"Прощай, АВС!" (Путешествие в королевство "АВС")

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Форма урока: Путешествие в Королевство «The ABC».

Цели урока:

  • актуализация фонетических навыков,
  • совершенствование навыков выразительного рассказывания стихотворений;
  • закрепление лексических навыков;
  • тренировка монологической и диалогической речи.

Оборудование: украшение классного помещения красочными буквами английского алфавита, картинки английского алфавита, костюмы для инсценировок, магнитофон, карта путешествия на поезде в Королевство ABC, проектная работа детей «Веселая Азбука», сертификаты об окончании первого года обучения.

Ход урока

T: Good afternoon, dear boys, girls and also the guests of our lesson. Welcome to our ABC party.

Дорогие ребята, сегодня у нас необычный урок, урок-путешествие.

Мы должны доказать присутствующим в классе, как, на сколько, мы выучили Азбуку.

Сегодня мы путешествуем в королевстве “ABC” Это очень интересная страна. Путешествовать мы с вами будем на поезде. А поехать мы сможем, только если выполним все задания на станциях. И впереди нас ждут интересные игры, веселые сценки, забавные рифмовки, и конечно же зажигательные песни. Если мы с вами будем активны, правильно выполним задания, поезд поедет. Итак, давайте начнем наш урок.

Oh, the weather is fine. Let s sing a song about it.

The sun is shining
The wind is blowing
Hello, my friend hello.
The sun is bright
The sky is blue
The birds sing and fly
And, we are merry too.

T: Thank you for your beautiful song (стучать в дверь).

- Who is there? Буква А-Hello. I am the letter A.

A is for Alphabet and for ABC. Can you say the alphabet from A to Z.?

Children: Yes, we can.

This is called the alphabet.
Which, we never must forget.

T: Do you know how many letters are there in the English alphabet?

Children: There are 26 letters in the English alphabet.

T: And how many vowel in the English alphabet?

Children: There is 6 vowels. A.E.I. and O.U.Y.

T: Let s sings a song about the vowels.


A E I, A E I, A E I
A E I and O U Y

T: Thank you, vowels. And, let s start our trip in the Kingdom ABC. Are you ready?

Children: Yes, we are.


Our train goes
We are merry so

Oh, here is the station A and so, here is the missing letters from A to F.

Who wants to find and put it? And come here the best friends of the A.

Oh, A B C D E F is the best friends of A.

They recite the poems, let s listen them.

(Учащиеся читают стихи).

Ученик 1:

A is for Apples and Apple-trees.
You can see apples on apple-trees.

Ученик 2:

B is for Books and for bookcase.
I have many books in my bookcase.

Ученик 3:

C is for cat. My cat is grey,
And with me it likes to play.

Ученик 4:

D is for Dog and for Doggy.
I have a dog not a doggy.

Ученик 5: E is for Eight and for Eleven. How much is eight and eleven?

Ученик 6:

F is for flowers: red and blue
White and yellow, and rosy too.

T: Thank you. Let s go on our trip.

Our train goes
We are merry so

Oh, here is the station G. Look children here is the missing letters from G to M. Oh, I see the letter G. Come with your friends.

(Учащиеся выходят к доске.)

Ученик 1:

G is for Girl
I’m a little girl; I have a ball so new
Will you play with me?
I want to play with you.

Ученик 2:

H is for hand
I have two hands
This is the way I clap my hands.

Ученик 3:

I is for I.
I’m a boy. I’m ten.
I like to play with my brother Ben.

Ученик 4:

J is for Jam
This is apple jam
Jimmy likes it, and so does Sam.

Ученик 5:

K is for Kite
Kate has a kite.
It is little, and it is white.

Ученик 6:

L is for little
Little frog, little frog
Hop, hop, and hop.
Little frog, little frog.
Stop, stop, and stop.

Ученик 7:

M is for mouse
Little mouse, little mouse.

T: Thank you.

(Теперь давайте посмотрим сценку.)

Сценка Little Mouse


Little mouse, little mouse
Where is your mouse?


Little cat, little cat
I have no flat
I am a poor mouse
I have no house.


Little mouse, little mouse
Come into my house.


Little cat, little cat
I cannot do that
You want to it me!

T: Thank you.

(А теперь давайте продолжим наше путешествие.)

Our train goes
We are merry so

Oh I see the missing letters from N to T. Come here the letters and recite your poems

Ученик 1:

N is for Numbers
N is for Nine, Ninety and nine.

Ученик 2:

O is for one
One, one, one
Little dog run.

Ученик 3:

P is for pilots
In the sky, very, very high
The pilots fly.

Ученик 4:

Q is for questions:
How are you?
How old are you?

Ученик 5:

R is for run
We run a race
What fun! What fun!
Let’s run again.
Run, run, run.

Ученик 6:

S is for Street.
This is my street.

Ученик 7:

T is for train
The little train on a long, long rack.

T: T is also three.

Can you count?

Children: Yes, we can.

T: Let s count up to ten.

(Давайте поможем НЕЗНАЙКЕ какие цифры в шарах пропущены?)

- А теперь давайте продолжим наше путешествие сели поудобнее в своих вагончиках.

Our train goes
We are merry so

- Oh, here is the station U.

Let s take off and put the missing words from U to Z.

Children: Yes, let s go

Учащиеся угадали пропущенные буквы: V W X Y

T: Come here the letters from U to Z and recite your poems.

Ученик 1:

U is for under.
Little boy, little boy
Under the tree,
I like this house,
Give it to me.

Ученик 2:

V is in five and also in seven,
It is in twelve and in eleven.

Ученик 3:

W is for winter when it is cold.
But I like the winter and I like cold.

Ученик 4:

X is in six.
Let’s count up to ten!
1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.

Ученик 5:

Y is for yard where children play.
They play in the yard every day.

Ученик 6:

Z is for the Zoo
Let’s go to the Zoo.
I like to go to Zoo.
And you?

T: Thank you, letters.

Итак, ребята мы с вами собрали все буквы алфавита. Давайте споем песню “ABC”.

U V W X Y Z.

T: Thank you for the nice song.

Ребята, слышите голоса птиц так вот мы находимся недалеко от зоопарком. Чтоб не скучать на дороге, мы с вами играем игру “ перекличка”

- Who is an elephant?

Pupil 1:

I am an elephant
I am big and I am strong
And my trunk is very long.

T: Who is a bear?

Pupil 2:

I am a bear.
I am brown and I am white
I like to swim and to dive.

T: Who is a cat?

Pupil 3:

I am a cat.
I am grey I like to play

T: Who is a monkey?

Pupil 4:

I am monkey
I am a monkey. I am brown
I can run and jump
Up and down.

T: Oh, we are at the ZOO.

What kind of animals are there in the ZOO?

Children: A bear, a tiger, a lion an elephant, a monkey, a fox, a crocodile.

T: What animals do you like?

And tell about it?


My name is Kazbek
I have a bear
My bear can jump, run, swim and dance.
I like my bear

T: Thank you. And our trip get end. Let s go to school

Ребята чем вы занимаетесь в школе?


We can read we can write
We can speak English too
I love learning English
And, what about you?

Звенит звонок.

T: And we are at school. Let s read.

I like
I like cats
I like cats and dogs
I like cats and dogs and monkeys too.

She has
She has got
She has got a crocodile
She has got a green crocodile

He can
He can run
He can run and jump
He can run and jump and skip too.

Let’s play (составляем как можно больше предложений сданными глаголами.)

T: And we sing a song:”These are things we learn at school”

Ребята вот подошел к концу наш урок. Давайте вспомним тему нашего урока.

Children: “Good bye the ABC”

T: And we finished our lesson with the song “Good bye the ABC”

I know the ABC
I know the ABC
I know the ABC Good-bye
Good-bye the ABC
Good -bye the ABC.
Good -bye the ABC.
Oh, yes!!!!

- Спасибо ребята. Сегодня вы хорошо работали, и все вы получаете “Сертификаты” с отличием. Сертификат-это документ, подтверждающий ваше знание, и на сегодняшний день по “A.B.C.”Это важный документ, который имеет право, вручит только директор или завуч. Право на вручение Сертификатов мне бы хотелось дать слово завучу начальных классов. А помогать ей будет самый “большой” (опытный) учитель английского языка.