Разработка урока по английскому языку в 8-м классе по теме "Экологические проблемы"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • содействовать воспитанию гуманного отношения к природе.
  • способствовать развитию умения анализировать и обобщать.
  • ознакомить детей с проблемами окружающей среды и путями их решения.
  • создать условия для развития навыков монологической речи по теме в объеме 6-8 предложений.

Задачи урока:

  • Организовать закрепление тематической лексики в устной речи, используя конструкции It's strictly prohibited to:, You are not allowed to:, Stop :ing (:), People should:, People shouldn't:
  • Содействовать развитию аудитивных навыков и догадки посредством игры "Угадай".
  • Создать условия для развития навыков поискового чтения.
  • Стимулировать монологические высказывания в объеме 6-8 предложений на основе опорных выражений и наглядности.

Оснащение урока:

Ход урока

1. Оргмомент:

T: Good morning, children. Nice to meet you. So, today we'll talk about the environmental problems. Look at all these pictures and tell me what their main idea is. (Слайд № 1)

P: People kill our planet.

T: Yes. That's right. But how do you think, is it dangerous for people?

P: Yes, it is.

T: So, the aim of our lesson is to learn to describe the ecological problems and ways of their solving. (Слайд № 2)

For it we must:

Revise the words

Name ecological problems

Describe ecological signs

Name ways of solution of environmental problems.

2. Фон. зарядка (Слайд № 3):

Let's pronounce words we'll use today. Repeat after me:

prohibited allowed
should create
national recycle
laws fire
junk food cut down
signs nature
saying take care of
reduce electricity
station pollution

Now read these words yourself.

Find here the word (translation from Russian into English):

3. Речевая зарядка. (Слайд № 4, 5, 6, 7)

Now look at these pictures and say which ecological problems you know.

4. Чтение. (Слайд № 8, 9, 10)

Well, now we know what ecological problems are, but what should people do to protect nature?

Make please sentences using "People should" and "People shouldn't".

P: People should

  • Create national parcs
  • Pass antipollution laws
  • Recycle wastes
  • Display signs saying "Protect nature!"
  • Take care of nature
  • Reduce air and water pollution
  • Leave food for birds in winter
  • Save electricity and water

People shouldn't

  • Leave fire in forests
  • Smoke, take alcohol, junk food
  • Cut down trees
  • Drop litter
  • Kill animals

5. Монологическое высказывание в группах. (Слайд № 11)

Now let's work in groups. I'll give you a picture. Discuss in your group what the problem is. For whom is it dangerous? What should people do to solve this problem? Use:

The ecological problem is that people :

It's very dangerous for :

To solve this problem people should :/people shouldn't:

You have 5 minutes to prepare your speech.

6. Игра "Угадай". (Слайд № 12)

T: Now let's play. Here you can see some signs with numbers. You'll choose the number and tell what your sign says and the others guess the number of your sign. Don't show your card. Work in pairs and use:

The sign says :

It's strictly prohibited to

You are not allowed to

Stop :ing (:)

Keep away from the :ing

7. Заключительный этап урока. You have done good work. The marks are:

Write down your home task: Wb. p.27-28, ex.3 (Слайд № 13)

8. Рефлексия.