Конспект урока английского языка в 9-м классе по теме "Let the Music Begin". Happy English—4

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: Cовершенствование умения говорить в диалогической (запрос и сообщение фактической информации, переходя с позиции спрашивающего на позицию отвечающего; целенаправленный расспрос; обращение с просьбой и выражение готовности/ отказа ее выполнения; совет и принятие/ непринятие его;
приглашение к действию и выражение согласия/ несогласия участия в нем; выражение точки зрения, сомнения, эмоциональной оценки) и монологической форме.

Учебная - развивать умение понимать иноязычную речь в записи.
Воспитательная - воспитывать интерес обучающихся к мировой культуре на лучших образцах классических музыкальных произведений русских и зарубежных композиторов.
Развивающая - развивать способность к языковой догадке, способность работать в парах, группах, способность к драматизации.

Оборудование урока: демонстрационная доска, cлайды презентации «Портреты великих мастеров музыкального жанра», мультимедийный проектор, картины времен года, плакат «Правила поведения во время концерта», магнитофон, аудиозаписи (музыка зарубежных и русских композиторов XIX- XX веков).

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Ознакомление с целеполаганиями урока.

Teacher: Today we are going to speak about the classical and modern music and the world’s greatest composers and musicians.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher: Let’s remember their names together. Teacher→Class (T→Cl).
Bach [ba:k] Johann [′jәuhжn] Sebastian [sә′bжstiәn]
Bartok [ba:tәk] Bela [′beilә]
Вeethoven [′beithәuvәn] Ludwig [′ludvig] Van [vжn]
Chopin [′∫opжn] Frederic [′frederik]
Dvořảk [′dvo:3жk] Antonin [′жntәuni:n]
Debussy [de′bju:si] Claude [klәud]
Gershwin [′ge:∫win] George
Grieg [gri:g] Edvard [′edva:d]
Liszt [list] Franz [frжnts]
Mozart [′mәutsa:r] Wolfgang [wulfgжŋ] Amadeus [жmә′deiәs]
Mendelssohn [′mendәlsәn] Felix [′fi:liks]
Mussorgsky [mә′zo:gski] Modest Petrovich
Puccini [pu′t∫i:ni] Giacomo [′d3жkәmәu]
Rossini [ro′si:ni] Gioacchino [′d3әuә′ki:nәu]
Ravel [rж′vel] Maurice [mo: ′ri:s]
Schubert [′∫u:bәt] Franz [frжnts]
Shostakovich [′∫ostә′kәuvit∫] Dimitri Dimitrievich
Stravinsky [strә′vinski] Igor Fedorovich
Vivaldi [vi′vжldi] Antonio [жn′tәuniәu]
Verdi [′vεәdi] Giuseppe [d3u′zepi]
Wagner [′va:gnә] Richard [′rit∫әd]   etc.

3. Речевая зарядка. Teacher→Pupil1, Pupil2, Pupil3, etc.   (T→P1, P2, P3)

Teacher: Let’s speak now about their music. Do you like music? Is music part of your life?
Pupil1: Yes, I like music, because it helps me to relax when I’m tired and entertains me when I’d like to have fun. Listening to music is an important part of my life, I can’t live a day without it.
Teacher: What sort of music do you like?
Pupil2: My favourite music is jazz. I also enjoy rock and folk music but I hate pop and dance. They are so loud and annoying!
Pupil3:  My favourite music is rock-n-roll. I also adore pop music, but I dislike organ music. It’s very boring.
Teacher: What does music make you think of?
Pupil4: When I listen to organ music it makes me remember a Middle Age church, because this sort of music was extremely popular among people in the Middle Ages, and it was played mostly in church.
Teacher: How can music influence people?
Pupil5: Music conquers out hearts and enriches our soul. It can entertain and transform our soul at the same time. Music inspires creative people to write poems or draw a picture.
Teacher: What music do you like listening to when you have free time?
Pupil6: Being free I listen to romantic or soft music.
Pupil7: It depends on my mood. When I’m tired and can’t even move a finger I’d prefer listening to something quiet. And when I’m full of energy I’d rather listen to passionate, breathtaking or overwhelming music.
Teacher: What music irritates you?
Pupil8: Tuneless music and foolish songs irritate me greatly. I switch off the radio quickly if I hear something cluttered or boring.

4. Прослушивание музыкальных произведений. Соотнесите их с картинами времен года.

<Рисунок 1>

<Рисунок 2>    
Teacher: Music makes us think of people and places we love. It can evoke long forgotten events and feelings.
Listen to the tunes of Sergei Rachmaninoff “Spring waters” and Peter Tchaikovski “Autumn song”.
Match the tunes with the pictures on the board. What feelings does this music arouse in you?

Pupil1: The 1st tune is breathtaking and overwhelming. It portrays an early spring when the nature wakes up from winter. The power and inspiration of this music captivated me.
Pupil2: The 2nd tune is melancholy. It portrays a dark autumn day and cold rainy weather. This tune disappointed me.

5.  Беседа «за» и «против» (о классической музыке). P1→P2, P3→P4

Teacher: Most young people like pop music but there are teenagers who prefer Rossini to rock and Beethoven to boogie.
I think you have some “pros” on classical music and you have some “cons” on it.
Ask each other what pros and cons you agree or disagree.
Pupil1: It appeals to me. What about you?
Pupil2: I agree classical music appeals to my heart and feelings.
Pupil3: It enriches me. What about you?
Pupil4: I disagree. I find it annoying, it puts me to sleep,    etc.

6. Аудирование текста “Promenade Concerts”. Беседа T→P1P2, etc.

Teacher: There are many musical events in Great Britain. Promenade Concerts or “Proms” as they are usually called, are monthly events in Britain. Listen to the text about Promenade Concerts and answer the questions:
- What does the word “Promenade” mean?
- Who invented them? For what reasons?

7. Монологическая речь (по картинкам). «Поведение на концертe».

<Рисунок 3>
Teacher: Are you a good audience?
Do you agree that much depends on your behavior during a concert?
What they ask you not to do during a concert?
Do you agree with these 5 things?
What do you find most annoying?
Pupil1: You mustn’t drink or eat during the performance.
You must ensure that all alarms are switched off.
You mustn’t take pictures.
You must try not to cough during the music.
I think people who eat, cough or take photos during the concert disturb the others and don’t let them listen to the music, and the alarms make people around you annoyed.
I find most annoying when people eat and drink during the performance because it shows their disrespect towards the musicians and the rest of the audience,    etc.

8. Диалогическая речь. A. «После концерта».

Тeacher: Imagine we are all dressed up and going to the promenade concert. Your neighbor’s behavior annoyed you and your friend. Act out a dialogue in which you complain to each other about their behavior.
Pupil1: Did you enjoy the concert?
Pupil2:  I’m afraid I didn’t.
Pupil1: Why?
Pupil2:  I’m sorry to say but I didn’t hear well enough what was being played on the stage.
Pupil1: Did you?
Pupil2: One of my neighbors was constantly coughing, another was whispering to his girl-friend.
Pupil1: Oh dear! Couldn’t you help it?
Pupil2:  I asked that guy not to whisper but he didn’t stop it.

Диалогическая речь. B. «Приглашение на концерт».

Teacher: Do you often invite your friends to concerts? It’s not difficult to invite I think but it’s difficult to persuade him or her to go there. Look through the programme try to give you reasons to go to a concert.
Pupil3:  Let’s go to the classical music concert.
Pupil4:  And what are they going to play?
Pupil3:  Overture “Ruslan and Ludmila” by Glinka, the First Symphony by Prokofiev and “Rhapsody” by Rachmaninoff.
Pupil4:  You know I’m not a great lover of Rachmaninoff and Glinka. Let’s go there some other time.

9. Kроссворд /викторина. Презентация слайдов.

Teacher: Let’s do a quiz. Guess the name of the greatest composer.
1. Russian composer, the author of “Schelkuntchik”. (Tchaikovsky)  
2. German composer who continued writing music after he became completely deaf. (Beethoven)
3. English composer, the author of the 1st British opera. (Purcell)
4. English composer who started the Aldeburgh Festival. (Britten)
5. Russian composer and piano player, best known for his piano concertos. (Rachmaninoff)
6. German musician and composer, well-known for his organ music. (Bach)
7. German composer who wrote the Wedding March. (Mendelssohn)
8. Austrian composer who began to compose music before he was 5 years old. (Mozart)
9. Italian composer who wrote concertos, operas, sonatas. (Vivaldi)
10. Russian violoncello player and conductor who was made to immigrate. (Rostropovich)

10.  Гимны разных стран. Работа с учебником упр.3 стр. 41.

Teacher: What countries are internationally known as musical countries?
Pupil1: Russia is internationally known as musical country. I think Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Shostakovich, Stravinsky and Prokofiev overwhelmed the world with their music.
Pupil2:  I think Germany is internationally known as musical country. In my opinion Bach, Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Wagner filled the world with their music.
Pupil3:  Italy is internationally known as musical country, too. No doubt, Puccini, Rossini, Vivaldi and Verdi wrote music performed all over the world.
Teacher: All countries have their own anthems. What is the difference between an anthem and a hymn?
Pupil1: A hymn is a religious song. An anthem is the national song of the country.

(Обучающиеся прослушивают в записи религиозную песню « Let my people go» и Британский национальный гимн «God Save Our Gracious Queen», определяют их.)

Teacher: What words does the British national anthem begin with? Why?
Pupil2:  It begins with the words “God save our gracious queen”… because Great Britain is a monarchy and their queen is the head of the state.
Teacher: What music is now the Russian national anthem? Who wrote it?
Pupil3:  In the time when the Soviet Union existed the national anthem of the USSR was the poem written by G.El-Registan and S.Mikhalkov. The author of music was A.Alexandrov. After the split of the Union that song wasn’t an anthem any more.
Teacher: What music is now the Russian national anthem? Who wrote it?
Pupil4:  Nowadays the national anthem of Russia is “Patriotic Song” written by Mihail Glinka especially for the National Anthem of the Russian Empire in the 19th century. It was adopted in 1991.

11.  Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.

12. Домашнее задание. Выставление оценок.