Тема урока "Путешествия". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Цель урока: совершенствование речевых умений и навыков.

Задачи урока:

1. учебные:

а) совершенствование умений в монологической и диалогической речи;

б) совершенствование навыков аудирования;

в)  развитие умения обобщать и систематизировать знания.

2. развивающие:

а) развитие памяти, внимания, наблюдательности;

б) развитие речевой активности;

в) развитие умения речевого взаимодействия в коллективе.

3. воспитательная:

а) воспитание уважения к стране изучаемого языка.

Оборудование урока:

  1. раздаточный материал,
  2. картинки с изображением лондонских автобусов.

Ход урока

1. Начало урока. Введение в тему урока.

(Кабинет оформлен в виде салона самолета. Стулья стоят в 2 ряда, в каждом по 2 стула. Парт в кабинете нет. Угол кабинета оборудован под кассу. В классе тихо звучит музыка).

P1. – Attention, please! Aeroflot flight 8a will leave the Sheremetyevo airport in five minutes.

– Attention, please! Aeroflot flight 8a will leave the Sheremetyevo airport in five minutes!

(Далее следуют диалоги учащихся в билетной кассе.)


– Excuse me. Could you show me the way to the booking-office?

– This way, please. Here it is. There is “Booking-office” written over it.

– Oh, thank you very much. I am always too absent-minded.


– Excuse me. I want to fly to London just now, because I have to be there today.

– What class do you want?

– I want a first-class ticket.

– I’ll just see what there is. I am sorry, but we have no first-class tickets.

– And what about tourist-class ticket? Have you got any?

– Let me see. Just a minute. Yes, sir. We have the only ticket.

– Well, I’ll take it with pleasure. When does the plane leave?

– Aeroflot flight 8a leaves for London in five minutes. Hurry up, if you want to catch your plane.

– Here is the money.

– Here you are. Have a nice trip.

– Thank you. Bye-bye.

(Учитель встречает учеников в «кабинете-самолете».)

– Good morning, dear friends. I am very glad to see you. Sit down and make yourselves comfortable. We are in the cabin of the plane. We are going to fly to the capital of the UK – London. It is very wonderful we’ll fly together. But first of all I want to check if you are ready to travel. You have to draw a sheet of paper from the envelope and complete the sentences. So, let’s begin.

(Учащиеся выполняют задания – закончить предложения)

  • People travel on business and for pleasure.
  • They can visit their relatives and friends.
  • We travel by bus, plane, ship, train and on foot.
  • All ways of travelling have their advantages and disadvantages.
  • The fastest way of travelling is by plane.
  • Fare by plane is much dear than by train.
  • The seats on the plane are comfortable.
  • We can book tickets in advance.
  • Travelling by ship is for pleasure.
  • When we travel by train we can see country we are travelling through.
  • A long walk in the open country is called a hike.
  • The only thing we need on hike is a rucksack.
  • Hiking helps us to keep in good form.

2. Основная часть.

а) Аудирование.

– Well, now I see that you are ready to travel. Fasten seat belts, please. In some hours we’ll arrive at London’s airport. We go to London for the first time. And I think that you have to obtain some new information about this country, especially about travelling in it. Now I am going to read you a text the title of which is “Travelling in England”. You must listen to it, answer the questions and then retell it one by one. There are some new words in this text. So look at the blackboard. Here they are. Now I will read them and you’ll repeat after me all together.

on horseback – верхом

in a coach – в карете, дилижансе

gate – ворота

toll – пошлина

jewel – драгоценности

a highwayman – разбойник с большой дороги

dangerous – опасный

continental Europe – континентальная Европа

tents and caravans – палатки и жилые автоприцепы

canal – канал

transporting goods – перевозка грузов

tosail – плыть, идти под парусами

“Travelling in England”

There were no railways in England before 1825 and if people wanted to travel they had to go by road, on foot, on horseback, or in a coach. There were not many roads at those days; they were bad, especially when it rained. The fares were high. Not only travelling in coaches, but even walking cost money at those days. On roads there were gates called toll-gates. When a traveler came to one, he had to pay a toll. This money was used to make the roads better. But the greatest danger was the highwaymen. A highwayman was a man who took money and jewels from travelers. Highwaymen stopped coaches and cried:”Your money or your life” and the passengers had to give them all they had. That’s why travelling in the days of coaches was dangerous and not very comfortable. People didn’t travel as much as they do now. Each year more  English people with their children travel to some parts of continental Europe. Many take their cars, often with tents and caravans. Others take part in group travel. Many people in Great Britain spend weekends and holidays travelling along beautiful rivers and canals. The canals were built 200 years ago. They were very useful before railways. Some of canals are still used for transporting goods. But many of them are used for sailing. For young people who work in the big industrial towns the beauty of the canals has special interest at weekends. Sailing round the coast is very popular, and young people like to sail at weekends.

б) Обсуждение вопросов по теме.

Вопросы к тексту.

(Слова и вопросы заранее записаны на доске.)

  1. How did English people travel in the past?
  2. Why didn’t they travel as much as they do now?
  3. Did they pay money for their travelling?
  4. Why was travelling dangerous?
  5. How do English people travel now?
  6. What can you say about canals?
  7. How do young people spend their weekends?

в) Неподготовленная монологическая речь по теме.

– Well, you see how English people travelled in the past and how they travel nowadays.

– And now let’s stop our lesson and have a short rest.


3. Чтение.

– There is one interesting thing about means of communication in England. It is English buses.

(На магнитной доске картинки с изображением лондонских автобусов.)

– Let’s open the books and read the text “London buses” one by one. In your books you can see sheets of paper with unknown words from this text. Repeat them after me, please.

main kind – главный вид

route – маршрут

front – передняя часть

automatic – автоматический

to remember – помнить

to look for – искать

post – столб

busy street – оживленная улица

close together – рядом, близко

to allow – разрешать

4. Обсуждение вопросов по прочитанному тексту.

  • How do you like this text?
  • Is it interesting?
  • Have you learned anything new about means of communication in England?
  • What means of transport do English people use?
  • Do you know how they call their underground?
  • When was it opened?
  • Do they use trams? Why?
  • Where did the first trams appear? 

– Well, thank you. Now we know much about travelling in England. And what do you know about travelling in general?

  1. Why do people travel?
  2. What are the ways of travelling?
  3. Which is the fastest?
  4. What disadvantages does it have?
  5. Can you name advantages of travelling by train?
  6. What ways of travelling are for pleasure?
  7. What way of travelling helps us to keep in good form?
  8. What is your favorite way of travelling?
  9. What can you tell us about your last remarkable journey?

5. Проверка домашнего задания – рассказ о последнем своем путешествии.

6. Совершенствование лексических навыков по теме.

– Your stories were too interesting. But our flight will be over soon. At the end of it we have a written work. I give you sheets of paper. Your task is to write down as many words as you can on our topic “Travelling”. The words must begin with such letters as “t, r, a, v, e, l”. Travel is the main word.



(Учащиеся выполняют письменные задания и сдают работы.)

7. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.

– So, our flight is over. Thank you. Stand up. Have a nice day. Bye-bye.