Интегрированный урок из курса "Геометрия на английском языке" по теме "Геометрические тела"

Разделы: Математика, Иностранные языки

Цель урока:

развитие иноязычной лингвистической компетенции через интеграцию математики с английским языком.

Задачи урока:

  1. Образовательные:
  2. а) систематизация знаний по теме “Геометрические тела”;
    б) активизация лексических единиц, развитие навыков аудирования и чтения на английском языке по заданной теме.

  3. Развивающие:
  4. а) развитие пространственного воображения;
    б) развитие логического мышления.

  5. Воспитательные:

а) формирование научного мировоззрения;
б) подготовка учащихся к межкультурной коммуникации на иностранном языке.

Оборудование урока:

  1. Интерактивная доска.
  2. Компьютерный класс.
  3. Модели геометрических тел.
  4. Слайдовые презентации.
  5. Аудиозапись текста”The History of Stereometry”.
  6. Текст для чтения”Geometric Solids”.
  7. Тесты на английском языке.

Ход урока

Урок начинает учитель математики: Сегодня на уроке мы поговорим о предмете стереометрии, о возникновении стереометрии как науки, об её основных понятиях и истории развития. Необычность урока заключается в том, что проходить он будет на двух языках: английском и русском

1. Аудирование текста ”The History of Stereometry”с предварительной отработкой незнакомых лексических единиц из текста с последующим тестированием. Лексические единицы необходимые для понимания;

- value - величина;
- volume - объём;
- approximately – приблизительно.

Учитель: So, now you will listen to the text “The History of Stereometry”. After that you will be given a short test to the text. You are supposed to choose the right answers to the key sentences in the written form. You are limited in time; you will be given only 3 minutes

Звучит аудиозапись текста на английском языке ‘The History of Stereometry’

The first geometrical knowledge was originated from the practical needs of people in ancient times.

People measured distances, made straight spears and arrows, compared their length, etc.

Farming and constructing played a very important role in the development of geometry. People worked out the new rules of comparing figures, calculating some geometrical values and volumes and the rules necessary for the construction of buildings. These rules appeared in Egypt and a bit later in China and India approximately in the 12th century B.C. In other words the age of geometry is no less than 4 or 5 thousand years

Originally geometry was not a mathematical science though ancient Egyptians knew some facts of geometry such as the volume of a sphere, the Pythagoras theorem and some others. Geometry as a science got its further development in ancient Greece in the 7-5 century B.C.

Тест на понимание текста (компьютер):

1.The first geometrical knowledge appeared in ;

a] Greece;
b] Egypt ;
c] Japan.

2. Geometry was originated from;

a] the practical needs of people;
b] theoretical knowledge.

3. Geometry dates back to the

а] 15 century B.C.
b]15th century B.C.
c] 12th century B.C.

4. The most important role in the development of geometry the following peoples’ activities played

a] fishery;
b] farming and construction;
c]cattle - breeding.

5. Geometry got its further development in

a] Greece;
b] Middle Asia;
c] Arabic Countries

Ответы на вопросы теста:

1-b; 2-a; 3-c; 4-b; 5-a.

2. Контроль усвоения лексики

Учитель:At the last lesson you were given a list of vocabulary units to the topic’ Geometric Solids’. You were asked to learn all of these words and now you will do a vocabulary test


1. Вставьте пропущенные буквы:

1. fig-res 6. pol-gon
2. d-mension 7. cr-stal
3. su-face 8. a-iom
4. c-linder 9. pl-nimetry
5. rect-ngular 10. tri-ngie

2. Найдите соответствующие эквиваленты :

1. solids a] пересечение
2. length b] вершина угла
3. cone c] форма
4. sphere d] пунктирные линии
5. polygon e] тела
6. edge f] длина
7. base g] шар
8. vertex of an angle h] основание
9. to be equal to i] быть равным
10. shape j] грань
11. doted lines k] многоугольник
12. crossing l] конус

3. Работа с текстом ‘Geometric Solids’.

Учитель: Now you should read the text ‘Geometric Solids’. You must understand the text and be ready to answer some questions;

We have been studying plane figures which have only two dimensions; length and width. Now we will study figures with three dimensions. Figures that have three dimensions are called geometric solids or solid figures. The three dimensions are length, width and thickness or height.

PRISMS.A prism is a solid, each side of which is a polygon, and the upper base of which is parallel and congruent (exactly the same in size and shape) to the lower base; corresponding vertexes of the top and bottom polygons are joined by parallel edges. In a right prism the lateral faces (sides) are perpendicular to the bases.

Right prisms include; the rectangular prism and the cube. A geometric figure which has six sides, all of which are rectangles, is called a rectangular prism. If the dimensions (length, width and height) of a rectangular solid are equal, the solid is called a cube. The faces of a cube are squares.

THE RIGHT CIRCULAR CYLINDER.A cylinder is a circular prism, the bases of which are equal circles that are parallel to each other. If the sides of the cylinder are perpendicular to the bases, the cylinder is called a right cylinder. The axis of a right circular cylinder is the line between the centres of the bases.

A PYRAMID. It is a solid figure formed by a polygon called the base and sizes of triangles meeting at a common point called the vertex.

A CONE is much like a pyramid but has a circle for a base.

Для контроля понимания текста были предложены следующие задания. Answer the following questions

  1. What geometric figures have three dimensions?
  2. What are the dimensions of solid figures?
  3. What geometric solids do you know?
  4. What cylinder is called a right cylinder?
  5. What is a pyramid?

4. Слайдовая презентация моделей геометрических фигур и описание их на базе прочитанного текста

5. Контроль усвоения нового материала

Контроль усвоения нового материала осуществляется на компьютере при помощи следующего теста:

  1. How many dimensions has the cube? a] 3; b] 1; c] 2; d] 0.
  2. How many dimensions has the sphere ? a] 0; b] 1; c] 3; d] 2.
  3. How many bases has a cylinder? a] 0; b] 1; c] 2; d] 3.
  4. How many bases has a cone? a] 0; b] 1; c] 2; d] 3.
  5. How many bases has a sphere? a] 1; b] 0; c] 2; d ] 3.
  6. How many edges has a cylinder? a] o; b ] 1; c] 2; d] 3.
  7. How many edges has a triangle pyramid? a] 5; b] 6; c] 8; d] 4.
  8. How many edges has a parallelepiped? a] 10; b] 8; c] 3; d] 6.
  9. How many vertexes has a cone? a] 1; b] 5; c] 7; d] 8.
  10. How many vertexes has a cube? a] 8; b] 6; c] 4; d] 2.
  11. How many vertexes has a parallelepiped? a] 3; b] 5; c] 6; d] 8.
  12. Which objects are conical in shape? a] a pyramid; b]a cone; c] a sphere; d] a parallelogram.
  13. Which objects are hemispherical?  a] a triangle; b] a square; c] a parallelogram; d] a circle.

Ответы на вопросы теста.

1. a; 2. c; 3. c; 4. a; 5. b; 6. a; 7. d; 8. d; 9. a; 10. a; 11. d; 12. b; 13. d.

Список литературы

  1. Атанасян Л.С., Бутузов В.Ф., Кадомцев С.Б. Геометрия, 10- 11. М.Просвещение 2006.
  2. Чернухин А.Е. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для техникумов. М.Высшая школа 1968.
  3. Кабо П.Д., Фомичева С.Н. Сборник научно-популярных статей.  М. Просвещение 1983.
