Проект "Подросток в современном мире"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Grammar and Vocabulary
  • The basics of poetical translation
  • Use of English


  • If – Clauses
  • Wishes
  • Tenses
  • Word Formation
  • Error Correction


  1. Self – Image
  2. My parents
  3. The society I live in
  4. My friends
  5. My school
  6. The teens abroad
  7. Lessons of tolerance

I. Self – Image

Practice: Speaking

Discuss the ideas in pairs

Self – Image

Self- Image is the set of beliefs and mental pictures that we all have about the kind of person we are.

Our self - image will affect the relationships we have, the

decisions we make, and the goals we set for ourselves.

Everyone is born with specific physical characteristics, as well as undiscovered capabilities and talents.

We are a "work in progress".

However, we are not born with our self- image.

The expectations and responses of other people influence how we see ourselves.

A positive self- image is the necessary " cornerstone " for us to built a successful, happy life Improving our self- image can change our life.

All feelings are O.K!

Feeling is our subjective awareness of our own emotional state.

Feelings are then, directional signals essential for human life.

They are neither right not wrong.

They alert us to information about the state of our physical needs (hanger, thirst, etc.) and our psychological needs (love, belongings, competency).

Emotions and feelings arise from the interaction between what is going on around us and our response to it.

Talking about Your Feelings

Task “I am not along in the world”

Practice: Reading, Speaking

Directions: Circle the items below that tell something about yourself.

like books 

always late for school

love plants, blushes

 have blonde hair

like to dance 

can play a musical instrument

plan to go to college

 watch TV late at night

hate wrestling l

ike to compete in sports

like to sing 

have a pet

have a boyfriend 

am an only child

worry all the time

 cry easily

speak another language 

bite nails

care about people a

m shy

like to daydream

Now, slowly read the items you have circled.

Select one of the items you have circled. Look for a person in the class who circled the same
one. Talk briefly about the similarities.

Task “What to do with all these?”

Practice: Writing, Speaking, Grammar, Vocabulary

Write your own endings to complete the sentences below. Be creative. Team work.

  1. Love is_________________________________________________
  2. Courage is_______________________________________________
  3. Happiness is______________________________________________
  4. Sadness is_______________________________________________
  5. Loneliness is_____________________________________________
  6. Hope is__________________________________________________
  7. Peaceful is_______________________________________________
  8. Understood is_____________________________________________
  9. Confident is______________________________________________
  10. Obnoxious is____________________________________________
  11. Embarrassed is___________________________________________
  12. Daring is________________________________________________
  13. Miserable is_____________________________________________
  14. Depressed is_____________________________________________
  15. Relieved is______________________________________________
  16. Confused is_____________________________________________
  17. Worried is______________________________________________
  18. Challenged is____________________________________________
  19. Delighted is_____________________________________________
  20. Frustrated is_____________________________________________
  21. Elated is________________________________________________

Task “In the world of feelings”

Practice: Writing, Speaking, Grammar

Complete the open-ended sentences to help you focus on your feelings in a variety of situations. (Make comments if you wish.)

  1. I feel important when______________________________________
  2. I feel lonely when_________________________________________
  3. When people yell at me, I feel________________________________
  4. When someone ignores me, I feel_____________________________
  5. If I knew that my parents would be coming to visit my school, I would feel _________________________________________________
  6. When I forget an appointment or “mess up” in any other way, I feel __________________________________________________________
  7. I get mad at myself when___________________________________
  8. I make myself depressed by_________________________________
  9. I sometimes feel sorry for myself when ________________________
  10. At this moment I resent ___________________________________
  11. Right now I am feeling guilty about _________________________
  12. When I get tickets to my favorite group’s concert, I feel__________
  13. When I look in the mirror, I feel ___________________________
  14. When I think of the future, I feel ___________________________
  15. When I start a project and I finish it, I feel ____________________
  16. On Spring Break, I feel __________________________________

II. “My parents”

Task “From Generation to Generation”

Practice: Writing, Speaking (NE)

Complete the following sentences.

  1. Three things I particularly like about my family are_________________________________
  2. Two things I would like to change about my family are________________________________
  3. The best time I ever had with my family was._______________________________________
  4. Two customs that we have in our family that I especially like are_______________________
  5. The one lesson I learned in my family that I would like to pass on to my children is____________________________________

Task Poem “Something” by M. V. Skoblikova

Practice: Word formation (NE)

I love my parents but should say

------showing love that way 


I ------my mum the gift of birth 


I owe my dad the -----------of earth 


But how it difficult sometimes ------ 


My ----------- deep inside. 


Sometimes I am lazy, sometimes - am--- 


Sometimes want to be ------ along


Sometimes I want to show I am---- 


Instead - behave not ------ way 


I know my mum ------- a little 


When I ------home late in the night 


I know my dad tries hard -------me 


To feel like -----, but it s not right 


 ---- in my heart I m kind and loving


But something happens when I --- 


To be polite, attentive, -------------- 


To do my ------------, go to school 


I love ----- parents and should say 


I feel------------------- to be that way 


III. The society I live in

Task “Dramatizing Dialogues “ 

Practice: Speaking

Choose the role and present the dialogue

  1. Teenager – parents
    Problem: your return home late
  2. Teenager – doctor
    Problem: you are too tired
  3. Teenager – psychologist
    Problem: no one understands me
  4. Teenager – teacher
    Problem: not ready with your home task
  5. Teenager – teenager
    Problem: friendship
  6. Teenager – policeman
    Problem: after disco
  7. Teenager – head teacher
    Problem: late for school

IV My friends

Task “Helping Friends in Trouble”

Practice: Reading (NE)

Look at the text, 6 sentences have been removed. Read the article and choose from the sentences ( A – G) the one which fits each gap. There is one sentence which you do not need to use.

  1. What you can do is be the most caring and responsible friend possible during the hard times.
  2. We all feel overwhelmed at times.
  3. Once that has done, it is a good idea to get in touch with someone you trust and respect
  4. Can you guess what they said?
  5. Striking out at who ever seems responsible for the problem brings temporary relief.
  6. Along with the problem, we feel like no one cares.
  7. Failure on a test, a fight with a friend an argument with a parent can be upsetting.

We all have bad days, or weeks, or even months.1-----.Things usually get better. Sometimes that's hard to remember when you're down. But stress and depression happen in the lives of people young and old. Problems get people down. We feel tense, fearful, or angry because things are changing—they seem out of control. It's hard to manage. More than 2,000 high school students were asked how they handle serious problems in their lives. 2. -------.They either try to handle the problem themselves or talk to their friends. It's important to think about how to help yourself as well as a friend who comes

Aggression and anger get attention. 3------ But aggressive actions, like drinking too much, driving recklessly, swearing at people, and breaking up things, can cause trouble in the long run. They don't usually solve the problem.

Withdrawal can also be destructive. It's normal to react, “Just leave me alone!” But if it goes on for a long time, we are without what we need most—sharing, understanding, and help.

4----- .The depression and anger become worse, and we begin to make bad choices instead of healthy ones.

When you stomach churns, your head aches, and fear creeps through your inside, your mind and body are reacting to stress. There are a number of things you can do, such as:

talk to someone you trust, share what is bothering you, listen to music and relax, get some physical exercise, do something that normally gives you pleasure, give yourself a chance to think

These are first-aid actions. They do not solve the problem, but you can blow off some steam.5.------ Go have a good talk; lay out the problem and try to figure out some ways to solve it. It is important to remember that you cannot be responsible for another person's actions when they are stressed, depressed, or suicidal. Whether they are crying out for help or suffering silently in despair, only they can help themselves. 6--- This means listening to their concerns, supporting them, and helping them get skilled help from a trusted and capable adult friend.

V. My school

Poem “Sixteen”

Practice: Speaking, Poetical translation

Losing concentration, often coming late
Trying to look older, going on a date
Crushes, kisses, using slang
Standing on street corners
Being with the gang
Skin problems, secrets, holding hands
Pinups, mood swings. latest heavy bands
Thinking about life
Wondering why we're here
Why doesn't milk taste more like beer?
Breaking all the rules
Not doing as you're told
Being nice to grandma
Thinking twenty's old
Make-up, motor bikes, the latest food fad
Going on holiday without Mum and Dad
Living for the weekend
Always on the phone
Slamming all the doors
"Go away, leave me alone!"
Looking cool, part of the scene
Living in jeans


Poetic translation “Sixteen”


Мы теряем внимание,
Мы поздно приходим домой,
Мы пытаемся выглядеть старше
И бежим на свиданья порой.
Мы влюбляемся и целуемся,
Иногда мы стоим на углах,
Мы используем сленг на улице,
А веселье компании в наших руках
Мы всё время держимся за руки,
У нас вечно проблемы с кожей,
Настроенье всегда меняется,
Постоянно секреты тревожат.
Мы слушаем самое модное -
Последние тяжёлые группы.
Плакаты висят по всем стенам,
А для родителей - это глупо.
Мы размышляем о жизни,
О том, что нам делать с нею,
О том, почему вкус пива
Вдруг стал молока вкуснее?
Мы разбиваем правила,
Отметаем все приказанья,
Зато мы ласковы с бабушкой
И убегаем от наказанья.
Мы мыслим, как будто нам двадцать,
Красимся и в еде чудим,
На мотоциклах катаемся,
Скачем, несёмся, бежим.
Мы часто живём выходными,
Праздники встречаем с друзьями
"Оставьте меня в покое!!!" -
Кричим мы, похлопав дверями.
На телефоне висим часами
И в джинсах растем голубых,
Привыкли мы выглядеть классно
И жить среди всех стальных.
Вы спросите, кто мы такие?
Наверно, большие дети,
Мы просто недавно отметили
Своё шестнадцатилетие!

Женя Кузьмина,11 класс

VII. Lessons of tolerance

Task “Lessons of tolerance”

Practice : Speaking, Reading, Writings on Tolerance

  1. Tolerance is a secret and sacred way to enrich our human life.
  2. Strength and tolerance must be eternal partners to be victorious in life.
  3. Tolerance is not peace but from tolerance in the near or distant future, peace may blossom.
  4. My life is between my intolerance- min and my tolerance- heart.