Africans, Bangladeshis, Chinese and Arabs. The country's official language is English.

P2: The Church of England (or the Anglican Church) has the largest number of adherents of any religion in Great Britain, accounting for 48 per cent of the population; most members reside in England. The second largest religion is Roman Catholicism (16 per cent); Catholics reside throughout the kingdom. Other religions include Protestantism (which includes the state religions of both Wales and Scotland), Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Sikhism.

a) "DialectsofEnglish",

Цель: ознакомить с основными диалектами английского языка.

Режим: Р1 - С1,

P1: Being British means being part of a mixed community. What languages are spoken in Britain besides English? In Wales only about 19% of the population speak Welsh (a Celtic language) as their first language. They also speak perfect English. The study of Welsh is now compulsory in many schools. TV and radio services in Wales give half their time to programmes in Welsh. Most public signs are in Welsh as well as in English. In Scotland 2% of the population speak Gaelic as well as English. Many immigrants are bilingual. They speak their native languages as well as English. There are many different regional accents in the UK. Some people in London speak "Cockney" and they are difficult to understand for people from other cities. But it is Standard English which is usually taught to foreigners. (Pie chat "Are all people of Britain English").

6. "Cultural traditions of Britain".

Цель: обобщить лингвострановедческие знания, выявить причинно-следственные связи между фактами истории страны с элементами культуры.

Режим: P1, P2, P3-C1.

P1: Little is known of the earliest inhabitants of England. The megaliths at Stonehenge attest to the early presence of an able people, as do early historical and archaeological reports, but the first lasting influence on English culture was contributed by the Celts. Roads and ruins bear witness to the Roman occupation, which began with the invasion of Julius Caesar in 55 ВС and extended until the 5th century AD. Christianity was introduced by Roman soldiers but made little headway with the populace, and its spread awaited the arrival of Saint Augustine, first archbishop of Canterbury, in the 6th century.

P2: Following the Roman departure, the Saxons became dominant. A record of their era is provided by the annals known as the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and by the writings of Saint Bede the Venerable, the theologian and historian. The Norman Conquest in 1066 overthrew the Saxon dominance and, in its mixing of elements from the Saxon and Celtic past with the Norman, created a new culture. The Normans introduced feudalism and the French language to the upper classes. From the 11th to the 14th century French was used at court and in vernacular literature, Latin was used in scholarly literature.

P3: The decline of feudalism, starting late in the 14th century, led in England to the rise of cities and the development of a middle class. By the 14th century a national secular culture was beginning to emerge, and the English language was being adopted by the educated. The English had unique limitations caused by the size of their islands and the limited type and amount of resources found there. To fill their needs they developed into a nation of traders and marines. The exploits of Sir Francis Drake and the defeat of the Spanish Armada (1588) led to commercial advantage as much as to naval victories. Supremacy at sea not only gained England an empire but put the English in touch with peoples the world over. Wealth flowed back to the island in consequence, and so did ideas that enriched the traditions of England. Limited local work forces contributed to the invention of machines and to the earliest manifestations of what became known as the Industrial Revolution. London became the centre of industry, culture and political life of the country.

Просмотр учебного фильма (Film "London").

a) “Tvpical BritishPeople"

Цель: обобщить знания об основных поведенческих нормах и о традиционных чертах характера британцев.

Режим : Р1-С1.

Among the prime traditions of the English are a fierce pride in their freedom, a unity against adversity, and an ability to bring differing factions together in compromise.
Монологическое высказывание по теме"Traditional Hobbies".

7. "Export of English is the most important tradition nowadays".

Цель: определить факторы, способствующие доминированию английского языка в современном мире; осознать необходимость билингвального общения для успешного диалога культур.

Режим: Р1-Р2-С1.

English is one of the most speaking languages in the world. During past few centuries it has become a world language and now we can speak about the latest British tradition - its export of the English language throughout the world.

Монологическое высказывание по теме "Learning English".

8. Контроль усвоения учебного материала. (Тест множественного выбора).

Цель: контроль навыка аудирования с целью извлечения полной информации.

Cultural awareness.

Task: Choose the appropriate variant (s).

  1. Hundreds of years ago people who lived in Britain were…a) Britons; b) Romans; c) English.
  2. Britons spoke the…a) Celtic; B) Norman-French; c) Latin.
  3. The British Isles were called “The Albion” by…a) Romans; b) Vikings; c) Greeks.
  4. Old English appeared in …century. a) the 13th; b) the 6th; c) the 1st
  5. Many international words came into English from…a) Greek and Latin; b) Norman-French; c) Spanish.
  6. People in different parts of the UK speak…a) native languages; b) English; c) native as well as English.
  7. The oldest hobby in the UK is…a) gardening; b) collecting stamps; c) tea drinking.
  8. The typical British are… a) conservative; b) well-mannered; c) very sociable.
  9. Who introduced feudalism and the French language to the upper classes?
    a) Normans; b) Romans; c) Anglo-Saxons.
  10. What church has the largest number of adherents in the UK?
    a) Anglican; b) Roman-Catholic; c) Protestant.
  11. Where does the most percentage of Britons live now?
    a) in rural areas; b) in urban areas.
  12. What is the oldest item of Roman’s architecture in London?
    a) the Tower; b) St. Paul’s Cathedral; c) Big Ben.

9. Итоги.

Цель: подвести итоги работы, сравнить объем имевшихся ранее знаний по теме с вновь полученными.

Рефлексия в конце урока. Предложить ученикам карту отслеживания эффективности урока.

Карта отслеживания эффективности урока.

  1. Тема урока:
  2. За время урока ты узнал:
    а) об основных этапах завоевания Британии римлянами, викингами, англосаксами;
    б) об условиях формирования английского языка;
    в) о разнообразии религиозных течений в современной Британии;
    г) о диалектах современного английского языка.
  3. В течение урока тебе понравилось:
    а) делиться новой информацией с аудиторией;
    б) устанавливать связь между историческими событиями и фактами современности;
    в) определять факторы, повлиявшие на развитие английского языка и английской нации;
    г) выполнять задания культурологического теста.
  4. Атмосферу урока оцениваешь как:
    а) благоприятную;
    б) комфортную;
    в) тревожную.


  1. Борисова Л.М. Из истории английских слов. М.: Просвещение, 1994.
  2. Васильев К.Б. Литературоведческое пособие по английскому языку с проверочными тестами. М.: Интеллект-Центр, 2001.
  3. Сафонова В.В., Ханнен-Лэнг А. Пособие по культуроведению к учебному пособию по английскому языку для 10-11 классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. М.: Просвещение, 1995.