Средства массовой информации в Великобритании и России. Сравнительный анализ

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Цели урока:

  • Воспитательная цель урока: Воспитание личности учащегося на основе общечеловеческих ценностей, формирование у школьников инициативности и самостоятельности, толерантности и уважения к другим нациям и культурам, способности к успешной самореализации.
  • Развивающие цели: Формирование у учащихся внутренней мотивации к изучению языка и культуры, развитие у детей внимания и восприятия, слуховой памяти, мышления и воображения, способности к аналитической деятельности.
  • Образовательная цель: Расширение кругозора учащихся, за счет ознакомления с новой информацией по теме: Mass Media in Great Britain and Russia.
  • Практические цели: Формирование у обучающихся коммуникативной компетенции, подготовленного и спонтанного говорения, развитие творческих способностей, используя ИКТ.

Задачи урока:

1). Тренинг учащихся в свободном говорении на иностранном языке в работе по созданию проекта по теме: Mass media in Great Britain and in Russia.

2). Развитие творческого самовыражения учащихся в презентации своего отношения к различным СМИ, формирование политической терпимости к различным точкам зрения в области политики, экономики, социального развития страны.

Техническое обеспечение урока:

  1. Компьютер с проектором и экраном
  2. Презентация проекта Power Point
  3. CD Opportunities’
  4. Визуальный документ, проецированный на экран
  5. Интерактивная доска
  6. Дисплей

Форма урока:

Урок-дискуссия, с использованием ИКТ.

Основные этапы урока:

  1. Погружение в тематику урока: выбор темы для обсуждения.
  2. Презентация диалогов и обсуждение темы уроков Mass media in Great Britain and Russia.
  3. Обсуждение различных точек зрения по теме урока. Форма взаимодействия – Фронтальная:
    • Учитель – Ученик.
    • Работа в парах.
    • Групповая работа.

Подведение итогов “Средства массовой информации в России и Великобритании”

4.Questionnaire – Составление вопросника для виртуального собеседника по теме урока.

Developing language thinking and speaking skills by means of listening, speaking and triggering of students’ mental abilities and creative skills, using IT, based on the authentic upper-intermediate teaching and learning material.

1. What sources of information do you know?

STS: tv, radio, press, the net.

T: We are not going to deny the obvious fact that Press and TV are considered to be the main sources of information.

What do TV and Press have in common? (If we speak about the way of delivering information)

STS say:

  1. Headlines
  2. News – soft news and Hard news

2. So we are going to have pair work (Acting out dialogues)

Let’s imagine (Alessia and Nikita) are experts of Russian TV news broadcasts and Nikita is your British colleague. So speak about the way news is presented in GB, compare it with TV news broadcasts in Russia and tell us whether it resembles entertainment or not.

(Task to the group: listen to them and be ready to ask them questions)

3. There is a great deal of debate about Pros and Cons of watching TV.

Nastya and Jenny are going to clear up the matter.

(Task: listen and be ready to ask them questions)

4. STS: What irritates us, annoys us, when we watch TV.

T: Every ad. Is a big disgusting lie because they promise a lot more than there is to the product.

However, there are some ads, which are worthy of our attention. What do you think of them?

5. Some people say that PRESS is the best way of delivering information.

T -> STS: Press can be divided into 2 large groups: quality news papers (broadsheets) and “tabloids”

6. Auding.

Task: Listen to the talk about Britain’s main newspaper. Classify them “tabloid” or “quality”.

Quality: The telegraph, The guardian, The times, The financial Times.

Tabloid: The Daily Mail, The Sun, The Mirror.

Headlines are like shop windows. They are designed to catch the attention of the reader.

T: Have a look! Which headlines are interesting? Which are not so interesting? Say why?

T: Do you think the reporters picked out the right parts of the articles for their headlines?

7. So broadsheets, “tabloids”, Headlines which are like shop windows, under the splashed headlines you can find any information you want.

So (Serge and Natasha) are going to act out the dial. Ab. Quality and popular newspapers, the role they play in our everyday life.

So: Listen and be ready to ask them questions.

8. The Net is an enormous source of getting information. To my mind the only problem bothers us how not to lose our way, tell right from wrong.

Still, we can’t but admit that modern life is impossible without this mass medium.

Now (Lyusya and Olga) are going to share their ideas what the net is for them.

Task to the group: Listen and be ready to ask questions.

T: Mass media: Press, The Net, full of rubbish, gossip, “human interest stories”.

You may ask me?

T.S. What are you driving at?

STS: our today’s topic is closely connected with the problem of interference of the tabloid press in famous people’s lives. Celebrities have become much bigger with today’s mass media.

“Fame has a price…” The price, celebrities pay for being famous is too high.

This came to a head after the death of Princess Diana in 1997, when paparazzi had followed the car in which she died.

  1. Pr. Diana was killed in a car accidently in Paris.
  2. John Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas in 1963
  3. John Lennon – a British rock musician, one of The Beatles, was assassinated in 1980 in New – York by a fan.
  4. Marilyn Monroe – American film actress.
  5. Michael Jackson – the brightest star in the world of pop music and the most tragic example of the price of Fame. It ruined his life.

Conclusion: I think it would be great to follow up our lesson with this well-known song.

I think our commentaries are needless, because the message is obvious…
