Современные изобретения в нашей жизни

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: повторить, закрепить и применить знания по теме «Современные изобретения в нашей жизни»; провести презентацию проекта «Компьютер в моей жизни».


  • познавательный аспект – знакомство с достижениями науки, с выдающимися изобретениями и их изобретателями;
  • развивающий аспект - развитие способности к догадке, сравнению и сопоставлению, классификации, обобщению, критическому мышлению, выражению своего мнения, рефлексии;
  • воспитательный аспект - развитие чувства гордости за культуру своей страны и других стран, формирование уважительного отношения к мнению другого человека и потребности к саморазвитию;
  • учебный аспект - развитие и совершенствование умений и навыков говорения, понимания, чтения и письма.

Речевой материал: лексика и грамматические явления предыдущих уроков, дополнительные речевые образцы.

Раздаточный материал и ИКТ: мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, листы с карточками изобретений и их изобретателей, листы с дополнительными речевыми образцами, листы с дополнительным текстом.

Презентация к уроку

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

You are welcome. / 1 слайд /
Good morning! I am glad to see you.
My support to you. / 2 слайд /
Just believe in youкself and do youк best.
Good luck!

II. Ход урока.

1. Сообщение темы.

So, the theme of our lesson is modern inventions in our life.

Звучат звуки разных приборов и их изображения . / 3 слайд /

Comrades, what gadgets do you or members of your family use and why?

P1-I use a computer because I can get new information, write programs, connect with my friends and enjoy myself, playing games.

…………………………………………………….. … .

2. Речевая зарядка.

T-Can you imagine our life without modern inventions?

T-Why are they so important for us?

Now, you ask each other questions and answer them

Учащиеся задают вопросы друг другу и отвечают.

3. Вырази своё мнение на утверждения своих одноклассников.

Express your opinion on your classmates’ statements. / слайды /

“I would be lost, helpless and alone without the computer, the Internet.”

“It would be the end of the world if I lost my mobile phone.”

“I can’t live without my computer.”

“No doubt, TV is the most necessary thing at our home.”

“I’m sure, iPod is a necessity rather than a luxury.”

4. Письмо. Преимущества и недостатки изобретений.

Заполнение таблицы у доски и в тетрадях.

The fact, there are advantages and disadvantages of using electric appliances.

Let’s fill up the table «Pros and Cons», two pupils come to the blackboard and the others write down in the notebooks.

P1, defend your arguments. Comrades, do you agree with P1? Have you got anything to add?

P2, … .

5. Контроль домашних диалогов.

At home you had to make up dialogues by your choice, let’s listen to them.

P1, P2 – примерный диалог.



-How are you?

-Oh, very bad.

-What’s happened?

-You see, I’ve lost my mobile phone.

-You are kidding.

-No, I wish I am.

-What are you going to do then?

-I don’t know. But I can’t live without it.

-Have you told your parents?

-Oh, no. They’ll kill me.

-Don’t be so upset. Ask them to buy it on your birthday.

-I’ll try, but my parents are against the phone. They consider it to be a waste of health, time and money.

-It’s nonsense. A mobile is the necessity nowadays.

-May be you’ll explain it them. I can’t.

-I’ll try, of course, but I think it’s a waste of time.

-How right you are.


6. Презентация проекта. / слайды /

Tanya has prepared the project about her favourite gadget, which she considers to be the most important in mankind’s life.

Let’s relax, listen to her and express your opinion about the project. Tanya, will you?

7. Повторение и закрепление грамматических форм. /Simple Past Passive and Past Perfect Passive/

I see, you know a lot of inventions but do you know their inventers?

Закончите предложения. Finish my sentences.

Telephone was invented by … . /Graham Bill/

The electric light bulb was improved by … . / Thomas Alva Edison/

Penicillin was discovered by … . /Alexander Fleming/

Television was invented by … . /John Logie Baird/

The first car assembly line was created by … . /Henry Ford/

The first artificial satellite was designed by … . /Sergey Korolyev/

Работа с карточками.

Match invention, inventor, country and year looking through these cards. You may make notes in your notebooks. Look at these verbs and use them in your sentences /слайд/.

What grammar tense have you used in your sentences?

P- Simple Past Passive.

Перевод с русского на английский.

Translate my sentences into English, be attentive using grammar tense.

Идея клонирования была развита к концу 20 века.

Швейная машина была опробована к середине 19 века.

Первый пылесос был создан к 1910 году.

Первый российский автомобиль был построен к маю 1896.

Microsoft-DOS , была создана к 1982 году.

Видеомагнитофон был изобретён к 1976 году.

8. Работа с текстом.

Look trough the text and answer the questions before it.

Read the text very attentively and carry out the tasks after it.

Are They Crazy or Am I?


A. Pre-reading         

Look at the picture. Can you answer these questions without reading the text?

  • What was this man’s name?
  • Why was he famous?
  • What else do you know about him?

B. Reading

Keep the questions above in mind as you read this biographical sketch.

He was one of the greatest scientists and thinkers in history. However, he was not considered very bright when he was child. When he was nine, his father told his mother he was very worried about him because he was “a little slow.” His teachers complained that he had sense of discipline and that he was a bad influence on the other students.

When he was fifteen, he was thrown out of school, but a few years later he was allowed to study mathematics and physics at a special technical university in Zurich. But even at the university, he was hardly “a good student”. He rarely attended classes, and he was often in trouble with his professors because he constantly argued with them. One of them told him: “You’re smart; extremely smart. But you have one real fault; you never let yourself be told anything!”

When he graduated from the university, he couldn’t get a job – partly because none of his professors would recommend him for one. Finally, he found one in the Swiss Patent Office in Berne.

One of his duties was writing descriptions of new inventions. This helped him learn how write clearly and simply. He later said that the only thing that made many problems in science seem difficult was the language they were described in.

In 1905, when he was only twenty-six, he published an article in a scientific journal. The article dealt with a theory which he called the Theory of Relativity. He became very famous for this theory, which concerns time and gravity and how things change when they travel at very high speeds.

All his life, he lived very simply and was totally uninterested in money, power, or fame. He could never understand why so many people admired him and wanted to meet him. He knew that most of them had never read anything he had written and that they didn’t understand his ideas. “Are they crazy or am I?” he asked.

1. Find the words in the text that mean:

  • smart, quick at learning things
  • not very smart or quick at learning things
  • not often at all
  • very often; again and again
  • to get a degree and leave a school
  • a part of the government that gives people the right to make and sell new inventions
  • the force or pull that one object, such as a planet, has on a smaller object, such as the moon

2. Give your opinion. Do your classmates agree?

  • Is there anything about the man’s childhood that surprises you?
  • Do you think he was very popular with his professors at the university? Give reasons for your answer.
  • He later said that his time at the Swiss Patent Office was one of the most important periods of his life.
  • Why do you think he said this?
  • Do you think Einstein was crazy?

III. Заключение: домашнее задание и итог.

I think, it’s high time to finish our lesson.

This text will be your homework.

Comrades, did you like our lesson and what did you like best?

Have you got any new and useful information?

Do you want to make any other notes about our lesson?

So, I’m thankful to you for your active, creative work and support.

Of course, I’ll put you good and excellent marks.

The lesson is over. You may be free. Good luck!