Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Thanksgiving Day"

Разделы: Внеклассная работа

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, аудиозаписи песен посвященных празднику.

I. Introduction

Today we’ll speak about one of the most important traditions of the USA ‘Thanksgiving Day’. On that precious day people say thank to God to their nearest and dearest. Families gather together. So today we’ll try to find out the most peculiar facts about this holiday. Be attentive because there will be a quiz, American songs and dances.

1ый ведущий: Many, many years ago people from England decided to sail to America. They believed they would find their home in America. They were called Pilgrims. They came to America to find religious freedom. It was in 1620. They sailed across the ocean in ‘Mayflower’. Only half of the pilgrims survived in very cold water.

2ой ведущий: Friendly Indians helped them to learn farming and fishing

In the autumn of 1621 the Pilgrims harvested their first crops. To celebrate this harvest William Bradford, the leader of Pilgrims, proclaimed a three day feast and celebration. Pilgrims invited the Indians to join in the festivities.

This is the feast that is known to most of us as the first Thanksgiving in America. For fifty –five years there was no fighting between Pilgrims and the Indians.

3ий ведущий: As the years passed, many other colonists settled in America. In 1873, George Washington, the first President of The United States, proclaimed the first Thanksgiving Day for all Americans.

Then President Abraham Lincoln made the last Thursday of November Thanksgiving Day.

Today Thanksgiving is a happy time when families gather together.

1ый ведущий читает стихотворение:

The First Thanksgiving

When the Pilgrims
first gathered together to share
with their Indian friends
in the mild autumn air,
they lifted the voices
in jubilant praise
for the bread on the table,
the berries and maize,
for field and for forest,
for turkey and deer,
for the bountiful crops
they were blessed with that year.
They were thankful for these
as they feasted away,
and as they were thankful
we're thankful today.

Затем класс делится на три команды и им предлагается выполнить задание – Quiz.


  1. Thanksgiving “hen”:
    a) chicken 
    b) duck 
    c) turkey
    d) goose
  2. It’s a traditional favorite dessert for Thanksgiving celebration:
    a) Cranberry pie  
    b) Strawberry pie 
    c) Raspberry pie 
    d) Cherry pie
  3. During the date 1860s and in the …… local baseball games had dominated Thanksgiving holiday afternoons:
    a) 1875s 
    b) 1861s 
    c) 1870s
  4. When do Canadian people celebrate Thanksgiving Day?
    a) 2nd Sunday in November
    b) 1st Monday in December
    c) 2nd Monday in October
  5. Did the Romans give thanks at the harvest seasons?
    a) No, they didn’t 
    b) Yes, they did
  6. In … the 1st colonists came to America and began a new life there.
    a) 1721 
    b) 1600 
    c) 1620
  7. When did the colonists have their first harvest?
    a) In the summer 1621
    b) In the autumn 1620
    c) In the autumn 1621
    d) In the autumn 1622
  8. How long did the first Thanksgiving dinner last?
    a) 1 hour 
    b) 3 days
    c) 13 days 
    d) 5 days
  9. Who were the Pilgrim leader and minister?
    a) James Cook 
    b) John Robinson
    c) Capitan Christopher Jones
  10. Who wrote a famous book about Pilgrims, called “Of Plymouth Plantation”
    a) the Pilgrims 
    b) Mark Twain 
    c) William Bradford
  11. How many passengers came on the “Mayflower”?
    a) 2 hundred and 1 
    b) 1 hundred and 2
  12. How many children were on the “Mayflower”?
    a) 28 
    b) 93 
    c) 36 
    d) 34
  13. It was a stormy voyage lasting…
    a) 1 year 
    b) 46 days 
    c) 36 days 
    d) 65 days
  14. The “Mayflower” reached Cape Cod on …
    a) November 21st  
    b) December 31st  
    c) September 19th
  15. The 1st winter the Pilgrims had very…food.
    a) much 
    b) little 
    c) some
  16. What were the names of the 1st two friendly Indians, who helped Pilgrims?
    a) Samoset and Massasoit
    b) Squanto and Massasoit
    c) Samoset and Squanto
  17. For …years there were no fighting between the Pilgrims and the Indians.
    a) 15 
    b) 70 
    c) 92 
    d) 55
  18. The Pilgrims wore bright clothes, didn’t they?
    a) yes, they did  
    b) no, they didn’t
  19. A symbol of Thanksgiving Day:
    a) An Indian 
    b) A Pilgrim 
    c) Turkey
  20. What is traditional Thanksgiving food?
    a) Pumpkin
    b) Eggs
    c) Ice-cream
    d) Turkey
    e) Apple pie
    f) Strawberry
    g) Bananas
    h) Potatoes
    i) Cheese

Затем командам предлагается решить два кроссворда

Пока подводятся итоги прошлого конкурса 2ой ведущий читает стихотворение ‘All in a Word’

T.....for time to be together, turkey, talk, and tangy weather.

H.....for harvest stored away, home, and hearth, and holiday.

A.....for autumn's frosty art, and abundance in the heart.

N.....for neighbors, and November, nice things, new things to remember.

K.....for kitchen, kettles' croon, kith and kin expected soon.

S.....for sizzles, sights, and sounds, and something special that abounds.

T is for the trust the pilgrims had so many years ago

H is for the harvest the settlers learnt to grow

A is for America, the land in which we live

N is for nature and beauty which she gives

K is for kindness, gentle words, thoughtful deeds

S is for smiles, the sunshine everyone needs

G is for gratitude... our blessings big and small

I is for ideas, letting wisdom grow tall

V is for voices, singing, laughing, always caring

I is for Indians, who taught them about sharing

N is for neighbors, across the street, over the sea

G is for giving of myself to make a better me

Каждая команда приготовила песню, посвященную празднику Thanksgiving Day и фольклорные танцы в стиле country.

После подведения итогов весь класс поет песню “This land - is my land” а на интерактивной доске изображение статуи. Свободы.

Заключение: подведение итогов праздника и награждение победителей