Урок английского языка в 8-м классе по теме "В поисках британских сокровищ"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: стимулирование интереса учащихся к изучению предмета


  1. Образовательная: Обеспечить в ходе урока усвоение темы “Символы Британии”.
  2. Развивающая: Продолжить развитие у учащихся навыков чтения, произношения, устной речи, перевода и письма. Развить интерес к истории, традициям и нравам страны изучаемого языка.
  3. Воспитательная: Воспитывать чувство терпимости к окружающему миру, умение работать в сотрудничестве.
  4. Практическая: Повышать уровень ИКТ - компетентности учащихся. Продолжить формирование отношения к компьютеру как к средству обучения.

Оборудование: компьютер, интерактивная доска, мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

Каждый этап урока сопровождается на интерактивной доске. Приложение 1.

1. Организационный момент, рапорт дежурного.

Teacher: Good afternoon! Sit down, please! What date is it today?

Student: Today is …

Teacher: Who is absent today?

Student: Nobody is absent today. All students are present. All students are at the lesson.

Teacher: OK. Fine. Sit down, please.

2. Фонетическая зарядка:

Teacher: Look at the blackboard! There is a proverb on it:

Who does not know one foreign language; he does not know his own!

3. Постановка темы урока:


Listen to the anthem.
What country has the anthem?

Students: Great Britain.

Today we’ll visit Great Britain. It’s a great country, which attracts tourists its history, customs and traditions, architectural monuments and famous people. It’s a country of great politics and scientists, writers and poets.

Teacher: Let’s start our travelling around Britain! We try to find several keys of British treasures.

4. Основная часть:

The first key.

Правильный ответ учащихся на вопросы демонстрируется на слайде и позволяет двигаться дальше.

Teacher: Answer my questions:

Teacher: Who can tell me – “What language do we learn?”

Student: We learn English.

Teacher: How many letters are there in the English ABC?

Student: There are 26 letters in the English ABC.

Teacher: Yes, you are right.

Teacher: How many sounds are there in the English ABC?

Student: There are 44 sounds in the English ABC.

Teacher: Yes. You are right.

Teacher: How many consonants are there?

Student: There are 24 consonants.

Teacher: Yes. You are right.

Teacher: How many vowels are there?

Student: There are 20 vowels.

Teacher: Yes. You are right.

Teacher: What letter is often used?

Teacher: The letter “I” is often used.

The second key.

  1. Teacher: You know now that Great Britain is situated to the northwest of Europe on British Isles. Great Britain has several different names. Some people say “Britain” or “the United Kingdom of Great Britain”, or just U.K. There are four different parts in the United Kingdom. Work with the map. What are they? Name these parts.
  2. Students: It’s England. It’s Scotland. It’s Wales. It’s Northern Ireland.

  3. Teacher: Name the capitals of the UK.

Students: London is the capital of England. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. Cardiff is the capital of Wales. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.

The third key.

  1. Teacher: Every country has its own emblems: the red rose, the thistle, the daffodil, the shamrock.
  2. What country has got this emblem “the red rose “(красная роза)?

    What country has got this emblem “the thistle” (чертополох)?

    What country has got this emblem “the daffodil” (нарцисс)?

    What country has got the emblem “the shamrock” (трилистник)?

    Match the words with the emblems.

    Students: The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland.

    The rose is the national emblem of England.

    The daffodil is the national emblem of Wales.

    The shamrock is the national emblem of Northern Ireland.

  3. Teacher: Look at this picture! (Демонстрация герба Великобритании).

In the official coat of arms the shield shows the various royal emblems of different parts of Britain: the three lions of England is the first and fourth quarters; the lion of Scotland in the second and the harp of Ireland in the third. It is surrounded by a garter bearing the motto “Honi soil qui mal y pense”, which symbolizes the Order of the knighthood of which the Queen is sovereign. The shield is supported by the English lion and Scottish unicorn and is surmounted by the Royal crown. Below it appears the motto of the Sovereign “Dieu et mon droit” (God and my right).

The fourth key.

  1. Teacher: Now, my dear friends, let’s turn to the history of Great Britain. This flag is called Union Jack. It has its own history. Who can tell me about the Union Jack’s history?
  2. Student: It all began in 1801 when Scotland was joined to England and Wales. The flag is made up of 3 crosses. The upright cross is the cross of St. George, the patron saint of England. The white diagonal cross is the cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. The red diagonal cross is the cross of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. All of them are on the blue Background.

    The fifth key

  3. Teacher: The next part. Fill in the missing words.
  4. Student: The climate of Britain is _________ and _________.

    Most of the mountains are in the ___________, in Scotland.

  5. Teacher: Complete the sentence. What county is famous for its lakes?

Student: Scotland is also famous for its beautiful lakes.

Teacher: What is the longest river?

Student: The longest river is the Severn.

The sixth key

  1. Teacher: Listen and say “Is it right or not?”
  1. Great Britain is situated to the southwest of Europe.
  2. UK is made up of England, Scotland and Northern Islands.
  3. The climate of Britain is hot and cold.
  4. The longest river is the Thames.
  5. Britain’s population is more than 56 million people.
  6. The most famous entertainment centers are Cambridge and Oxford universities.
  7. The official head of the state is the king or the queen.
  8. Members of the House of Commons are elected by people.
  9. The UK is a highly-developed industrial country.
  1. Teacher: Guess the crossword (use magic box):

Teacher: Now you know more about England. So we have all keys of treasures. You can take different coins according your knowledge.

Вот 3 вида монеток, цвет которых указывает на сложность задания: Зеленые – сложные, желтые - средней сложности, красные – веселые.

Зеленые монетки. And answer my questions.

  1. What is the official name of Great Britain now?
  2. What parts does Great Britain consist of?
  3. What are their capitals?
  4. People who were born in Britain are the English, aren’t they?
  5. Who is the head of the state?
  6. Who makes laws in the country?
  7. Britain’s population is more than… million people.

a) 56;
c) 560;
b) 5,6;
d) 7.

8. Great Britain is separated from the continent by…

a) the Pacific Ocean;
b) the Irish Sea;
c) the Bristol Channel;
d) the English Channel.

9. The head of State in Britain is ....

a) the Prime Minister;
b) the President;
c) the Queen;
d) the Speaker.

10. The United Kingdom includes …

A. England and Scotland
B. Great Britain and Northern Ireland
C. England, Scotland and Wales
D. Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic

Желтые монетки. Answer the funny questions:

  1. Why can’t the world ever come to an end? (Because it is round)

  2. Who speaks English, Russian, German and other languages? (An echo)

  3. What is in the middle of the world? (The letter “r”)

  4. What is in a country, in a capital, in a city, but not in a town? (The letter “c”)

Красные монетки. The third task is to say Russian proverb.

Дайте русский эквивалент пословицы, которая дословно переведена с английского.

  • лучше маленькая рыбка, чем пустая тарелка. (Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе.)
  • кто боится волков – на охоту не ходит. (Волков бояться - в лес не ходить)
  • трава всегда зеленее на другом берегу реки. (Хорошо там, где нас нет.)
  • нет места, чтобы взять за лапы кошку и покружить. (Яблоку негде упасть)
  • поздно запирать конюшню, когда лошадь украдена. (После драки кулаками не машут).

5. Подведение итогов урока:

Teacher: What was the most interesting? What was not interesting? Grade your teacher. Grade yourself.

Teacher: Good luck!