Урок английского языка в 8-м классе средней общеобразовательной школы по теме "Великие русские поэты", "Поэт в России больше, чем поэт"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Обучающая цель урока:

  • Способствовать прочному усвоению учащимися учебного материала.
  • Способствовать расширению кругозора учащихся через использование дополнительных литературных источников.

Развивающая цель урока:

  • Способствовать практическому применению умений и навыков, полученных на уроке.

Воспитательная цель урока:

  • Воспитывать нравственные взгляды и убеждения.
  • Повышать языковую мотивацию и расширять литературный кругозор учащихся.
  • Способствовать воспитанию саморазвивающейся и самореализующейся личности.

Задачи урока:

  • Практиковать учащихся в употреблении прилагательных после глаголов;
  • Практиковать учащихся в аудировании, выразительном чтении и монологической речи по теме "Великие русские поэты".

Оборудование урока: диск с презентацией о русских поэтах Серебряного века; раздаточный материал к презентации; оборудование для показа презентаций.

Ход урока

Орг.момент. Приветствие, определение темы урока.

Dear friends! We continue our talk about the great Russian literature. Today we'll speak about the great Russian poets.

Do you know these persons?

(портреты А.С. Пушкина, М.В. Лермонтова, Ф.И. Тютчева и т.п.)

Can you remember some lines from their poems? (Ответы учащихся)

Look at the pictures. What are they?

(портреты поэтов Серебряного века)

Now you are to scan the text of the exersice N 5, page 157. After that you'll answer the questions:

When was the Golden Age?

When was the Silver Age?

What the poets of the Silver Age do you know?

I hope that now you understand the words "In Russia the poet is more than a poet". What was the life of the poets of the Silver Age?

Listen to the poem written by Anna Achmatova

Every evening I receive
A letter like a bride
To my friend I give
Response late at night.
"I'll be guest of the white death
On my journey down.
You, my tender one, don't do
Harm to anyone."
And there stands a giant star
Between two wood beams,
With such calmness promising
To fulfil your dreams.

Let's try to translate it. These words can help you:

A bride - невеста

Responce - ответ

My tender one - зд. Мой нежный

To harm - вредить

Giant - гигантский

Beam - ствол

Calmness - спокойствие

To fulfil - исполнить

And these are Anna Achmatova's words:

Как невеста, получаю
Каждый вечер по письму,
Поздно ночью отвечаю
Другу моему:
"Я гощу у смерти белой
По дороге в тьму.
Зла, мой ласковый, не делай
В мире никому".
И стоит звезда большая
Между двух стволов,
Так спокойно обещая
Исполненье снов.

How is the writer of the poems feeling? (sad/sadly, happy/happily, bored/boredly, upset/upsetly)

How does the poem make you feel? Why?

Can you guess who created these wonderful lines:

I like it that you're burning not for me,
I like it that it's not for you I'm burning
And that the heavy sphere of Planet Earth
Will underneath our feet no more be turning
Marina Tzvetaeva

The blizzards covered up the earth
And roamed uncurbed
The candle burned upon the desk
The candle burned
Boris Pasternak

Listen to the some facts from the life of Marina Tzvetaeva and Boris Pasternak. I'll read each text twice. Choose the true answer and curcle it in your blanks. Explain your choise.

Boris Pasternak was born on the 10th of February of 1890. His father was an academician of St.-Petersburg Academy of Arts, his mother was a pianist. Being educating in the atmosphere of art and music Pasternak had a wonderful opportunity to become a musician like his father, but chose Literature. At 1934 he was called the Greatest poet of the Soviet Union. But than his life sharply changed. The man of the great civil courage he tried to help repressed people and their relatives. That's why Pasternak was punished himself. His books were banned, he was taken off the Union of Soviet writers. When in 1958 year Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, he couldn't get it. Pasternak died in 1960. In Russia his novel "Doctor Zhivago" was published only in 1988. and in 1989 his son got father's medal and diploma of the Nobel Prize.

Marina Tsvetaeva was born on the 8th of October 1892. Marina began to write poems at the age of 6 years. Her first publicated poems interested such famous poets as Gumilev, Brusov, Voloshin. In 1912 Tsvetaeva married Sergey Afron. They had 2 daughters and 1 son. After the October Revolution their family left Russia. The life abroad was not easy. They had no job, money, food. Their little daughter Irina died in early childhood. Finally at 1939 they returned to Russia. But it didn't make them happy. Soon Afron was arrested and some days later was murdered, their daughter Ariadna was arrested too. During the Great Patriotic War Marina Ivanovna and her son Georgiy went to Elabuga. It was the last place of her life. She commited suicide on the 31st of August of 1941.

At the end of our lesson I'd like you to listen the poem of another Russian poet N. Gumilev.

Your homework is ex. 6 at the page 162.

I hope that after the lesson you'll go to the library to read books of this poets. You worked hard at the lesson. You get ... See you later. Good bye.

Приложение 1. приложение 2.