Обобщающий урок английского языка для 7-го класса по теме "Путешествие"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. Систематизировать знания временных форм группы Present
  2. Научить вести беседу с собеседником, использовать все типы вопросов.
  3. Совершенствовать все навыки чтения, говорении, письма и аудирования.

Ход урока

I. Оргмоменг

  • Рапорт дежурного
  • Введение в тему: «The topic of our lesson is "East or West, home is best"».

Translate the proverb.

We are going to speak about traveling and those interesting places which you have already visited. Buffirst answer a few questions.

II. Лексическая зарядка.

T: Where have you been?

What was you impression? Р1-Р2-Р3-Р4

Оржебовский: Valya, where have you been? (рассказ об Италии)

T: Any questions to Valya?

P1 - What interesting places have you visited?

Р2 - What hotel did you stay in?

Лотынков (рассказ о ТАйланде).

Р1 - What interesting places have you visited?

P2 - What exotic fruit did you try?

Водвуд: (рассказ о Великобритании).

P1 - Were you at any football match?

P2 - Have you been to the Feel Toner?

T: You see, that you have visited many places and of course, you met many people. What language did you speak with them?

P1 -P2-P3- English

Yes. English is the language of international communication, the language of art science.

Poem "Different languages" Translation

III. Грамматическая зарядка

Т: Try to ask different questions to your new friends abroad.

when? Yes/no? Where? Who...with? Not? -,...?.. .or...? What? As the legend of the textbook Sasha has also visited a museum.

when? Yes/no? Where? Who...with? Not? -,...?.. .or...? What?

IV. Физкультминутка (Лилия)

You know that all tratfMlers should be healthy and strong . Let's train a little.

V. Your home task for today was to learn the words.

We shall divide into 2 team. The Taem with no mistakes will the bevwinner.

VI. Now let's read the text "Atljnta".

Atlanta is a hometown of some famous people.

  1. I'll give you sheets of paper with 10 sentences and variants of endings.
    You are to choose the right one.
  2. You may use these sheets as a plan for your retelling.
  3. Now let's role-play . Ask questions to each other in chain.
    P1-P2 / P2-P3

VII. All in all, all tourists return home after long traveling.

What is your hometown?

What kind of town is Stupino? What is it famous for? When was Stipino founded? Do you like Stupino? — Yes. I do

VIII. Thank you very much for your work. Good-bye