Разработка урока "Экстремальные виды спорта"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Дидактическая цель: создать условия для осознания и осмысления новой учебной информации, применения знаний и умений в знакомой и новой учебных ситуациях.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цели по содержанию:

  • образовательная: знакомство с экстремальными видами спорта, расширение активной словарной лексики учащихся, совершенствование умений и навыков практического владения английским языком по данной теме в разных видах речевой деятельности, чтении, аудировании.
  • развивающая: развитие умений соотносить рисунок и текст, отвечать на вопросы, развивать у уч-ся навыки чтения с извлечением нужной информации, развивать умение работать самостоятельно и в парах.
  • воспитательная: повышение интереса учащихся к занятиям спортом, формировать терпимое отношение и уважение к мнениям другого человека, изучение экстремальных видов спорта в Кировской области, воспитание толерантного отношения к спорту.

Методы: репродуктивный, частично-поисковый, исследовательские

Формы организации познавательной деятельности учащихся: групповая, парная, фронтальная, индивидуальная

Средства обучения:

  1. Английский язык нового тысячелетия. Учебник для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений / О.Л.Гроза и др. – 2-е изд. – Обнинск: Титул, 2003. – 176 с.
  2. Рабочие листы.
  3. Презентация Power point “Extreme Sports”
  4. Рекламные проспекты на английском языке (для индивидуальной работы).

Приложение 1, Приложение 2

Ход урока

Структура урока Деятельность учителя Деятельность учащихся
Оргмомент Good morning ladies and guys. Sit down, please. I am very glad to see you.

First of all will you smile? Well, I see that you’re in a good mood today. So, don’t be shy today!

Приветствуют учителя.
Актулизация знаний I am very happy today because I was told that yesterday our school basketball team became the champions in our town. I am a sports fan by the way. And

Do you go in for sport?

What kind of sports are you fond of?

What’s your favourite sport?

Do you prefer to watch sports or to take part in sport?

There are some good and talented sportsmen at our school. And what school sportsmen are you proud of? Are there good sportsmen among your classmates?

Why do people go in for sport?

I agree with you and I am sure that every person has to go in for sports. As for me I go in for skiing and one unusual kind of sport. It is diving.


Отвечают на вопросы

Целеполагание и мотивация Look at these pictures please. Say what they all have in common.

Can we name them sports? Or may be active tourism?

Do you think they are dangerous?

So, what will we speak today about? Can you guess what is the theme of our lesson? (Extreme Sport)

So we’ll learn some new kinds of extreme sports, make clear the situation with extreme sports in Russia and discuss positive and negative factors of them.


Отвечают на вопросы по картинкам


Определяют тему урока, цели урока

Изучение нового материала Will you open your textbooks please.

e. 2 A p. 99 Match the pictures to the name of sports. Your answers you should write on the activity sheets.

1– a 2 – e 3– d 4 – c 5 – f 6 – b

Are you ready? Picture # 1 is …

Have you ever done any of these sports? Oh, really?

Do you know other extreme sports?


Самостоятельно соотносят картинки с названиями видов спорта.

Проверяют ответы.


Отвечают на вопросы.

In Internet I found some really exciting kinds of sport. Look at the screen, please. Can you read them?
  • Skateboarding
  • Ice climbing
  • Whitewater rafting
  • Zorbing
  • Scuba diving
  • Bunjee jumping
  • Skydiving

Do you understand everything? Now you have a good chance to answer your questions yourselves.

On your activity sheets you can find describing of these sports. Match them please. Work in pairs.

Let’s check your answers:

1 – c 2 – e 3 – b 4 – g 5 – a 6 – d 7– f

T: Would you like to try any sport?

P1: I’d like to try…


Чтение на понимание общей идеи текста. Работа в парах.





Проверка ответов. Подсчет баллов.


Отвечают на вопросы

Упражнения для снятия усталости глаз. As sportsmen are used to say, let’s have “A Time Out.”

I have special exercise for healthy eyes. Follow the animation, please.

Выполняют зарядку для глаз
Закрепление Count your points, please! Who has 13 points? It’s maximum. – You are leaders of our lesson. You’ll get individual task. (=in pairs) You have 3 minutes.

– Well your knowledge of English is very well and you have the right to choose the following tasks yourselves.

Задания выдавать, не читая.

4. ads RUSSIA (booklet)

Your friends from the USA are fond of extreme sports and they would like to come to Russia. Look through the advertisement book and find the following information: What extreme kinds of sports can your friends do in Russia?

(Climbing up to one of the volcanoes in Kamchatka, mountain skiing, tracking and rafting, winter-time safari, jeep tours ….)

5. Translate the information into English and make the report about Great Field in Belaya Kholunitsa.

  1. Великое поле – это спортивный комплекс.
  2. Он расположен в экологически чистом районе Кировской области.
  3. Символ Великого Поля – медведь.
  4. Там можно заниматься дайвингом, скалолазанием и другими видами спорта.
  5. Спортивный комплекс поможет социально-экономическому развитию области.

For you I have an interesting task too. In my opinion you have to learn some more facts about extreme sports.

Ex/ 6 on your AS.

Read through the statements and choose the right item. You have 2 minutes.

1. People do extreme sports in order to feel

a. excited
b. nervous
c. happy

2. Extreme sports have become popular in the last

a. 5 years
b. 10 years
с/ 20 years

3. People usually bungee jump from

a. aeroplanes
b. high buildings
c. bridges

4. In sky surfing people do mid-air

a. gymnastics
b. dancing
с swimming

5. Snowboarding is a land alternative to

a. skiing
b. surfing
с canoeing

6. For white-water rafting you need

a. big river
b. a warm river
c. a mountain river

Change your Activity sheets and check the answers of your classmates.

My questions – Reading

Keys: 1a; 2b; 3c; 4a; 5b; 6c

Выявляют лидеров (набравших большее количество очков)


Получают индивидуальные задания:

Работа с рекламной брошюрой, перевод предложений на английский


Выполняя тест, узнают больше об экстремальных видах спорта.


Отвечают на вопросы по тексту.


One of your classmates looked through the booklet and is ready to express his ideas.


1. Extreme sports in Russia

Can you do extreme sports in our Kirov region?

Have you ever heard about Great Field?

2. Sport Complex Great Field.

Have you ever seen ice climbing competitions in Kirov?

Have you got any questions?


Делают сообщения.

Слушают сообщения одноклассников.

Отвечают на вопросы.


Отвечают на вопросы.

Задают вопросы.

Применение Now you know a lot about extreme sports. Would you like to do it? Who of you are risky persons? Can you tell us why can you risk your lives to do sports?

And other students tell us negative factors in doing extreme sports.

Words and expressions on slides can help you.

Positive factors / Negative factors

Extreme sport

is associated with injures.

Is possibility to become famous.

is bad for health.

gives a chance to see the whole world.

educates a strong will. / helps overcome difficulties.

gives a chance to find a lot of friends.

helps earn a lot of money. Is dangerous / Is exciting.

It is like a drug. The more they do them the more they want to do it again;

It is a possibility to show how strong and courageous they are.

When I do it all my personal problems go away.

Than you very much. I listened to you with great interest. And who is right? I think that all your opinions have the right to exist. And if people like doing extreme sports why not?


В группах защищают свою точку зрения: положительные и отрицательные факторы занятия экстремальными видами спорта.

Рефлексия Now I ask you to count your points on activity sheets. You have a value scale so you can put the mark for your job at the lesson.

I’d like to learn your opinion about our lesson.

Was the lesson useful for you?

Did you learn new extreme sports?

Can we do extreme sports in Russia / in Kirov Region?

Would you like to try extreme sports?

Подводят итоги урока. Самооценка.
Домашнее задание You are quite clever students and I have special hometasks for you. You can choose any you like.

6. Write an e-mail to sportsman who goes in for extreme sports. Remember to

– be polite
– give your opinion about extreme sports (for / against)
– ask him questions about extreme sports.
– add conclusion

2. Navigate the Internet and find additional information about extreme sports. Prepare the short report about your discoveries and tell your classmates about extreme sports.

I have some web sites, you may use them.

Thank you very much for your work..

Записывают домашнее задание.

Приложение 1, Приложение 2