Тестовые задания к учебнику С.А. Шевелева "Основы экономики и бизнеса"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Вашему вниманию предлагается ряд тестовых заданий для проверки текущих знаний учащихся к учебному пособию Шевелева С.А. “Основы экономики и бизнеса”, разработанных на основе пройденных первых пяти разделов данного пособия (“Великобритания и США”, “Экономика”, “Виды бизнеса”, “Деловые люди”, “Резюме и собеседование”)

Т.к. основное внимание данного пособия уделяется усвоению лексического материала, то и представленные тестовые задания ориентированы главным образом на проверку лексики, за исключением некоторых заданий, для выполнения которых требуется наряду с усвоенной лексикой ещё и знание английской грамматике для перевода предложений с русского на английский и написание делового письма.

Надеюсь, представленные задания найдут практическое применение в вашей работе с данным учебным пособием.


I. Finish up the following sentences.

  1. The official паше of the country is .
  2. The official паше of the country is often abbreviated to .
  3. The capital of the UK is .
  4. Now the UK has а great variety of industries fоr example .
  5. Three-quarters of the UK's land is dedicated to .
  6. The mainland of the USA stretches fгоm .
  7. The capital оf the USA consists of 3 parts .
  8. The industries аге highly developed in the USA, such as .
  9. The usual average town, in any part of the USA, has its .
  10. The highest density of population is in and the lowest is in .

II. Choose the right variant.

1. The Union of Great Britain and Ireland was formed in

а) 1801; b)1708; с)1811; d)1814.

2. The UK is surrounded by the .

а) the North Sea; b) The Atlantic Ocean; с) The English Channel; d) The Pacific Ocean.

3. The UK is а .

а) presidential republic; с) democratic republic; b) constitutional monarchy; d) federal republic.

4. Each of the four parts of the UK consists of а few .

а) regions; b) counties; с) states; d) cities.

5. Newcastle is famous for .

а) textile industry; b) machinery; с) coal industry; d) aircraft industry.

6. The USA is а .

а) constitutional monarchy; с) constitutional republic; b) federal republic; d) presidential republic.

7. The Union was formed in .

а) 1878; b)1877; с) 1787; d)1887.

8. The biggest city of the States is .

а) Washington; b) Chicago; с) New York; d) Los Angeles.

9. Three million six thousand and five hundred and five

а)3065005; b)3006505; с)3600505; d)3006550.

10. The population of the USA is .

а) 180 million people; с) 200 million people;  b) 185 million people; d) 150 million people.

III. Match the cities and their characteristics

1. Chicago.

а) motor саг producer.

2. Huston.

b) meat processing and manufacturing.

3. New Orleans.

с) oil refining.

4. Los Angeles.

d) а shipping commercial center.

5. Philadelphia.

е) Hollywood.

6. Detroit.

f) а cotton industry center.


1. Translate from Russian into English.

Экономическая система, строения, доход, экономическая деятельность, проблемы мирового масштаба, доходы этих бизнесменов, расходы и доходы этой фирмы, высокий жизненный стандарт, товары и услуги этих стран, альтернативные издержки, жертвы, товары длительного пользования, страхование и юриспруденция, удовлетворять запросы людей, оптовая и розничная торговля, богатство, строительное общество, банкнота, процент, заклад, фонды страхования жизни.

2. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the difference between economics and economy?
2. What аге the three main types of economic activities?
3. Аге there many service industries? What аге they?
4. What is the meaning of consumption?

3. Translate from Russian into English

1. Экономика – это наука и учебная дисциплина.
2. Я не знала ответа на этот вопрос.
3. Все эти бизнесмены активно участвуют в экономической деятельности.

The standard working day in the UK and the USA starts at and lasts till .

а) 9.00 am 5.30 рm; b) 9.30 am 5.00 рm с) 8.30 am 6.00 pm d) 9.00 am 5.00 pm

4. Это все необходимо для обеспечения высокого жизненного уровня.
5. Что означает этот термин?
6. Это то, что можно назвать альтернативными издержками.
7. И получается, что люди продают свои услуги за деньги.


2. The working week is between hours long

а) 30 and 40; b) 35 and 45; с) 40 and 50; d) 45 and 55.

3. Match 2 columns of American and English holidays.

American Holidays English Holidays

Good Friday, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Easter, Labour Day, Christmas Day, Memorial Day, Мay Day, Independence Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Easter Monday, Washington's Birthday

4. Match words with the definitions

sole trade, partnership, limited liabilityу ( public and private), branch of а foreign company

1. This company mау offer shares to the public at the stock exchange.
2. This is а part of а company incorporated outside Great Britain but acting under the law of the UK .
3. This company is the oldest form of business.
4. This company may not offer shares to the public.
5. This company mау which has a few partners.

5. Match the words with the definitions

individual business, general partnership, limited partnership, corporation, alien corporation

1. This company has several owners. They all share in the profits.
2. Such companies receive their charters from the state authorities to work in the country.
3. This company is owned by one person.
4. This company is owned by persons, called stockholders.
5. This company has got at least one general owner and one or more other owners.

Draw а chart for а typical manufacturing company.

Managing Director

6. Define the business process according to its description.

In this process one company buys а controlling interest in another company by acquiring at least 51 % of its shares. The company does this by making а direct approach to the company's shareholders for their shares.

UNIT 4. Businessmen.

1. Translate from English into Russian.

Assistant general manager, deputy director, personnel manager, sales manager, nationality restrictions, residence restrictions, limited liability company, company' s note-paреr.

3. Say if it is true or false

1. А public company must have at least two directors.
2. The limited liability company is headed by the shareholders.
3. In large organizations the managing director is often assisted by а general manager.
4. Some companies also have assistant managing directors.
5. Director need to be shareholders.
6. Directors are not subject to any residence or nationality restrictions.

4. Define what type of secretary is it?

Сoтрапу secretary, private secretary

1. This туре of secretary helps in organization of meetings and conferences. She deals with the correspondence of her boss. She is practically а personal assistant
2. This type of secretary is the chief' administrative officer of the company. She is responsible for the company to comply with company law. She may also deal with enquiries for information concerning other firms.

5. Write down the most important rules tor а businessmen.

6. Wгitе down the Russian variant of these phrases

1. I hope to see you again soon.
2. Good evening.
3. It has been nice seeing you
4. How do you do!
5. It's nice то meet you!.
6. John, this is Maria Brown.
7. Мг. Smith, I’d like you to meet Mrs. Brown
8. May I introduce you to Мг, Black.
9. I’m pleased to meet you.
10. I’m sorry, I have forgotten your name.

7. Complete the dialogue.

Мr. White: Good afternoon. Let me introduce Мг.Ваtts. This is Mss Jane Brown, our sales manager.

Mss Brown: …………………………

Mr. White……………………….

Mr. White. I hope you will work together properly.

8. Write down а business letter, using the words.

Excellent hospitability, а visit to the company, the opportunity то meet, to receive а visit, appreciate kindness, Michal Dark, the president of the Oil Equipment Inc.


1. Fill in the point of the curriculum vitae.

Place of birth
Marital status
Work experience
Interest and activities

2. Answer the following questions.

1. What's your name?
2. How do you do?
3. Where do you work?
4. How long have you been working there?
5. Аге you married?
6. Is your family ready to move?
7. What kind of salary are you looking for?
8. Have you worked abroad?
9. What languages сап you speak?
10. Сап you come tomorrow morning?

3. Write down advice you сап give to people looking for а job ( at least 3 advice)

4. Translate from Russian into English

  • в конце 90-х
  • восьмичасовой рабочий день
  • 3-х комнатная квартира
  • в начале 80-х
  • 5-ти дневная рабочая неделя
  • 40 часовая рабочая неделя
  • 5 местный автомобиль
  • 3-х этажный дом
  • документ из 50 страниц
  • состав фирмы 50 человек