Открытый урок "Degrees of comparison" (6-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Цель: формирование компетенции высказывания.


  • отработка степеней сравнения через драматизацию якутской сказки "Таал-таал эмээхсин" на английском языке;
  • отработка речевых умений и навыков по говорению и аудированию;
  • формирование интереса к переводу, к предмету "английский язык".


  • слова и выражения по теме;
  • грамматическая таблица по теме;
  • костюмы и маски персонажей сказки;
  • формы и методы:
  • монологическая речь;
  • диалогическая речь;
  • использование наглядности;

Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент.
  2. Фонетико-речевая зарядка.
  3. Лексико-грамматические упражнения по теме.
  4. Инсценировка.
  5. Итоги урока.

T: Good morning, dear boys and girls!

Let's begin our English lesson. Today our theme is "Degrees of comparison". Today we are going to act the Yakut fairy-tale "Taal-taal an old woman". Are you going to dramatize? Good for you.

T: First of all let's train our tongues. Repeat after me, please: (отработка звуков).

Repeat after me, please:

Long-longer-the longest

Short-shorter-the shortest

Beautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful

Now children, help me to compare the degrees:

Thin, nice, big, comfortable, good

And now try to answer my questions:

Which mountain is higher: Elbrus or Kilimanjaro?

Which month is shorter: March or February?

Who is younger: V.Shtyrov or D. Medvedev?

Which river is longer: the Lena or the Volga?

Which subject is more difficult for you: Music or Chemistry?

Which city is larger: Yakutsk or Mirny?

Which continent is larger: Asia or Europe?

Which animal is bigger: the elephant or the tiger?

Whose neck is shorter: the giraffe's or the bear's?

Whose tail is longer: the tiger's or the cat's?

T: Now will you try to ask me? I'll be glad to answer your questions. (Учитель отвечает на вопросы учащихся, приготовленные дома).

Dear boys and girls, do you like riddles?

Higher than house,
Higher than tree,
Oh, what's that? (Star)

In winter I'm white,
In summer I'm grey,
I'm the fastest runner
All over the world. (Hare)

T: You've worked well. Now let's play roles. (дети готовятся к инсценировке.)

Narrator: Once upon a time there lived an old woman. Her name was Taal-Taal. Once in winter she went for a lake and began to skate. While skating she fell down and broke her leg. Lying on the ice Taal-Taal asked:

Taal-Taal: Ice-ice, are you the strongest of all?

Ice-Ice: Yes, I'm the strongest of all.

Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why do you melt?

Ice-Ice: Sun is stronger than me.

Taal-Taal: Sun-sun, are you the strongest of all?

Sun-sun: Yes, I'm the strongest of all.

Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Mountain block you off?

Sun-sun: Mountain is stronger than me.

Taal-Taal: Mountain-Mountain, are you the strongest of all?

Mountain: Yes, I'm the strongest of all.

Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Wind blow you through?

Mountain: Wind blow is stronger than me.

Taal-Taal: Wind blow -Wind blow, are you the strongest of all?

Wind blow: Yes, I'm the strongest of all.

Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Forest block you off?

Wind blow: Forest is stronger than me.

Taal-Taal: Forest -Forest, are you the strongest of all?

Forest: Yes, I'm the strongest of all.

Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Fire eat you?

Forest: Fire is stronger than me.

Taal-Taal: Fire-Fire, are you the strongest of all?

Fire: Yes, I'm the strongest of all.

Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Water put you out?

Fire: Water is stronger than me.

Taal-Taal: Water-Water, are you the strongest of all?

Water: Yes, I'm the strongest of all.

Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Dam block you off?

Water: Dam is stronger than me.

Taal-Taal: Dam-Dam, are you the strongest of all?

Dam: Yes, I'm the strongest of all.

Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Mouse run you through?

Dam: Mouse is stronger than me.

Taal-Taal: Mouse -Mouse, are you the strongest of all?

Mouse: Yes, I'm the strongest of all.

Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Dog eat you?

Mouse: Dog is stronger than me.

Taal-Taal: Dog -Dog, are you the strongest of all?

Dog: Yes, I'm the strongest of all.

Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Wolf frighten you?

Dog: Wolf is stronger than me.

Taal-Taal: Wolf- Wolf, are you the strongest of all?

Wolf: Yes, I'm the strongest of all.

Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Lion eat you?

Wolf: Lion is stronger than me.

Taal-Taal: Lion- Lion are you the strongest of all?

Lion: Yes, I'm the strongest of all.

Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why does Man hunt you?

Lion: Man is stronger than me.

Taal-Taal: Man -Man, are you the strongest of all?

Man: Yes, I'm the strongest of all.

Taal-Taal: If you are the strongest of all, why

Narrator: Not having finished her questions Taal-Taal old woman died. So it is unknown today who is the strongest of all the world.

T: A very good play! You've acted well. Thank you. Did you like this Fairy-tale?

Today we've revised degrees of comparison. I hope you liked our lesson. Good-bye!

Использованная литература:

  1. First steps in reading/ Н.В. Ситникова, А.Н. Борисова, В.В.Григорьева, Якутск-2004.
  2. Уроки английского языка/ методическое пособие-сборник, СПб-2002.
  3. Обучение иностранным языкам/ М.К.Колкова, СПб-2003.
  4. Английский язык в школе/учебно-методический журнал, номера за 2005-07 гг.
  5. Английский язык/газета, номера за 2007-08 гг.