В здоровом теле – здоровый дух (Healthy body, healthy mind)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • Обучающие:  развитие навыков чтения, умение общаться на заданную тему, закрепление тематической  лексики в устной речи, развитие навыков аудирования и письма.
  • Развивающие: развитие лингвистических способностей, развитие мышления, памяти и внимания.
  • Познавательные: приобретение знаний об аспектах, влияющих на здоровье человека.
  • Воспитательные: пропаганда здорового образа жизни, воспитание ответственности за свое здоровье.

Оборудование урока: наглядные пособия, грамматическая таблица, раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска, аудиoзапись.


1. Организационный момент

Teacher: Good morning, everybody!
Sit down and make yourself comfortable. Today we are having a revision lesson. We are going to speak about good and bad habits, health problems; we`ll read, write and sing. Let`s begin with a phonetic drill.

2. Фонетическая зарядка


I overslept and missed my train,
Slipped on the pavement in the heavy rain.
Sprained my leg, skinned my knees,
Broke my glasses, lost my keys,
Got stuck in the elevator,
It wouldn`t go,
Kicked it twice and hurt my toe;
Bought a pen that didn`t write,
Took it back and had a fight,
Went home angry, locked the door,
Crawled into bed, couldn`t take any more.

3. Активизация лексических навыков по теме.

Teacher: I think it is very important to be fit and healthy. Many people in our country now think more about their health.  Many of today`s   problems existed in the past, that`s why there are a lot of proverbs about health. Look at the board! Match two parts of the proverb.

1)  After dinner sit a while,                   a) with eating.
2) An apple a day                                b) quick at work.
3) Quick at meat,                                 c) without health.
4) Health is not valued                          d) after supper walk a mile.
5) Early to bed and early to rise            e) keeps the doctor away.
6) Wealth is nothing                              f) till sickness comes.
7) Appetite comes                                g) better than cure.
8) Prevention is                                     h) makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Teacher: And now let`s remember our Russian proverbs about health. I`ll read you a Russian proverb and you`ll give an English equivalent.

1) Кто ест скоро, тот  и работает скоро. (Quick at meat, quick at work)
2) После обеда – лежать, после ужина – гулять. (After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile)
3) Аппетит приходит во время еды. (Appetite comes with eating)
4) Кто рано встает, тот здоровье, богатство и ум наживет. (Early to bed and early to rise? Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise)
5) Лук – от семи недуг. (An apple a day keeps the doctor away)
6) Болен – лечись, а здоров – берегись. (Prevention is better than cure)
7) Здоровье дороже богатства. (Wealth is nothing without health)

4. Развитие навыков поискового чтения

Teacher: Now let`s read the text about Tommy Harrison and do some exercises. Look at the blackboard.  These words will help you to understand the text (Приложение 1).

1) Презентация новой лексики.

Exactly – точно, ровно
Retired – на пенсии
A pipe – трубка
Rheumatic fever – ревматическая лихорадка
Abroad – за границей
Perhaps – возможно

2) Чтение текста (про себя).

3) Выполнение послетекстовых заданий.

Teacher: Answer the following true/false statements (Приложение 2).

4) Развитие навыков устной речи на основе прочитанного текста.

Teacher: Now, please, give a short description of Tommy Harrison. What do you think about his good habits? What are they?

Предполагаемые ответы учащихся:

Tommy is 100 years old because he has some good habits. He can still drive a car. He has a full English breakfast – bacon, eggs, toast and marmalade. That means that he never skips breakfast. He still goes dancing and swimming. His only bad habit is smoking.

5. Совершенствование грамматических навыков – употребление модального глагола  should

Teacher: Let`s practice in using should/shouldn`t. Look at these rules. What should or shouldn`t you do to be healthy? What rules must you remember to keep fit?

Запись на доске:

Good rules to remember:

  • Get up early and go to bed early to keep fit.
  • Take regular exercises.
  • Take a cool shower.
  • Eat healthy food.
  • Never smoke.
  • Clean your teeth every morning and every evening.
  • Wash your hands before you eat.

Teacher: Now pretend you are a doctor or maybe a teacher and express the same ideas using should/shouldn`t.

Предполагаемые ответы учащихся:

  • You should get up early.
  • You should go to bed early.
  • You shouldn`t smoke.
  • You should eat healthy food.  etc.

6. Закрепление  лексики по теме « Проблемы со здоровьем»

Teacher: It`s a pity but few of us can boast good health. We have to see doctors because sometimes we have some health problems. Look at the board. First, listen and repeat these words after me, in chorus.
A  headache, hurt one`s back, a plaster,  twist one`s ankle, sprain one`s wrist, high fever, sore eyes, an injection,  a sore throat, a tablet, temperature, a bandage, the flu, get some rest, dizzy, vitamin.

Teacher:  Now let`s do an exercise. Please, find the names of illnesses and treatment.

Предполагаемые ответы учащихся:

Illnesses: a headache, hurt one`s back, twist one`s ankle, sprain one`s wrist, high fever, sore eyes, a sore throat, temperature, the flu, dizzy.
Treatment: a plaster, an injection, a tablet, a bandage, get some rest, vitamin.

7. Развитие навыков письма

Teacher: Let`s do an exercise. Look at these people and describe their illnesses.

8. Развитие навыков диалогической речи

1) Teacher: Listen and repeat these sentences:

  • Hello, Mrs. Thompson.
  • What`s the matter?
  • I don`t feel well.
  • It hurts when I swallow.
  • Let`s take your temperature, shall we?
  • How long will I feel like this?
  • Bless you. Here`s a tissue.

2) Аудирование диалога “At the school nurse” (Приложение 3).

Teacher: You`ll listen to the dialogue. What do you think the situation is? Who is speaking? Listen and check.

3) Драматизация диалога.

Teacher: And now let`s work in pairs. One pupil is a nurse, one is a patient. Read the dialogue, please.

9. Обобщение  лексико-грамматического  материала. Исполнение учащимися песни “I`ve  got a headache”.

Teacher: Let`s sing a song. This song will give you practice in using the modal verb should and the names of illnesses.

I`ve got a headache
You should take an aspirin.
I`ve got a toothache
You should see the dentist.
I`ve got earache
You should see the doctor.
You should see the doctor.
I`m very thirsty
You should drink some water.
I`m very tired. 
You should go to bed.

10. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок. Домашнее задание.

Список используемой литературы:

  1. Учебно-методический комплекс  “Spotlight”, 7 класс, авторы Ю.Е. Ваулина, Дж.Джули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс, Москва, Express Publishing,  Просвещение, 2009
  2. New Headway Elementary Tests, автор  Amanda Maris, Oxford University Press, 2001
  3. New Hotline Pre-Intermediate Tests, авторы  Tom Hutchinson, Amanda Maris, Oxford University Press, 2001
  4. Сборник песен  “OK English”, Краснодар, научно-методическая производственная фирма «Джулия и К», 1997
  5. Английский язык, интенсивный курс, автор Т.Н.Игнатова, Москва «Высшая школа», 1992
  6. Английские и русские пословицы и поговорки в иллюстрациях, автор М.И.Дубровин, Москва «Просвещение»