"Pets are our friends". Урок английского языка в 3-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Развивать умения и навыки монологической и диалогической речи с использованием игровых технологий.
  • Обучать ведению диалога с использованием фраз Do you like…? Would you like (some)…? Thank you. Yes, please.
  • Активизация в речи учащихся слов по теме «Еда»

Ход урока

I. Greetings.

T: Stand straight, dear children! Good morning.


Good morning, Good morning
Good morning to you.
Good morning, Good morning
We are glad to see you.

T: I’m glad to see you too. Sit down, please. Let’s begin our lesson. Answer my questions:

  • What date is it today?
  • What day of the week is it today?
  • Who is absent?

II. Warmer.

T: Look at the blackboard. There are some animals. But I can’t see then (смотрю в бинокль) What can you see? (картинки животных)

P1: I can see a cat with a hat.

P2: I can see a cock with a clock.

P3: I can see a hen with a pen.

P4: I can see a pig with a stick.

P5: I can see a fox with a box.

P6: I can see a frog with a dog.

III. Phonetic drill. (Приложение 1)

T: Children, do you remember the poem “A cat went to town to buy a hat”?

Let’s receite it all together. Start.

Cl: А cat went to town to buy a hat.
What? A cat with a hat?
A hat for a cat?
Who ever saw a cat with a hat?

А clock went to town to buy a clock.
What? A clock with a clock?
A clock for a clock?
Who ever saw a cock with a clock?

А fox went to town to buy a box.
What? A fox with a box?
A box for a fox?
Who ever saw a fox with a box?

А hen went to town to buy a pen.
What? A hen with a pen?
A pen for a hen?
Who ever saw a hen with a pen?

А pig went to town to buy a stick.
What? A pig with a stick?
A stick for a pig?
Who ever saw a pig with a stick?


IV. A role play “Young poets”

T: Have you ever written a poem by yourself? I prepare some rhyme words. Let’s make a new poems together: bee – tea  fish – dish snake – cake  parrot - carrot

А _______ went to town to buy a _______.

What? A _______ with a ____________ ?

A ___________ for a _______________ ?

Who ever saw a _______ with a ________?

V. Speaking.

T: Do you like animals? Do you have pets at home? Are pets our friends?

Today we’ll speak about your friends, your lovely pets. I see you have some pets with you. Let’s meet with them.

I have a pet at home too. This is a photo of my parrot. His mane is Gesha. He is 4. He is yellow. Gesha likes corn and apples very much. He can fly and swim. I like him very much.

T: Now please, describe your pets. Who wants to be the first? Come to the blackboard.

(Учащиеся описывают своих питомцев).

VI. A role play “Theatre” Speaking. Dialogues.

T: Now I invite you to the theatre. Let’s imagine that we are actors and actresses. Our show is called “Meeting” Make your own dialogues. Use your pets.

P1: Hi!

P2: Hello!

P1: What’s your name?

P2: My name is Steve. And you? What’s your name?

P1: My name is Ben. I can play football. And you? What can you do?

P2: I can play the piano, but I can not swim. What can’t you do?

P1: I can’t run and ride a bike. I like dogs. And you? What do you like?

P2: I like rabbits and fish. Good bye.

P1: Bye – bye.

(Спросить несколько пар).

VII. Relax. (Приложение 2)

T: I see you are tired. Let’s relax and sing a song “Clap, clap, clap your hands” (tape)


Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet
Stamp your feet together.
Touch, touch, touch your ears
Touch your ears together.
Touch, touch, touch your cheecks
Touch your cheecks together.

Dance, dance, dance it dance
Dance it dance together.
Shake, shake, shake your hands
Shake your hands together.
Smile, smile at your friends
Let us smile together.

VIII. Grammar. Would you like to…?

T: Children, take your Student’s Books. Open them at page 90. What’s the Russian for “ninety” Who comes to our lesson?

P1: Mr Rule.

T: You are right. Read his rule, please.

P2: Запомни, как можно вежливо обратиться, предложить, спросить

Что обозначает черный треугольник в схеме?

P1: Глагол.

T: Ask your neighbour questions according to the modal: Would you like to…?

P1: Would you like to eat bananas?

P2: Would you like to climb?

P3: Would you like to ride a bike?

P4: Would you like to sing songs?

P5: Would you like to walk in the garden?

(Учащиеся используют в ответах реплики: Thank you. Oh, no. Yes, please. O’K. No, thanks.)

T: Would you like to the shop?

IX. Активизация лексики по теме «Meal» (Приложение 3)

T: I went to the shop and bought some food. Guess what it is.

(Учитель читает рифмовки, а ученики добавляют подходящие по смыслу слова).

Вкуснотища! Very good!
Пищу называют  food

Рыбу ловишь – не шумишь.
Рыба по-английски fish

В костре ее я испеку
Картошечку - potato

Для Шарика, для друга
Купил я сахар - sugar

Мясо жарится, шкварчит.
Мясо по-английски - meat

Каши разные важны, каши разные нужны.
Англичане жить не могут
Без овсянки, без своей - porridge

Масло нужно всем ребятам.
Масло по-английски - butter

Колбасу люблю я очень
По-английски это - sausage

Мама мне сказала:
«Свет, купи хлеба, купи - bread

Всегда ты сладкий ждешь сюрприз.
Конфеты по-английски - sweets

Это вовсе не каприз:
Сыр мы называем cheese

Проведем на кухне рейд
Назовем торт, пирожное - cake

Молоко я пить привык.
Молоко иначе - milk

Вини-Пуха нет ли с вами?
А то спрячу мед свой - honey

Предсказать тебе решусь:
Сок по-английски просто - juice

И в жару и в стужу ты,
Пой чай, иначе - tea

Очень любит зайчик серый
Есть морковку летом - carrot


Label the words.

Look here. There are cards with the names of food. Let’s read them and label the pictures on the blackboard.

P: food Cl: food (Приложение 4)





Listening and acting comprehension. A role play “A birthday party” (tape) SB ex.1 p.91 Enjoy English -2 (Биболетова М.З. и др)

T: Listen to the tape. Be ready to repeat the sentences after the speaker. Than be ready to make your own dialogues. Imagine that we have a birthday party. We have holiday dinner. Turn to each other and act the dialogue.

Model: - Do you like…? – Thank you.

Would you like some…? – Yes, please.

X. Чтение буквы «а» в III типе слога.

Т: Сколько типов слогов в английском языке?

Р1: Три

Т: Как называется I тип слога?

Р3: «Открытый»

Т: Как называется II тип слога?

Р4: «Закрытый»

Т: Как называется III тип слога?

Р5: «Смешанный»

(tape) SB ex.2 p.91 Read the words with the sound [a:]

brave, park, cannot, back, farmer, fox, cunning, car, have, rabbit, are, am, strong, skate, Ann.

(tape) SB ex.3 p.91 Read the words with the sound [a:]

farmer, park, army, lark, hard, farm, bar, star, garden, mark, arm.

XI. Listening and reading comprehension.

(Учитель в белом докторском халате).

I’m a doctor. My name is Aibolit. Two friends come to me.

(tape) SB ex.5 p.91 Listen to the story, then read it and answer my questions.

T: Who comes to Aibolit?

P1: The cat and the dog come to doctor Aibolit.

T: Are the cat and the dog fat?

P2: Yes, they are.

T: Are they happy?

P3: No, they are not. They are not happy.
They are sad.

T: What must they do?

P4: They must run and walk in the park.

T: What must they eat?

P5: They must eat carrot and bananas.

T: What mustn’t they do?

P6: They must not ride in a car.
P7: They must not eat many sweets.

XII. Total.

Thank you very much for your work. Your marks for the lesson are:

Now, take your diaries and write down your hometask on Monday:

SB ex.6 p.92 in written form (read the task)

WB Lesson 62 p.26 Take your WB and let’s look through the task.

Have you any questions?

A song “I like food”(Приложение 5)

I like food,
I like eating lots and lots of food
Bread and jam, and meat, and fish,
Cakes and biscuits, too

Beans and mustard, eggs and chips,
Mutton, steaks, potatoes, peas
And salted mushrooms too.