Внеклассное мероприятие на английском и немецком языках "День 1 апреля"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели проведения праздника:

  1. Познакомить учащихся с традициями празднования 1 апреля в странах изучаемых языков.
  2. Активизировать творческие способности учащихся при подготовке и проведении праздника.
  3. Заинтересовать учащихся в изучении английского языка.

Оформление зала: плакаты, на которых написаны пословицы и поговорки; эмблема с изображением улыбающихся детей и надписью “APRIL FOOL’S DAY”/“ NARRENTAG”

P1: Dear friends! Teachers and pupils! Liebe Freunde! Lehrer und Schuler!

By tradition the 1st of April is the day on which jokes are played.

The origin of April Fool`s Day is not known exactly. There have been many explanations for its origin. The origin of April Fool’s Day or All Fool’s Day goes back to the delemma faced by many Europeans in 1952 when Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar, one which shifted the start of the new year from its traditionally warm nesting place of April, 1 to the cold and dreary date of January, 1.

P2: In many countries April Fool`s Day is celebrated in different months of the year. In Mexico it is celebrated in December. In India they observe the day in March. In England and the United States people celebrate April Fool`s Day on the 1st of April. Today in the United States and England both children and adults play small tricks on each other.

P3: The chidren might decide to wake their parents with the news that the house is on fire, or that some other disaster has occurred. When they see the looks of alarm on their victim’s faces they shout, “April Fool!” At school serious work is practically forgotten as the children try to pin notices on the another’s backs: “Kick me” or “I’m a fool”

P4: Am ersten April feiert man in Deutschland den Narrentag. An diesem Tag scherzt man, das macht allen Spass. Fruher schickten zum Beispiel die Eltern ihre Kinder und befahlen ihnen das Fett von Mucken oder getrockneten Schnee aus der Apotheke zu bringen, oder die Meister schickten ihre Lehrlinge ins Nachbarndorf und befahlen ihnen den Sack mit der Luft fortzutragen. Auch kann man den Gasten statt Wein ins Glas Wasser giessen oder auf den Teller frisches ungebratenes Fisch legen.

P5: Many different kinds of tricks are played on this day. Everyone can have a lot of fun.

You will see some plays, listen to poems and songs in English and German which have been prepared by the pupils of our school.

Enjoy yourselves! Wir hoffen darauf, dass ihr hier gute Zeit haben werden!

1. Lachen wir mit! (Шутки на немецком языке)


Ein Student, der als ein ausgesprochener Faulpelz galt, trat ins Prufungsfragen. Er liest die Fragen, kann nicht einmal auf eine antworten und wendet sich dann unsicher an den Professor:

- Darf ich noch einen Zettel ziehen?
- Bitte sehr.

Der Student, der auch diesmal keine Antwort weiss, will doch die Hoffnung nicht aufgeben und sagt:

- Entschuldigen Sie, Herr Professor, konnte ich noch einen dritten ziehen?

Doch der Professor sagt ihm ab und tragt Note “genugend” ein.

Daruber wundert sich der danebensitzende Assistent und schaut neugierig auf den Professor.

“Ja, sehen Sie”, klart ihn der Professor auf.

- Wenn er sucht, heisst das, irgend etwas weiss er doch!

2. An American folksong (американская народная песня)

Everything is Higher
My mother gave me a penny
To buy some candy
I didn`t buy no candy
It cost a nickel.

A nick-nick-nick-nick nickel
It cost a nickel
A piece of penny candy
It cost a nickel.

Oh, everything is higher
It`s sure outrageous
Yes, everything is higher
Except my daddy`s wages.

My mother gave me a nickel
To buy a pickle
I didn`t buy no pickle
It cost a quarter.

3. A Funny English poem (шуточное английское стихотворение)

A Bad Day

I overslept and missed my train
Slipped on the sidewalk in the pouring rain
Sprained my ankle, skinned my knees
Broke my glasses
Lost my keys.


Got stuck in the elevator, it wouldn`t go
Kicked it twice and stubbed my toe.
Bought a pen, that didn`t write.
Took it back and had a fight.
Went home angry, locked the door
Crawled into bed, couldn`t do any more.

4. Das Gedicht “Wir wollen frohlich sein” (весёлое немецкое стихотворение)

Warme, Blumen, Sonnenschein!
Wollen wir nicht frohlich sein?
Doch! Wir wollen frohlich lachen,
guten Menschen Gutes machen.
Fleissig lernen, spielen, singen,
sinnvoll unsere Zeit verbringen.

5. At the English Lesson (Шуточная английская сценка, в которую включены вопросы и ответы учащихся, действительно звучавшие на уроках.)

The pupils are shouting and running between the desks, some of them are sitting on the desks.
Two boys are fighting. The girls are laughing loudly.
The bell rings. Nobody pays any attention to it. Only one pupil is sitting at the desk and reading.
The teacher comes into the classroom and goes to her table.

The teacher/shouts/: Stop it! Take your seats! The lesson has begun! Good morning, children. First of all let’s revise some grammar rules. Do you remember the meaning of the category of person? The verb to be. “I am ill, he is ill, she is ill, we are ill, etc.” Bobby, go to the blackboard and write it down.

Bobby/writes on the blackboard/: All are ill.
The teacher: Oh, Bobby! Alice, if I say: I wash, you wash, he washes, we wash, they wash - what is it?
Alice: I think it is a bathroom and we are all very dirty.
The teacher becomes nervous. She writes two sentences on the blackboard:

“John has been learning English for 3 years”.
“Jane learnt English at school 3 years ago”

The teacher: Pete, where is the Present Perfect Continuous and the Past Simple Tense?
Pete: The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is next to Past Simple and the Past Simple Tense is near Present Perfect Continuous.
The teacher becomes angry: What are you talking about? Sit down! You know nothing! Albert,where is the subject?
Albert: I don’ know, madam. I haven’t got it. Look! /He turned out his pockets/

/The rest of the pupils are laughing. A girl is reading a magazine. The boys are playing./

The teacher /almost furious/: Albert, where is the subject? I ask you the second time!
Albert /sadly/: I should like to have your worries, madam!
The teacher: Who can find the subject in a sentence? Ann, please.
Ann: Well, I see there is no progress in the science of language. My father tells me that when he was a schoolboy they were making them look for this thing too. So they haven’t found it yet, have they?
The teacher /angrily/: I can’t listen to such silly answers! Who can write some adverbs? Tom!

Tom: I can. /Goes to the blackboard and writes/

Highly, poorly,richly

He reads:[higli] [purli] [rihli]

The teacher /screams/: That’s enough! Your English is very poor! You are unteachable!

You don’t know grammar at all! What about reading? Have you read the text about O’Henry?

What was O’Henry? Where was he born?

Bobby /shouts/: I know! He was an American cosmonaut and was born in Zvezdny Gorodok!

The teacher faints.

All the pupils jump and shout: “The lesson is over!”

6. WIR SIND JUNG, UND DAS IST SCHOEN. (Весёлая немецкая песня)

Wir sind jung, die Welt ist schoen
O, du schoene, weite Welt!
Unser Sehnen, unser Hoffen
Zieht hinaus in Wald und Feld.
Bruder, lass den Kopf nicht hangen,
Kannst ja nicht die Sterne sehn;
Aufwarts blicken, vorwarts drangen!
Wir sind jung, und das ist schon.

7. How`s His English? (Шуточное английское стихотворение)

His English is wonderful
He speaks very well
His accent is perfect
You really can`t tell
that he isn`t a native of the USA
There`s one problem
He has nothing to say.

8. Eine kleine Geschichte uber eine “Sportfreundin”

Im Zimmer des Schularztes. (Шуточная сценка на немецком языке о ленивом ученике, который пытается получить у врача справку об освобождении от уроков физкультуры) Инсценировка.

- Komm bitte herein und nimm Platz.Was fehlt dir?
- Ich habe Kopfschmerzen und Halsschmerzen und etwas Husten und Schnupfen.
- Hast du die Temperatur gemessen?
- Noch nicht. Ich glaube aber, ich habe Fieber.
- Lass mich mal sehen. So, klarer Fall.
- Was ist mit mir los?
- Du musst dreimal taglich Spritzen bekommen und noch bittere Tabletten schlucken.
- Was? Schrecklich. Nein, nein. Ich fuhle mich jetzt schon besser. Ich, ich bin schon wieder gesund. Ich gehe jetzt in die Turnhalle, wir haben Sport.
- Aha, also Sport. Deswegen Kopfschmerzen, Husten und Schnupfen. Der Sport ist die beste Arznei fur dich!

9. I didn’t do it (but all the lights went out) (Шуточная песня на английском языке.)

We were sitting at home, my friend and me.
The food was cooking, we were watching T.V.
A man was talking on the screen.
A dog was barking in my street.
I picked up the remote control,
I pushed a button and woh,
oh, no,no...
I didn’t do it, but all the lights went out.

I looked out of my window,
Completely dark in my road.
I couldn’t see a single light,
Then my friend said “are you all right?”
I said “I just picked up the remote control,
I pushed a button and
woh, oh, no,no...
I didn’t do it, but all the lights went out”

That was nearly a year ago.
How it happened I just don’t know.
No more electricity,
No computers, no lights, and no T.V.

Here I am sitting on the floor.
Someone is knocking on my front door.
I just don’t know what to do.
A policeman says “I want to speak to you”
I said “I just picked up the remote control,
I pushed a button and woh, oh, no, no...
I didn’t do it, but all the lights went out.”

They’ve got me in a police car,
They’re taking me away, but it’s not fair,
I didn’t do it, but all the lights went out.

10. At the Doctor’s (Шуточная сценка на английском языке о ленивом ученике, который пытается получить у врача справку об освобождении от уроков физкультуры)


Characters: Doctor Pill, patient Lame.

(The doctor and the patient introduce themselves to the public).

Doctor: I`m the doctor, Doctor Pill, I treat patients who are ill.

Patient: I`m the patient, oh, my head! I`m so ill, I`m almost dead! (Patient knocks at the doctor`s door).

Doctor: It`s time, it`s time work to begin. Who`s knocking there, come in, come in.

Patient: Oh, doctor, doctor, oh, my head! I`m ill, I`m dying, I`m almost dead!

Doctor: Do take a chair. What is your name? Patient: Oh, pity me! My name is Lame.

Doctor: Oh, how you suffer! Where d`you live? You are so pale, not talkative.

Patient: I live in Truant street, house four. Oh, help me, I can`t stand it any more!

Doctor: Take off your scarf and let me see. Your tongue, your throat, your malady. (Patient takes off his scarf. Doctor examines his tongue, throat).

Doctor: Now, do you do your morning drills? Do you take vitamins and pills?

Patient: I get up early at sunrise, and do my morning exercise. I wash myself, my mouth I rinse, I take my pills and vitamins.

Doctor: That`s fine, that`s fine. Now let me see.You do a set of drills with me. (Doctor and patient begin to do their daily dozen)

Doctor: Stand up! Hands up! Hands down! Hands on hips! Sit down! Stand up! Hands up! Hands at your sides! Bend to the left! Bend to the right!

Patient: Oh, doctor, doctor, I`m puffed out, I cannot bend down or turn around!

Doctor: Is that so? Let me check your heart, and feel your pulse before we part.

(As the doctor listens to the patient`s pulse, a tape-recorder is switched on. Amplified heart beats are heard, regular at first then very irregular. Finally the heart beats drum some popular tune. Doctor continues to examine his patient).

Doctor: Now watch my pencil, sit upright and move your eyes now left, now right.

Patient: My eyes are all right, Doctor Pill, I`m not short-sighted, I see well.

Doctor: Just one more look into your nose to make a correct diagnosis.

Patient: I`m so glad, Doc, that you will free me from school, I`m so ill.

Doctor: To cure you from your malady repeat each word straight after me: Say: ”I`m, I`m, I`m, I`m…”

Patient: I`m, I`m, I`m, I`m…

Doctor: A cheat, a cheat, a cheat, a cheat.

Patient: A cheat, a cheat, a cheat, a cheat.

Doctor: I`m a cheat, I`m a cheat.

Patient: I`m a cheat, I`m a cheat. (Looks suspiciously at the doctor).

Doctor: I`m a shameless, shameless cheat.

Patient: I`m a shameless, shameless cheat. Doctor: I`m as strong as strong can be, I`m not ill at all, not me!

Patient:I`m as strong as strong can be, I`m not ill at all, not me!

Doctor: `I’m a lazy boy – for shame, my name is Lame!

Patient: I`m a lazy boy – for shame, my name is Lame! (Prepares to run away.)

Doctor: Run to school, you little knave, don`t you ever misbehave! (Patient runs away.)

11. Sally Speaks Spanish (Шуточное английское стихотворение)

Sally speaks Spanish, but not very well.
When she tries to speak Spanish, you really can tell
What language she is speaking or trying to speak.
The first time I heard her
I thought it was Greek.

Праздник заканчивается песней на английском языке.

12. It`s Time to Leave

It`s time to leave, the clock has struck the time,
But I still see your friendly eyes and smile.
Give me your hand, my friend,
And say, you won`t forget
The hours we together spent.


Good bye, good bye, my friend,
It was nice to see you once again
Good-bye, let us shake hands
Untill the next time, cheerio.

Good-bye, just for a while,
I`ll come back to see you one fine day,
Good-bye, I`m on a way
But I know we shall meet again.



1. Э. Литттлджон, Д. Хикс, Cambridge English for Schools in Russia, под редакцией О. Виноградовой, Москва, изд-во “Дрофа”, 2002 г.
2. Л.В. Васильева, Предметные недели в школе, английский язык, Волгоград, изд-во “Учитель”, 2003 г.
3. И.В. Цветкова, И.А. Клепальченко, Н.А. Мыльцева, Английский язык для поступающих в ВУЗы, Москва, изд-во “Глосса”, 1996 г.
4. Журнал “Иностранные языки в школе”, 1988 г.
5. Е.М. Шишкина – Фишер, Немецкие народные календарные обряды, танцы и песни в Германии и России, Москва, изд-во “Готика”, 2002г.
6. И.Л.Бим и др., Немецкий язык, Шаги 3, Москва, изд-во “Просвещение”, 2007 г.