Урок с применением ИКТ "Этот чудесный мир книг"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока.

  • Привлечь учащихся к проблеме сокращения количества читающей молодежи в современном мире.
  • Способствовать повышению интереса к книге, к чтению.
  • Обобщить и расширить материал по теме ‘Книги в нашей жизни’;

Задачи урока.

  • Провести анализ причин снижения интереса к чтению.
  • Развивать навыки умения читать.
  • Развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи.
  • Оценить литературный кругозор учащихся.

Оборудование урока: мультимедиа, выставка книг, тексты для чтения, анкеты для учащихся, презентация.

Краткая аннотация урока.

Данный урок посвящен проблеме чтения. В УМК автора В.П. Кузовлева для 9 класса тема чтения рассматривается. Интерес у учащихся к чтению в последнее время заметно снизился, что обусловлено рядом причин: тотальное распространение Интернета, загруженность школьников, увлечение телевидением. Самое главное заключается в том, что книга перестала быть единственным источником информации в настоящее время. К 9 классу интенсивность чтения снижается. Социологи связывают это с обострением личностных проблем и проблем с родителями. К тому же с возрастом у школьников формируется отношение к чтению как принудительному и скучному занятию, которое никому не нужно – так считают 10% учеников 9 классов. 19% детей в этом возрасте признаются, что они просто “ненавидят” читать. Что касается жанров книг, которые предпочитают школьники средних классов, то здесь лидируют приключенческая литература – 53%, фантастика и “смешные книги” – 50%. Девочки любят читать книги “про любовь” – 34%, а среди мальчиков есть интерес к литературе о войне, сражениях и полководцах-33%. – http://www.student.km.ru/view.asp?id=%7B0FE7AC91%2DA387%2D4CB9%2D8714%2D2A08FB301E3C%7D). Но ведь именно чтение способствует развитию мышления. Одной из целей урока является повышение интереса к книге, к чтению не только как к источнику информации, но и как к занятию, приносящему удовольствие.

План урока.

Этап урока Содержание этапа
1. Организационный момент. Введение в тему урока. Сообщение темы и цели урока
2. Лексическая зарядка. Before reading. Работа с лексическим материалом, необходимым для работы с текстом.
3. Работа с текстом “The wonderful world of books” (с полным пониманием прочитанного). Чтение текста, контроль понимания прочитанного.
4.Обсуждение темы “Читать или не читать?” Учащиеся знакомятся с мнением ровесников из Интернета, говорят о своем отношении к чтению.
5.About libraries.(Диалогическая речь) Учащиеся разыгрывают диалоги “В библиотеке” и “Разговор с ровесником” (диалоги подготовлены как домашнее задание)
6. Монологические высказывания с использованием опор. Учащиеся рассказывают о У. Шекспире и Р. Бернсе, опираясь на материалы слайдов.
7. Защита проекта “Чтение с увлечением” (групповая работа) Учащиеся представляют подготовленный проект, отвечают на вопросы. Класс заполняет анкеты с анализом представленного проекта.
8. Выводы, заключения. Формулирование выводов по изученному материалу, анализ и оценка работы учащихся на уроке.
9. Подведение итогов урока. Оценивание работы учащихся на уроке. Выставление оценок.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Введение в тему урока.

Teacher. A book is one of the greatest wonders of the world. Why are so many people fond of reading? The world of books is full of wonders. The book is a true friend. They form our values and characters. We try to look like the characters of our favourite books: to be brave, honest, not to be silly and greedy, to be real friends. We enjoyed the beauty and wisdom of fairy-tales and fables when we were babies and Granny read them. They taught us to be kind, clever, hardworking, to understand other people and help them. They teach us to understand the beauty of nature, take care of it, to love our homeland. There you can see some thoughts about books and reading.

Slide 1 (Pupils read the quotations in English and find the Russian equivalents)

2.Лексическая зарядка. Before reading.

Before our traveling to the wonderful world of books I’d like you to remember some words and expressions about reading.

Do You Know the Words?

1. the main character
2.author of the novel
3.climb high mountains
4.in the stormy sea
5.adventure land
6.be famous all over the world
7.enjoy the beauty of nature
a) в бурном море
b) страна чудес
c) быть знаменитым во всем мире
d) главный герой
e) автор романа
 f) наслаждаться красотой природы
 g) подниматься высоко в горы (Slide2)

A pupil reads the poem “ Look in a Book” (cо своим переводом)

by Ivy O. Eastwick (translated by V. Kadantsev)
Look in a book
and you will see
words and magic
and mystery.
Look in a book
and you will find
sense and nonsense
of every kind.
Look in a book
and you will know
all the things
that can help you grow.
Загляни ты в книгу
И увидишь
И таинство явлений.
Загляни ты в книгу
И найдешь
Юмор, радость
И увеселенья.
Загляни ты в книгу
И сможешь узнать
Все то, что поможет
Тебе взрослым стать.

3. Работа с текстом “The wonderful world of books”

Why are so many people fond of reading? The world of books is full of wonders.

Reading books you can find yourself in different countries, seas and oceans. Together with the characters of the book you go by ship in the stormy sea, you can climb high mountains, you fly into space, you have a lot of adventures.

There are authors and characters famous all over the world. We enjoy the beauty and wisdom (мудрость) of fairy-tales and fables which teach us to be kind and clever, to be brave and honest, to understand other people. Books help us to be true friends. They teach us to understand the beauty of nature, to love our Motherland.

Answer the questions to the text please.(slide 3)

  1. What is the world of books full of?
  2. Do you like adventure books? Why?
  3. Do you enjoy reading fairy-tales and fables? Why?
  4. What do they teach us?
  5. Do you like to travel to imaginary lands with the heroes of adventure books?
  6. Have you read books about famous people?
  7. Do you know the authors of the books? (slide 4)
1/“Romeo and Juliet” a) D. Defoe
2/“Robinson Crusoe” b) W. Shakespeare
3/“Oliver Twist” c) R.L. Stevenson
4/“The Hobbit” d) R. Kipling
5/“Peter Pan” e) M. Twain
6/“Treasure Island” f) L. Carrol
7/“Mowgli” g) J.R.R. Tolkien
8/“Gulliver’s Travels” h) J.M. Barrie
9/“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” i) J. Swift
10/“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”

4.Обсуждение темы “Читать или не читать?”

Children today read so little.

There are a lot of reasons. Now read the discussion about reading from Internet and translate into Russian.

(Тексты на слайдах 5,6)

To read or not to read – that is the question)) I wonder how many people here like reading books…what genres d'you prefer?? what's the latest book you read and liked/disliked?? do you read books in English??
Bizarra 22

  • Hi! I don't like to read, except some books on psychology, especially about relation ships between man and woman :). So, my last book was about it. I don't want to tell you the title :). It's too personal :). In English I read Tolkien The Lord of the rings. It's hard to read, but I liked it a lot. And what about you? Libran, 21
  • For me this question is quite clear – definitely to read. Reading broadens your horizons, so the more your read, the more doors you can open. Of course I'm talking about the doors of creative thinking, of a new concepts and perspectives in your life. Life is a constant process of getting something new and if you don't get it a long period of time, your life becomes an empty automatic reflex. Reading books is a way to find that doors which are still closed for you. It's not the only but proven way to do this, that's why it'll never die. Blink, 20

I like reading. But I can't say what genre is my favourite, it mostly depends on my mood)). So last I've read are by Fauls and Gavalda. It was a real pleasure to books read them. And in English I read Nice work by D.Lodge now. It's so interesting and funny!!! Funnyghost

Well, I like books. I like reading books in original... In my spare time I like translating articles from magazines, and what I see in Russian translations of books – sometimes the translation is so awful) so I prefer to read in English.

To read or not to read?.. Certainly, to read! I am reading now "Three Dumas" by Андре Моруа. But this is not main matter. The matter is that my 11 years– old granddaughter likes reading very much, though she is not against the PC. This honey girl has read Mark Twain, Arkady Gaidar, Vitaly Bianky and many other books. We (grandparents) are very pleased of that. Poseidon, 63

(2-3 pupils say about their attitude to reading)

To my mind reading is important, but many young people don’t agree with me.

  1. Books can tell us a lot of about life's of famous people, latest news and so on.
  2. Books help to learn about all in the world and solve life problems.
  3. It is the perfect way to spend free time. I’m fond of many sorts of books. But I prefer fantastic stories. (slide 7)

5. About libraries.

Teacher: Where do you usually take the book you need?

Pupil: I go to the town library if I haven’t the book I need in my home library. The Word library comes from the Latin word 'liber', meaning 'book' (slide 7)

Role Play “At the library”. (3 pupils)(Slide 8)

a/P¹ – Good morning!

L – Good morning!

– Have you got any fables by Aesop?

L – Yes, we have. Which fables would you like to read?

– “The Lion and the Hare” and “The boy and the Wolf”. I’ve read them in Russian, now I would like to read them in English.

L – Here you are. Please return the book in time. Keep it clean.

– Thank you very much. I always remember the library rules. Books are my friends, and we must take care of them. And what would you advise my friend to read? He is fond of adventure books.

L – Hello! Would you like to be one of our readers?

– Yes, with pleasure.

(The librarian is filling in the new reader’s card)

What is your name? Your address, please.

– My name is … I live on Fedin Street, 12, Flat 4.

L – Have you read anything by A. Dumas?

– Yes, thank you. I’ve read many books by Dumas. Have you got Gulliver’s Travels?

L – Let me see. You are lucky. We have it. Here you are.

– Thank you very much. Good-bye.

L – Good-bye. Have a good day!

b/Teacher: you have got a new friend. Ask him about his attitude to reading please.

Предполагаемый диалог.

– Do you like reading books?

– Yes, I do. I am fond of reading books.

– What books do you like to read?

– I am fond of science fiction.

– When did this form of fiction develop?

– It developed in the 20th century. The pioneers of science fiction were Jules Verne and H.G. Wells.

– What works are examples of science fiction?

– They are “Time Machine” and “Invisible Man” by Wells, “Ada” by Nabokov, “Lord of the Rings” by Tolkien.

c/Teacher: Remember the greatest libraries of the world.

(slide 9“Great Libraries”)

d/Teacher: Many people have rich home libraries.

– Do you have a home library too?

– What books are there in your home library? (P tells about his home library)

6. Развитие навыков монологической речи с использованием лексических опор.

Name: William Shakespeare

Born: 1564

Place of birth: Stratford-upon-Avon

Parents: Glove-maker and leather dresser.

Education: The local grammar school.

Dream: He wanted to become an actor , when he was a boy.

Famous tragedies and plays: “Romeo and Juliet”, “Julius Caesar”, “Hamlet”, “Othello”, “King Lear” and “Macbeth”.

Comedies: “ A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “Twelfth Night” and so on.

Historical plays: “Richard III” and “Henry V”.

Work: Writer and actor at the Globe Theatre in


Died: 1616 (slides 11-12)

Name: Robert Burns.

Born: 1759

Place: Alloway.

Parents: Farmers.

Hobbies: He helped farther, told folk-tales for children and read much.

Favorite writer: William Shakespeare.

Age, when he began to write: 15 years old.

Death of father: 1784

He wrote hundreds of songs and poems, mainly on country life, love and national pride.


His poems

are known and loved by people

all over the world!


7. The pupils’ presentation “Enjoy Reading”

(учащиеся выступают с презентацией проекта и отвечают на вопросы одноклассников) После этого учащиеся заполняют карточки с отзывом о презентации.

What I like about the project The best question on the project The best answer What new, interesting I have learned

8. Выводы, заключения. (по слайдам 14,15,16)


9. Подведение итогов урока.