Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке "St. Valentine's Lay"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: повышать интерес учащихся к культуре изучаемого языка, ознакомить с традициями празднования Дня Святого Валентина.

Праздник проходит в форме соревнования. Конкурсную программу ведут ученики старших классов.

(Звучит медленная музыка, входят ведущие)

Ведущий 1:

When I say I love you,
It comes from my heart.
You hear it in your ear,
And it sounds very smart.
I love it when you are proud of me,
You say it all day long.
And when I hear you say it,
My heart sings a merry song.

Hello, dear boys and girls! Hello, dear guests and teachers! We are very glad to see you all!

Ведущий 2: We get together to celebrate The Day of Love, St. Valentine's Day. Do you know anything about St. Valentine?

B 1: Today in this country and abroad people celebrate St. Valentines Day. Do you know where this festival came from?

B 2: In England this festival is has been celebrated since the 15th century. The old legend tells us about a young man named Valentine who must be executed by the order of Roman Emperor. It was in 269 AD. He fell in love with the daughter of his executioner. The girl was very beautiful and blind: A sad story, isn't it? Later Valentine was said to be the saint and this festival became one of the loveliest.

B 1: We proceed our festival. We've got 3 teams. Our teams will get some tasks they should fulfill, the jury will put some balls. And the audience will help the team they like.

B 2: And now let's begin our party with the introduction of our teams.

(представление команд)

B 1: For many centuries people think about love, they create poems, novels. There exist many quotations, proverbs and sayings about love. Can you find the Russian equivalents to them?

(командам раздаются крылатые фразы и выражения)

  1. Love cannot be forced.
  2. As our love held no joy, so will our parting hold no sorrow.
  3. Quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love.
  4. Love makes the world go round.
  5. Love is not be trifled with.
  6. True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about it, but few has seen.
Насильно мил не будешь.
Была без радости любовь, разлука будет без печали.
Милые бранятся - только тешатся.
Любовь правит миром.
С любовью не шутят.
Настоящая любовь похожа на приведение, все о ней говорят, но мало кто её видел.

B 1: While our teams are busy with their tasks, we suggest you to foretell your future. Put your hand into the box, find some symbols and we'll tell you what it means.

  • Веер - Вы откроете сердце человеку, которого любите.
  • Лента - Вы хотите быть связаны с другим человеком.
  • Кольцо - символ любви и верности.
  • Кружево - Вы хотите поймать человека в свои сети.
  • Красная варежка - Вас не любят.
  • Роза - Вас любят всей душой.

B 2: The time of our teams is up, let's check their work.

B 1: Perfectly well.

B 2: And now we'll listen to the poems of love, they are so beautiful. (конкурс стихов)

B 1: Marvelous.

The next task is to say as many lovely words to girls as you can. For example: You are as beautiful as a rose.

B 2: Wonderful.

The next task is called "Match the famous couples". (Каждая команда получает набор разрезанных сердечек, на которых написаны имена литературных героев, известных лыдей и т. д. Соревнование идет на время)

Примерные пары:

  • Father Frost - Snegurochka
  • Mickey Mouse - Minnie
  • Ruslan - Ludmila
  • Tom - Jerry
  • Wolf - Hare
  • Ivan - Princess Frog
  • Romeo - Juliet
  • Kay - Gerda

B 1: Perfectly well. And now it's a high time to get rest and laugh a little. We need to person out of every team: a boy and a girl. Your task is to dance listening the music very attentively.

B 2: Who is the best? Applause to every pair and we'll see your attitude.

B 1: Thank you for your work! And now let's listen to the jury.

(Жюри называет победителя и вручает призы).

B 2: Our party comes to its end. We are happy to see you all here, we wish you a lot of love!

Five nice valentines just for you
The first one says, "My love is true."
The second one says, "You have my heart."
The third one says, "Let us never part."
The fourth one says, "Won't you please be mine?"
The fifth one says, "Till the end of my life."