Прошлое прошедшее время

Разделы: Иностранные языки


1. To revise the use of  the Past Simple Tense, to repeat regular and irregular verbs.
2. To practice all kinds of activities: listening, reading, writing and speaking.
3. To increase the students” interest to the English language.

Supporting Materials: Slide presentation, pictures, cards.

1. Greeting (2 minutes)

(Presentation, slide 1); Welcome to our English lesson! 

Teacher: Today we are going to repeat the Past Simple Tense. We will work  in  groups and in the whole class, play and have fun. Let us start!

2. Speech patterns (3 minutes)

(Presentation, slide 2)

Teacher: Now I want you to tell what you did yesterday. The students come to the blackboard and in chain tell what they did.

Yesterday I helped my Mum to do shopping...
I fed my kitten yesterday...
My sister and I ran in the park yesterday... etc.

3.  Review (4 minutes)

(Presentation, slide 3).

Teacher: Let us repeat the verbs in the Past Simple. There are 2 columns of the verbs in the Present and Past Simple  in the slide.

The children read the regular verbs first and then the irregular ones. They read in turn and repeat  every pair of the verbs in chorus.

Get   –   got                 wash    –    washed
Have –   had                help     –    helped
Do    –   did                walk    –    walked
See    –   saw              ask       –    asked
Read  –   read             answer –    answered
Be      –   was/were     water   –    watered
Say     –   said             clean    –    cleaned
Make  –   made           play     –    played.
Meet   –   met              jump    –   jumped
Lay     –   laid               ski       –    skied
Put      –   put               skate   –    skated
Take    –  took             skip     –    skipped
Go       –   went            watch  –    watched

4. Review (writing) (6 minutes)

(Presentation, slide 4).

Teacher: Now look at the 1-st form of the vrebs. You must Write the 2-nd form. One student writes the verbs on the blackboard, the others – in their copy-books.

Go    –
See   –
Help   –
Be      –
Clean   –
Put     –
Ask    –
Have  –
Meet  –
Wash  –
Play   –
Read  –
Skate –
Jump –
Say    –
Look  –

5. Using the verbs in the Past Simple in  sentences (4 minutes)

(Presentation, slides 5 – 10).

Teacher: Look at the pictures and say what these characters did yesterday.


Hobbit read a letter yesterday.
Carlson played hockey yesterday.
Neznaika watered the flowers yesterday.
Cinderella cleaned the rooms yesterday.
Roo read a book yesterday.
Doctor Aibolit helped the animals yesterday.

6. Listening comprehension (4 minutes)

(Presentation, slide 11) 

Teacher: Look at the pictures of the fairy-tales characters  and match  them with the stories which you will hear.

1. Yesterday I flew to my friend. We played together. Then we ate chocolate, jam, cakes and sweets. (Carlson)
2. I worked all day yesterday. I washed up. Cleaned the house, swept the floor, laid the table and washed my sisters” dresses. I got very tired. (Cinderella)
3. I went to school yesterday. I read a book and counted. I did not like to study. Then   I jumped, played and ran to my father. (Buratino)
4. Yesterday I helped my mother to make tasty cakes. Then I went to my grandmother to bring her some cakes. I met an angry wolf. I ran away from him. (Little Red Riding Hood)

7. Game  (5 minutes)

Teacher: Let us play. Come to me and make a circle. I will say the verbs. If the verb is  in the Past Simple you must jump, if it is in the Present Simple you must stand still. (then we may change jumping
into clapping hands,turning around, etc.)

8. Writing (4 minutes)

(Presentation, slide 12)

Teacher: Neznaika wrote what he did yesterday. But he made some mistakes. Let us help him to correct the sentences.

(The children write the sentences in their copy-books, then some of them go to the blackboard and write the necessary word correctly.)

The sentences: 

Yesterday I go to the forest. (went)
I seed a fox. (saw)
The fox were nice. (was)
I playd with it. (played)

9. Reading for detail (5 minutes)

(Presentation, slide 13). 

The students are given the printed copies of the text.

Teacher: Let us read and translate the letter written by our friends from Prostokvashino:

Hello, boys and girls!
Yesterday we had a nice day. Sharik played the drum. Matroskin read a fairy-tale.  Dyadya Fyodor watched TV. The cow walked in the garden.
What did you do yesterday? Did you help your Mum?
Write a letter to us.
Your friends.

Teacher: And now answer my questions, please:

Did they have a bad day?
Did the cow play the drum?
Did Sharik ride a bike?
What did Dyadya Fyodor do?
What did Matroskin do?

10. Group work (5 minutes)

(Presentation, slide 14)

Teacher: Let us read the question our friends ask. They want to know if you  helped your mother yesterday. You will work in groups of  4.Please, fill in the form  and write how many students in your
group did these things.Then one person from  your group will report the results. Did you help your Mum yesterday?

  1. washed up
  2. cleaned the rooms
  3. went shopping
  4. fed your pet
  5. watered the flowers
  6. laid the table

One student from every group writes the results in the table on the  blackboard,  then the students together count the total number of the children engaged in this or that activity.

11. Hometask (2 minutes)

Teacher: In the letter from Prostokvashino we were asked to write an answer to them. You must do this task at home.

12. Giving feedback (1 minute)

(Presentation, slide 15).

Teacher: Thank you for your work, children!  I think you have done a lot and very well today. Did you like the lesson?