Let's compare animals

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • закрепление лексики по теме
  • систематизация знания названий месяцев
  • развитие навыка чтения
  • развитие монологической речи
  • развитие навыка письма
  • знакомство со сравнительной степенью прилагательных
  • тренировка грамматических навыков
  • воспитание вежливости, дружелюбия и отзывчивости
  • расширение кругозора детей – знакомство с серыми китами

Оборудование: карточки со словами по теме, плакат со сравнительной степенью, детские работы, раздаточный материал.



Учитель: Good morning children.


Good morning, good morning
Good morning to you.
Good morning, good morning
We are glad to see you.

Учитель: I’d like to start the lesson with exercises to make our brain work. Please look at the blackboard. What do you see? (The teacher points out the date). Yes, you are absolutely right. This is the date. Who can tell it to me? And I wonder if you know the other months of the year. As I can see many of you know practically all months.

Учитель: That is very good.  We continue to talk about animals and today I have prepared some puzzles for you and your task is to solve them. Let’s divide you into 2 teams and the team which solves more puzzles than the other one will be a winner.

  • It’s very tall and it eats leaves  (giraffe)
  • It’s quite small and it lives in the sea (seal)
  • It’s fat and it’s got 4 legs (hippo)
  • It eats bananas and it climbs trees (monkey)
  • It’s got a long tail and a lot of teeth (crocodile)
  • It’s small, lazy and it likes to sit in the sun (lizard)

Учитель: Very good. Please look at the blackboard. You can see that some animals are small and some are smaller, some are tall and some are taller. And now think about saying that some animals differ from the others. (Children look at the poster with degrees of comparison and make a conclusion about the way to make a comparative degree of adjective).

Презентация 1

Закрепление форм образования сравнительной степени прилагательных.

Учитель:  Please open up your workbooks. Ex.4 p.32.

A pupil goes to the blackboard and does the exercise; other pupils do it in their workbooks.

Учитель: Excellent. I think you are tired a bit that’s why let’s have a break and you show me what animals can do.


Can you hop like a rabbit?
Can you jump like a frog?
Can you walk like a duck?
Can you run like a dog?
Can you fly a bird?
Can you swim like a fish?
And be still like a good child,
As still as you wish.

Учитель: Very good. Please take your seats. And today we are going to learn about Grey Whales.

Children read the text about these mammals and answer the question after the text. Ex.4, p.63

Учитель: Thank you for your answers. And I know that for today you have prepared reports about wild animals. Who would like to tell us about them?

Children make reports.

Учитель: That is very good. Your reports are very interesting. Thank you very much for your work. And now I’d like to offer you to solve the crossword.

Игра «Отгадай кроссворд»

Презентация 2

Учитель: Today I have prepared for you one more game called “These strange animals”. Look at these sheets of paper. You can see the words. They mean different animals from the past. Your task is to decide what it looked like.

Children think about them and draw their own animal. After that they present their work.

Учитель: Dear children. I am glad to see that you have made a good job. You have known new words and you can make up sentences. Besides you have brought good ‘reports about wild animals”. I would like to thank you. I am going to give you 5 and 4.  Your home assignment is to draw these ancient animals..  The lesson is over. Good-bye. See you next lesson.

При подготовке данного урока были использованы следующие материалы:

  1. УМК “Spotlight 4”, Просвещение, 2007.
  2. Английский язык 2-3 класс «Игровые технологии на уроках и на досуге».
  3. Кристофер Харт «Как нарисовать мультяшных животных».