Зачетный урок-телемост "Зимние праздники Великобритании и России"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Сложность построения зачётных уроков по иностранному языку очевидна. Она определяется не только необходимостью проверки знаний учащихся в четырёх видах речевой деятельности (чтении, говорении (монолог-диалог), аудировании и письме), но и особенностями подбора материала для заданий и важностью снятия психологического напряжения у школьников при выполнении контрольных заданий.

Форма урока-телемоста нетрадиционна для зачёта, но помогает решить все ключевые задачи, описанные выше.

Предлагаем урок-телемост “Зимние праздники Великобритании и России”, проведённый в восьмом классе (УМК Кузовлев В. П. и др. Английский язык).

Подготовительный этап потребовал разделения учащихся на две подгруппы(русские и гости из Великобритании), повторения страноведческого материала и диалогических единств для поддержания беседы. Канва телемоста “Russia-Britain” позволила детям выполнять контрольные задания более заинтересованно. Письменные навыки проверялись при написании новогодних решений и поздравительных открыток своим “зарубежным” друзьям. Диалогические навыки говорения – в процессе составления и презентации этикетных диалогов (поздравления, благодарности, приглашения). Исполнение песни “Старые добрые времена” способствовало снятию психологического напряжения. При заполнении “валентинок” проверялось практическое использование качественных прилагательных в речи. Аудирование потребовало решения ситуации выбора “верно или нет”. Дети заполняли перфокарты. Контроль навыков чтения осуществлялся в процессе селективного чтения текста о русских и британских праздниках.

Проведённая рефлексия показала положительное отношение учащихся к зачётным урокам нестандартного типа, в данном случае – телемоста. Подобные уроки отличаются большой насыщенностью и позволяют проверить знания школьников сразу в четырёх видах речевой деятельности.

Урок-телемост “Winter Holidays in Great Britain and Russia”

Цели: обеспечить проверку и оценку знаний, речевых умений учащихся в чтении, говорении, аудировании, письме; содействовать развитию у детей умения общаться; создать условия для развития у школьников умения работать во времени; воспитывать навык самооценки, культуру общения, интерес к предмету

Оборудование: карточки-тексты, карточки-валентинки, открытки, флаги, таблички, аудиозапись "Auld Lang syne", перфокарты, карточки контроля, презентация Power Point, ПК, мультимедийный проектор, экран, ноутбук для работы детей из пресс-центра.

Ход урока

Приветствие. Сообщение темы и цели. (Слайд 1)

— Hello, my dear students and our guests. We welcome you to our satellite link Russia – Britain "Winter Holidays and Festivals". We should compare our cultures, check up our knowledge and become closer to each other. My helpers are the girls from our press – centre. (Дети работают за ноутбуком, обрабатывают результаты после каждого выполненного задания, демонстрируя их в виде диаграмм или графиков) So my British friends, do you hear me?

Диалогическое общение и выполнение заданий.

P1. Oh, yes. I am Kathy. How are you?

P2. Hi. We are fine. I am Kseniya. Now we are glad to see you. Today our talk is about our important celebrations and traditions. We know that there are similar features between them.

Р3. Sure, for example, lately we have see in the New Year like you

P4. But we heard that you celebrate New Year not so widely as Christmas

Р3. Oh, yes. Some of British ignore it completely and go to bed at usual time. Others, however, do celebrate it in one way or another.

P5. The most common type of celebration is a New Year party.

P1. We have a very interesting tradition before New Year's Day – New Year's resolutions. All our people make up lists of shortcomings that they want to get rid of Have you got a similar custom?

Р6. We decide to get rid of some shortcomings in New Year begin new life. But it's not a tradition.

P 7. By the way what had you written in your last resolution?

P 8 Oh, I wrote "I promise not to be late for school, to make my bed.

P1. And me to be a serious and hard – working girl.

Р 6. It's great.

— Yes, but what would you write in your New Year resolutions. You have 3 minutes.

Please, collect the resolutions and check them up. (Слайд 2)

I must... I am going to start
I mustn't I am going to stop)

P8. I am from Scotland. And we have a funny tradition connected with the New Year: the First Foot. The First Foot. The First Visitor to enter a house on New Year's morning is a person of great importance. He must be a man carrying foot, drink and coal into the house.

P9. Who'd have thought it?

P8. Yes, coal helps to make a fire in midwinter and there shall never be lack of food and drink during the coming year.

P2. Well, on New Year we decorate the New Year tree and place gifts under it Children think that Father Frost and Snowmaiden put them there. And we post greeting cards to our friends and relatives.

—Write your congratulations on your cards and post them to your friends. (Слайд 3)

Р10. We also decorate the Christmas tree but on Christmas on the 25th of December. It's the most important holiday in our country, we eat roast turkey, apple pies and many other tasty things, get our gifts in long stockings and, of course, we congratulate each other with merry Christmas.

—You have a chance to congratulate your friends and thank them for their presents.

Р8. Besides we sing carols and you know, of course, many of them. "Jingle -bells", "Auld Lang Syne", don't you?

P4. Yes, and let's sing one of tour famous carols.(Исполнение Auld Lang Syne )

(Слайд 4)

Auld Lang Syne

  1. Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
  2. And never brought to mind?
    Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
    And days of lang syne?


    For auld lang syne, my dear,
    For auld lang syne,
    We’ll take a cup of kindness yet
    For auld lang syne.

  3. And here’s a hand, my trusty friend,
    And give us a hand of thine,
    We’ll take a cup of kindness yet
    For auld lang syne.


P9. But we celebrate Christmas too but later on the 7th of January. Our children sing carols as well.

P5. On the 26th of December, the day after Christmas, Boxing Day when we have a rest from too much eating and drinking on Christmas. What customs connected with Christmas have you got?

P7. From Christmas till Epiphany we have Christmas – tide. Earlier children and grown – ups built town lets, rode troikas, made snowmen. But now only children can do it. And girls have been telling fortune since ancient times.

P10. How interesting!

P2. We also have another New year – Old New Year – on the 14th of January. It's connected with two different calendars.

P1. Well, I never. By the way, in February we have the day of Sweethearts.

P8. February the fourteenth day,

It's Valentine, they say,

I choose you from among the rest.

The reason was I loved you best.

Р6. Lovely!

P8. Such messages we have on valentines – heart – shaped cards.

- Complete the poems on the heart – shaped cards. (Дети дополняют подходящим по смыслу прилагательным рифмовки на “валентинках”)

This poem’s for a boy
Called Andrew Knight.
I like you because you’re kind and… (bright)

Please be my girlfriend, Lizzie.
Don’t say that you’re too… (busy)

You’re sweeter than honey
And you’re also very… (funny)

Do you like me, Kate?
I think you’re… (great)

I love you,Trevor,
Because you’re… (clever)

My darling Pete,
You’re very… (sweet)

P1. We celebrate St. Valentine's Day too, but not so widely.

Р3. Oh, this holiday is not legal one but we make valentines for our friends and   parents. All day long we hear romantic music playing on radio.

Р6. You see how different and how similar we are.

— And now we check up your knowledge of British holidays. Listen to the text and then put down plus into the first column if the statement is true and into the second one, if it's false. Be careful, there are some unknown statements there.

(В процессе аудирования дети заполняют перфокарты) (Слайд 5)

There are fewer winter public holidays in Great Britain than in other European countries. They are Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day. They are also called bank holidays, because banks, offices and shops are closed, the most popular holiday is Christmas. Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present. It's a big Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar Square. Central streets are beautifully decorated, there is usually a Christmas tree in the corner of one of the rooms in most houses. The family usually meets for a traditional dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding. Everyone gives and receives present.

The 26th of December is Boxing Day which takes its name from the old custom of giving workers a present in Christmas boxes Today this is the time to visit friends and have a rest. New Years Day is less popular in Britain than Christmas. But in Scotland Hogmanay is the biggest festival of the year. After midnight people go "first – footing". The luckiest type of the first – footer is a tall, dark man. All these holidays are off in Britain and people like a lot.

True or False:

  1. There are lots of public holidays in Great Britain.
  2. Boxing Day is a public holiday.
  3. Boxing Day is celebrated on the 25th of December.
  4. Every year the people of Spain give the city of London a present – a Christmas tree.
  5. A big Christmas tree stands in Trafalgar Square.
  6. There is rarely a Christmas tree in the houses.
  7. Traditional Christmas food is Christmas pudding and a turkey.
  8. The banks aren’t closed on the public holiday in Great Britain.
  9. The luckiest type of the first footer is a tall, dark woman.
  10. St. Valentine's Day is a public holiday.

- Well, now please mark statements about British holidays and about Russian ones. (Дети отмечают в тексте предложения, относящиеся к британским или русским праздникам.) (Слайд 5)

The most popular holiday is Christmas. New Year's Day is a family event in Russia. When the main clock strikes 12, people see the Old year off and the New Year in. It is celebrated on the December 25. Christmas is celebrated on 7 January and it is marked with all right services in churches. Children hang their stockings on their beds hoping that Father Christmas will come with toys and sweets. Country Defendant's Day is celebrated on 23 February. This holiday is devoted to soldiers and officers, to all people who defended our country or are now in the Army. The family usually meets for a traditional dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding. December 26 is the time to visit friends and relatives or to sit in front of the TV. New Year's Day is less popular than Christmas. Maslenitsa or Shrovetide is one of the traditional holidays. But in Scotland it is the biggest festival of the year. During this festival people make fires, burn straw scarecrows of winter and cook pancakes. They visit each other and eat pancakes with sour cream, honey, butter, fish or caviar. These holidays help to keep many traditions which the British have always been famous for.

(Слайд 6, слайд 7)

Р10 Today we've had a conversation only on winter holidays and festivals.

Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.


– What did you like? Put down the mark to your progress during the lesson. Put down the mark to the lesson. (Помощники составляют диаграмму оценочного состояния и проецируют её на экран).

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