Дополнительные материалы к теме "Животные"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Дополнительные материалы к теме «Animals».

Материал систематизирован и подготовлен в процессе работы по УМК Welcome3, Click On 2 и Upstream A2 Elementary издательства Express Publishing (для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка).

Использован словарь Active Study Dictionary Longman New Edition (на CD-Rom) и ABBYY Lingvo 12 (на CD-Rom).

Введение лексики к теме

Types of Animals

  1.  wild /wald/ = wild animals and plants live or grow in natural conditions, without being changed or controlled by people [ tame]: • wild horses • wild flowers • wild mushrooms
  2. tame /tem/ = a tame animal is not wild anymore because it has been trained to obey people and not to fear them
  3. domestic /də’mestk/ =a domestic animal lives on a farm or in someone's home
  4. herbivore /’h:biv:/ noun [countable] an animal that only eats plants
  5. carnivore /’kɑ:niv:/ an animal that eats meat ; carnivorous /kɑ:nvərəs/adj
  6. mammal /’mæm əl/ = an animal that can feed its young with milk from its body, for example a dog, cow, or human
  7. amphibian /æm’fbiən/ noun [countable] an animal such as a frog that can live on land and in water=земноводный
  8. rodent /’rədənt / noun [countable] an animal such as a rat or a rabbit that has long sharp front teeth=грызун
  9. reptile /’reptal / = an animal such as a snake or lizard that lays eggs, and whose blood changes temperature with the temperature around it ; reptilian /rep’tliən/ adjective
  10. endangered species
  11. The whale is an endangered species /’spi:i:z/ (=one that may soon no longer exist)
  12. extinct /k’stɪŋkt/ adjective 1 a type of animal or plant that is extinct no longer exists: • Activists fear that the tiger may become extinct.
  13. Parts of Body_____________________________________________

Claws –когти
Hooves /hu:vz/копыта
Nails -ногти
Horns- рога
antennae /æn’tenəni:/ щупальца, усики
whiskers- усы
antlers /’æntləz/ рога
feet – ноги ( у слона)
webbed feet – перепончатые лапки у утки, летучей мыши и т. п.

Mane /men/грива
Wings - крылья
Beak – клюв- bill (platypus)утконос
Tail - хвост
Tusks /tsks/ бивни
Trunk /trʌŋk/
Cheeks- щеки
(waterproof)fur –(непромокаемый)мех

Scales – чешуя(fish, snake)
Feathers /'feðəz/ - перья
Spikes – иглы(еж)
Long hairy legs(spider)
Hump /hmp/-горб
Hoof-hooves - копыта

  1. Animal Sounds_____________________________________________

Lions -roar/r:/
Horses - /ne/
Cats -miaow /mi’a/
Dogs- bark
Hens - cluck /klk/
Bees – buzz
Goose - geese cackle / honk /— гуси гогочут / кричат

Cows – moo /mu:/
Sheep - bleat /bli:t/
Ducks- quack /kwæk/
Wolf- howl /hal/о ветре, вьюге
Frog - croak /krək/
elephants trumpet — слоны трубят
Monkey - cry

  1. Groups of Animals_____________________________________
  2. A flock of sheep/goats/birds/geese
  3. A pack of wolves/dogs = a group of wild animals that hunt together: pack of • a pack of dogs
  4. herd of cows/deer/elephants /cattle
  5. school/shoal /əl/ of fish/dolphins/whales/herring etc= стая, косяк (рыбы)
  6. litter of puppies/kittens= приплод, помет (животного) litter of four kittens — приплод из четырех котят
  7. a pride of lions= прайд (группа львов)
  8. flock of geese, gaggle of geese — стадо гусей
  9. Животные и их детеныши_____________________________

Horse -foal /fəl/
Calf /kɑ:f /телёнок
cow in / with calf — стельная корова детёныш (оленя, слона, кита)
"Calf" is applied to all young cattle until they attain one year old, when they are year-olds or yearlings. — "Телёнок" обозначает всех детёнышей крупного рогатого скота до одного года, после чего их называют годовалыми животными или годовичками.

elephant calf — слонёнок
elephant cow — слониха

  1. Названия животных Definitions
  • bat /bæt/ noun [countable] - a small animal that flies at night, like a mouse with wings
  • bear /beə / noun [countable]- a large strong animal with thick fur(мех)
  • bird /b:d / noun [countable] an animal with wings and feathers /'feðəz/(перья) that can usually fly
  • butterfly /’btəfla/ noun [countable] - an insect with large coloured wings
  • camel /’kæm ə l/ noun [countable] - a large desert animal with a long neck and one or two humps/hmps/ - горб
  • cat /kæt/ noun [countable] 1- a small animal that people keep as a pet, and that often kills birds, mice etc
  • caterpillar /’kætə’plə / noun [countable] a small creature with a lot of legs, that eats leaves. It becomes a butterfly
  • chicken /’tk ə n/ noun 1 [countable] - a farm bird that is kept for its meat and eggs [ chick, cock, hen, rooster]
  • cow /ka/ noun [countable] 1 a large animal that is kept on farms and used to produce milk or meat
  • crocodile /’krkədal / noun [countable] - a large reptile /’reptal / with a long mouth and sharp teeth, that lives in lakes and rivers in hot countries alligator /’æl ]getə / noun [countable] a large animal like a crocodile that lives in the US and China
  • dinosaur /’danəs:/ noun [countable] - a large animal that lived about 200 million years ago and is now extinct (=no longer exists /g’zsts/ больше не существует)
  • donkey /’dɒŋki / noun 1 [countable] a grey or brown animal like a small horse with long ears
  • dog /dg / noun [countable] 1- a very common animal with four legs, fur, and a tail. Dogs are often kept as pets or as working animals puppy
  • dolphin /’dlf n/ noun [countable] - a very intelligent sea animal with a long grey pointed (заостренный) nose
  • duck noun [countable] - a common water bird with short legs and a wide beak /bi:k/клюв , or the meat from this bird
  • elephant /’el efənt/ noun [countable] a large grey animal with big ears and a long trunk/trʌŋk/-хобот
  • frog /frg / noun [countable] - a small green animal that lives near water and has long legs for jumping [ toad] /təd/ жаба
  • giraffe /d:’rɑ:f / noun [countable] a tall African animal with a very long neck and legs and dark spots on its yellow-brown fur
  • goat /gət / noun [countable] an animal with horns(рога) which has long hair under its chin. Goats live on farms or wild/waɪld/ in mountains.
  • guinea pig /’ginipig/ морская свинка -noun [countable] 1 a small furry/’f:ri/ animal with no tail, that is often kept as a pet
  • hedgehog /’hedhg / noun [countable] a small animal with sharp points covering its body
  • hippo /’h / noun [countable] plural hippos informal a hippopotamus /’hpə’ptəməs / noun [countable] plural hippopotamuses or hippopotami /-ma/ a large grey African animal with a big head that lives near water
  • horse /h:s / noun [countable] a large animal that people ride and use for pulling things
  • insect /’nsekt/ noun [countable] any small creature/’kri:tə / существо - that has six legs, for example a fly
  • iguana / ’gwɑ:nə/ a large tropicalAmerican lizard
  • kangaroo /’kæŋgə’ru:/ noun [countable] plural kangaroos a large Australian animal that jumps and carries its babies in a pocket on its stomach /’stmək/
  • leopard /’lepəd / noun [countable] a large wild cat with yellow fur and black spots
  • lion /’laən/ noun 1 [countable] a large brown wild cat from Africa or Asia. A male lion has a mane (=long thick hair on its neck)
  • lizard /’lzəd / noun [countable] a small animal with thick skin and a long tail that lives in hot countries
  • monkey /’mʌŋki/ noun [countable] 1 a small brown animal with a long tail, which uses its hands to climb trees and lives in hot countries
  • mouse /mas/ noun [countable] 1 plural mice /mas/ a small furry animal with a long tail and a pointed nose
  • octopus /’ktəpəs / noun [countable] plural octopuses or octopi a sea creature with a soft body and eight tentacles (=arms)
  • panda /’pændə/ noun [countable] a large black and white animal that is similar to a bear and lives in China
  • parrot /’pærət/ noun [countable] a tropical bird with brightly coloured feathers that you can teach to copy human speech
  • peacock /’pi:kk / noun [countable] a large bird. The male has long blue and green tail feathers that it can lift and spread out.
  • pet /pet/ noun [countable] 1 an animal that you keep at home: • Cats are popular pets. • a pet shop
  • rabbit /’ræb i t/ noun [countable] a small animal with long ears and soft fur that lives in holes in the ground
  • shark /ʆɑ:k / noun [countable] a large sea fish with very sharp /ʆɑ:p /острые- teeth
  • sheep /i:p/ noun [countable] plural sheep a farm animal that is kept for its wool and meat [ lamb]барашек
  • snake /snek/ noun [countable] a long thin animal that slides across the ground:
  • swan /swn / noun [countable] a large white bird with a long neck that lives on lakes and rivers
  • tarantula http://img.yandex.net/slovari/i/91.gifhttp://img.yandex.net/slovari/i/203.gifhttp://img.yandex.net/slovari/i/182.gifhttp://img.yandex.net/slovari/i/39.gifhttp://img.yandex.net/slovari/i/207.gifhttp://img.yandex.net/slovari/i/183.gifhttp://img.yandex.net/slovari/i/205.gifhttp://img.yandex.net/slovari/i/203.gifhttp://img.yandex.net/slovari/i/211.gifhttp://img.yandex.net/slovari/i/189.gifhttp://img.yandex.net/slovari/i/206.gifhttp://img.yandex.net/slovari/i/182.gifhttp://img.yandex.net/slovari/i/93.gifa large poisonous spider from Southern Europe and tropical America
  • tiger /’tagə / noun [countable] a large wild cat with yellow and black lines on its fur
  • tortoise /’t:təs / noun [countable] a slow-moving land animal that can pull its head and legs into the shell that covers its body
  • whale /wel/ noun [countable] a very large animal that lives in the sea and looks like a fish
  • worm /w:m / noun [countable] 1 a small long thin creature without bones or legs that lives in soil



Big/ small
heavy /’hevi/-тяжелый
sharp /ʆɑ:p/-острый
thin/ thick
furry/’f:ri/ -пушистый, покрытый мехом
webbed feet
flat body(platypus-утконос)
waterproof fur

Scales/skelz/- чешуя
A body – тело, туловище
Ears - уши
Legs - ноги
Claws /kl:z/- когти
A beak /bi:k/ - клюв
Antlers /’æntləz/-рога
Fur /f:/-мех, шкурка
A tail - хвост
Wings - крылья
A head - голова
Feathers /’feðəz/- перья
Paws /p:z/-лапы
Whiskers – усы
A trunk /trʌŋk/-хобот
A tusk /tsk/- бивень
A horn /h:n/- рог
Flippers – плавники у дельфина
A fin – плавник как у акулы
A mane /men/-грива
Hooves -копыта

Тренировка лексики


  1. Маленькие ушки
  2. Длинный пушистый хвост
  3. Длинные усы
  4. Острые когти
  5. Большие рога
  6. Мохнатые лапы
  7. Длинный хобот
  8. Два больших бивня
  9. Один большой рог
  10. Маленький острый клюв
  11. Большие острые зубы
  12. Большие крылья
  13. Красивые цветные(colourful) крылья
  14. Маленькая голова
  15. Длинная шея
  16. Маленькое туловище
  17. Короткие ноги
  18. Перепончатые лапки


  1. B_ _ - a small animal that flies at night, like a mouse with wings
  2. B _ _ r / a large strong animal with thick fur
  3. B _ _ _ _ _ _ y - an insect with large coloured wings
  4. C _ _ _ l - a large desert animal with a long neck and one or two humps (горб)
  5. C _ _ _ _ _ _ - a farm bird that is kept for its meat and eggs
  6. C _ _ - a large animal that is kept on farms and used to produce milk or meat
  7. C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e - a large reptile with a long mouth and sharp teeth, that lives in lakes and rivers in hot countries
  8. D _ _ _ _ _ _ r - a large animal that lived about 200 million years ago and is now extinct
  9. D _ _ _ _ y - a grey or brown animal like a small horse with long ears
  10. D _ _ _ _ _ n - a very intelligent sea animal with a long grey pointed (заостренный) nose
  11. D _ _ k - a water bird with short legs and a wide beak
  12. E _ _ _ _ _ _ t - a large grey animal with big ears and a long trunk.
  13. F _ _ g - a small green animal that lives near water and has long legs for jumping
  14. G _ _ _ _ _ e - a tall African animal with a very long neck and legs and dark spots on its yellow-brown fur
  15. G _ _ t - an animal with horns which has long hair under its chin. Goats live on farms or wild in mountains.
  16. H _ _ _ o - a large grey African animal with a big head that lives near water
  17. H _ _ _ e - a large animal that people ride and use for pulling things
  18. I _ _ _ _ t - any small creature /’kri:tə / существо - that has six legs, for example a fly
  19. K _ _ _ _ _ _ o - a large Australian animal that jumps and carries its babies in a pocket on its stomach
  20. L _ _ n - a large brown wild cat from Africa or Asia. A male lion has a mane (=long thick hair on its neck)
  21. M _ _ _ _ y - a small brown animal with a long tail, which uses its hands to climb trees and lives in hot countries
  22. O _ _ _ _ _ s - a sea creature with a soft body and eight tentacles (=arms)
  23. P _ _ _ a - a large black and white animal that is similar to a bear and lives in China
  24. P _ t - an animal that you keep at home
  25. S _ _ _ k - a large sea fish with very sharp teeth
  26. S _ _ n - a large white bird with a long neck that lives on lakes and rivers
  27. T _ _ _ r - a large wild cat with yellow and black lines on its fur
  28. W _ _ _ e - a very large animal that lives in the sea and looks like a fish
  29. W _ _ d -these animals and plants live or grow in natural conditions, without being changed or controlled by people

Write about an animal according to the plan:

  1. Type/Definition
  2. Group
  3. Habitat
  4. Reproduction
  5. Description
  6. Sounds/Baby animals
  7. Eating preferences
  8. Senses/Special features