Урок английского языка в 3-м классе по УМК "Enjoy English, 3-й класс"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 3

Задачи урока:

Развивать умения и навыки устной речи:

  • учить понимать на слух текст, построенный на знакомом языковом материале;
  • учить вести диалог-расспрос, используя вопросы: What do you like to do on Sundays? What does he/she like to do on Sundays?;
  • учить рассказывать о любимом занятии друга/его семьи по воскресеньям;
  • учить употреблять в речи числительные от 20 до 100.

Новые слова: with, play with a friend, do homework, play tennis, walk with a dog.

Ход урока

1. Приветствие.

Good morning, children! – Good morning, teacher!

How are you today? – We are fine!

I am glad to see you. And you? – We are glad to see you too.

Thank you, children. Take your places, please.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

Do you remember the days of the week? What are they?

На доске написаны дни недели:








Какая это неделя? (Английская.)

What do you like to do on Sundays? – I like to skate. I like to read. I like to ski. (Etc. )

Now we work in turn. Ask your classmates What does he/she like to do on Sundays?

3. Аудирование.

Would you like to know what pupils from Green School do like to do on Sundays?

So, open your books on p.45 and look at the pictures in the ex.1. Who is on these pictures?

(It is a dog Jack. It is a fox Bess. It is a cockerel Nick.)

Good. Now listen to the tapescript.

Miss Chatter: Bess! What do you like to do on Sundays?

Bess (the fox): I like to read on Sundays.

Miss Chatter: And you, Jack?

Jack (the dog): On Sundays I play football with my friends.

Miss Chatter: Nick! Do you like to play football?

Nick (the cockerel): No, I dont. I like to play tennis.

What does Bess like to do on Sundays? – Bess likes to read books.

What does Jack like to do on Sundays? – Jack likes to play football with friends.

What does Nick like to do on Sundays? – Nick likes to play tennis.

4. Введение новых слов. Тренировка устной речи.

Now we can learn some new words. Open your SB on the p. 46. ex. 4. We read new words in the table:

  • with – с,
  • play with a friend – играть с другом,
  • do homework – делать домашнюю работу,
  • play tennis – играть в теннис,
  • walk with a dog – гулять с собакой.

Look at the pictures in the ex.4, read the sentences and choose right sentences for each picture.

Read the sentence for the picture 1. – He does his homework every day.

Read the sentence for the picture 2. – She walks with her dog every morning.

Read the sentence for the picture 3. – He must not eat many cakes and sweets.

Read the sentence for the picture 4. – He plays with his friend in the park.

Read the sentence for the picture 5. – He plays tennis on Sundays.

Read the sentence for the picture 6. – He likes to play hokey on Saturdays.

Работа в парах.

Ask your classmates What does he/she like to do on Sundays?

What does his/her father/mother like to do on Sundays?

And then tell us about your classmates family on the model at the blackboard.

На доску вывешивается образец рассказа о друге и его семье:

Dima likes to play football on Sundays.

His father likes to play chess on Sundays.

(Подчеркнутые слова означают, что их нужно заменить. Для подсказки на доске есть слова: mother, sister, brother, her.)

Затем заслушиваем несколько пар.

It is very good. Lets have a rest!

5. Физкудьтурная минутка.

Stand up, please. We do our exercises.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, knees and toes.
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, knees and toes.
And eyes, and ears, and mouth and nose.
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, knees and toes.

6. Употребление числительных.

Саn you count? – Yes, we can.

Count from 1 to 20 all together, please. (Pupils count aloud.)

Very good. And do you know how is in English 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100?

Как же образуются эти числительные? С помощью суффикса –ty. Look at the blackboard!

4 + ty =forty, 6 + ty = sixty, 7 + ty = seventy, 8 + ty = eighty, 9 + ty = ninety, а 100 – one hundred!

Каких цифр здесь нет? – 20, 30,50.

Верно. Они изменяют и звучат немного по-другому: twenty, thirty, fifty.

Try to count in English. (Считаем все вместе, затем по одному, показывая на пальцах десятки. Далее учитель показывает цифру дети ее называют.) Давайте запишем это правило в тетради.

And how can we count from 20 to 30? Listen to me, please: twenty one, twenty two, twenty three, … What next? Children count: twenty four, twenty five, twenty six, twenty seven, twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty.

Can you count from thirty to forty? Count, please. (Считают по очереди.)

Тренировка счета.

P.46. ex.3. Сосчитай вслух по календарю сколько дней осталось до весенних каникул.

7. Подведение итогов.

Сегодня мы узнали новы слова и выражения, научились считать, узнали чем любят заниматься ваши одноклассники и рассказали об этом на английском языке.

Your marks:

Your homework is so:

  • SB p. 45 ex. 2.
  • WB p. 30 ex. 1, 2.

The lesson is over. Good bye!