Урок английского языка в 8-м классе по теме "Биография успешного человека"

Разделы: Начальная школа

Цели урока:

  • расширение кругозора учащихся о стране изучаемого языка
  • формирование и развитие интеллектуальных способностей учащихся;
  • совершенствование умения и навыков практического владения английским языком.

Образовательные задачи:

  • Развивать умения в составлении предложений по прослушанному;
  • Развивать способности к догадке;
  • Практиковать внимание и память.

Воспитательные задачи:

  • Воспитывать уважение к выдающимся личностям различных государств;
  • Воспитывать интерес и уважение к истории и культуре государств;
  • Воспитывать гордость к гражданам собственной страны.

Лингвистические задачи:

  • Формировать интерес обучающихся к стране изучаемого языка;
  • Познакомить с различными историческими и культурными данными.

Оборудование урока: магнитофон с диском, интерактивная доска, мультимедийный проектор, презентация, раздаточный материал.


1. Организационный момент.

Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you here on the lesson “The “Biography of the Successful Person”. Today we shall learn different facts about your classmates’ traits of character, we’ll read and discuss new information about the famous British and American people, we’ll remember the rules of making questions and word-building.

I’d like you to develop your mind and imagination, to form some intellectual skills during the lesson, to become more skilled and well-educated and as a result you will improve your English.

2. Фонетическая разминка.

But first of all I'd like you to pronounce some words from the topic “Who is a successful person”. Be very attentive and try to remember them, because they are of a great importance. First of all repeat them after me, and then repeat after your classmates.

  • {{I} Bill, Dickens, Christie, Bronte, Lincoln
  • {I:} Neil, Stephen, Louis, Spielberg
  • {æ} Chaplin, Streisand, Agatha, Graham
  • {а:} Charlotte, Barbara, Charles, Armstrong, Charlie
  • {ei} Chase, Gates, Abraham, Streisand, James

3. And now look very attentively at the pronounced words printed on the board and match the names and surnames of some famous persons. Tell me who they are

(students look at the pictures of famous people in the presentation

4. Think of associations which come to your mind when I say such words as:

    • Literature (e.g. Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare)
    • Space (e.g. Neil Armstrong, Yuri Gagarin)
    • Science (e.g. Isaac Newton)
    • Cinema (e.g. Charlie Chaplin)
    • Sport (e.g. Irina Rodnina)
    • History (e.g. Peter the I)
    • Talented businessman (e.g.Walt Disney)

5. Checking homework. And now I’d like to check your homework. As far as I remember you should write about one of the mates from your class. Read the story about your classmate.

You mustn’t call his|her name. You must use as many adjectives as possible.

All the rest try to guess who is described?

6. Work in pairs (Ex 9 p 95) Write down a list of words which characterize a successful person. Share your ideas with your classmates. Start speaking as given in the example.

(the phrases are written on the blackboard or in the presentation)

I believe that
It seems to me that a successful person should …
In my opinion
As I see it

For example: I believe that a successful person should be ambitious

7. Group work (Ex 10 p 96). And now tell me please if you want to become a successful person and why. Think about and say what traits of character you should develop to become a successful person. What traits of character would you like to get rid of?

(students write down the words into two columns on the blackboard or with the help of interactive starboard)

Traits of character you should develop (be more…)
Traits of character you should get rid of (be less…)

8. Listening. I think you know much about lives of different people. I’d like you to hear the information about one of the greatest persons in the world. You should listen to the story very attentively and then do some tasks.

(sounds the text about Elvis Presley)

He was known as “The King” of rock’n’roll. He was born in Mississippi in 1935. At the age of 13, he and his family moved to Memphis, Tennessee. There he recorded his first song in 1954. He sold millions of records, served in the army, moved to Hollywood and appeared in 33 films. He brought together the musical sounds of the black America and of country people. His songs started a new period in American music.

He was the most popular performer of his day. At the news of his death in 1977, thousands of people gathered outside his home in Memphis.

His songs are still popular today. People love to imitate him. There is even his Impersonation Society. His impersonators dress up like he and sing on stage. Some of them actually wish they were he.

9. Making tests after listening. And now do a short test according the contest of the text.

(pupils fill the gasps on the interactive starboard with the help of special pen)

  1. He was called the “King of …”
  2. He was born in … in …
  3. When he was … his family moved to …
  4. He recorded his first song in …
  5. He sold …. of records.
  6. He appeared in … films.
  7. He was the most popular … of his day.
  8. He died in …
  9. His … are popular today.

10. A short rest.

I think you are tired a little and want to have a short rest. I want you to play a game.

You should:

  • Remember the adjectives connected with the topic “Who is a successful person?”
  • Call one word after another by chain.
  • If you don’t remember anything, you must sit down.
  • Don’t repeat the words.
  • The winner is a person who will stand alone. He will get “a five”.

11. Work with class. Gathering the info. I hope you’ve relaxed and can continue our work. I will divide all of you into three groups. You are going to read three texts about successful persons. Before you start reading say what you know about Walt Disney, Mother Teresa and Slava Polunin.

(children exchange the information they knew about these people)

12. Reading (Ex 11 p 96) I will divide all of you into three groups. You are going to read three texts about successful persons: Walt Disney, Mother Teresa and Slava Polunin (each group will read one text). Gather the information about Walt Disney, Mother Teresa and Slava Polunin. Write it on the blackboard

(pupils write down some facts on the interactive starboard with the help of special pen)

13. Отработка содержания текста по вопросам.

      • Do you think Walt Disney, Mother Teresa and Slava Polunin were successful persons? Why?
      • Is there anything in the text that surprised you?
      • Did you learn anything from the text? What?

14. Group work (Ex 12 p 97).

Write down 5 comprehension questions on each text.

15. Подведение итогов урока.

  • What new names did you hear about?
  • Why were they successful?
  • What were their mottoes?
  • Are you a successful person?
  • What are your ambitions now?
  • Will your classmates be successful in future and why?

16. Getting the marks. Explanation of homework . (Ex 13 p 97)

Tell your classmates about a successful person whom you respect. He\she can be a world famous person or just your relative or neighbour. Use the list of words and phrases you’ve made in Ex 9 p 95.