Великобритания: достопримечательности, сельское хозяйство

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели занятия:

обучение иноязычной культуре, адекватному речевому поведению в формальных и неформальных ситуациях.

Задачи занятия:

  • развитие умения понимания основного содержания прочитанного;
  • развитие умения обобщать содержащуюся в тексте информацию;
  • развитие умения выборочного понимания интересующей информации;
  • развитие умения работать в команде;
  • развитие познавательной активности,
  • развитие коммуникативной культуры.
  • развитие навыков неподготовленного говорения.

Вспомогательный материал: магнитофон, кассета, картинки с изображением достопримечательностей Великобритании и России, CD.

План занятия

1. Warming-up. (Вводное слово преподавателя)

Dear guests! Today we shall discuss a theme which is called “Great Britain: Sightseeings, agriculture”. Our lesson consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. The first part is a meeting between two teams British and Russian. The second part is a test which consists of several different tasks. The tasks are connected with our main theme.

2. Текст встречи.

Teacher. Dear colleagues! The purpose of today’s meeting is to discuss general agricultural problems in Great Britain. I am very pleased to meet our foreign guests from Russia. Do you speak English fluently?

Russian Student. We can speak English.

Teacher. Where do you study? Tell us please.

Russian Student. We study at the Kursk State Agricultural Academy.

British Student. It’s interesting. Can you tell us something about your academy?

Russian Student. Sure. (Showing pictures) <Рисунок1-11>

Russian Student. Our academy is a large grey four-storeyed building. It is in Karl Marx Street. Our academy was founded in 1956.

British Student. Sorry for interrupting you. How many faculties are there in your academy?

Russian Student. There are six of them: the faculties of economy, agronomy, zoo engineering, veterinary medicine, engineering and finance.

British Student. Do you like your academy?

Russian Students. Yes we do.

Russian Student. Now let me proceed. Agricultural specialists of all kinds are trained in our academy. There is a library, a reading-room, class-rooms, lecture-halls and many laboratories in our academy. There is also a computer center. The lecture-halls are large and light. Here the lectures are delivered by professors and teachers. The academic year lasts for two terms. We want to become good specialists of agriculture.

British Student. Thank you for the story. It was interesting.

British Student. Have you ever been to London or Great Britain in general before?

Russian Students. No we haven't.

Teacher So, let's listen to British colleagues' reports about Great Britain and London. Would you like to ask questions during the reports or after them?

Russian Students. We shall ask questions during the reports.

Teacher. Who will be the first?

British. Student. I'd like to tell you about Great Britain. Great Britain consists of Highland Britain and Lowland Britain. Highland Britain is in the North and in the West.

Russian Student. Sorry for interrupting you, can you tell us about the nationalities in Great Britain.

British. Student. Four nationalities live in Great Britain.

Russian. Student. Are there well-known sightseeings in Great Britain?

British. Student. Yes there are a lot of them.

Russian Student. We have heard about Stonehenge. Can you tell us something about it?

British Student. With pleasure. (Showing pictures) <Рисунок12-14>

Stonehenge is surely Britain's greatest national icon, symbolizing mystery and power. Its original purpose is unclear to us. The stones we see today represent Stonehenge in ruin. About 2, 000 Before Christ the first stone circle was set up. The bluestones weigh up to 4 tons each and about 80 stones were used. The giant sarsen stones weigh 50 tons each.

Источник: britannia.com/history/h7.html

Russian Student. As our meeting is held in London, probably you can tell us something about this big city.

Russian Student. We can see here many pictures with London's sightseeings. Can you describe them?

British Student. Yes, of course.

British Student. London is the capital of Great Britain and the capital of the United Kingdom. More than 8 million people live in London. It’s the largest city in Europe and one of the largest cities in the world. The most important parts of London are: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster.

Rusian Student. Sorry for interrupting you. Can you tell us something interesting about these parts?

British Student. Yes. The City is the busiest part of London. People do business there. The most fashionable and the most expensive part to live in is the West End. The East End is the part of London where working people live.

British Student. Look at the pictures. You can see Big Ben and The Houses of Parliament which consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. <Рисунок15-16>

Russian Students. Wonderful, I like it. Great.

British Student. Dear Russian colleagues, we have never been to Moscow the capital of your country. Can you give us some information about it?

Russian Student. With pleasure. I can. Moscow is the capital of Russia. Moscow is one of the biggest and most beautiful cities of the world. It is as well a great cultural and political centre of Europe. Moscow was founded in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruky. The total area of the city is more than nine hundred square kilometres. Moscow is an industrial centre too. A lot of manufacturing plants are situated there. Cultural life is very busy in Moscow. There are a lot of theatres, museums, cinemas and libraries in Moscow. Tretyakov Art Gallery and Pushkin Fine Arts Museum are most famous among them. <Рисунок17-19>

Источник: http://www.english-easy.info/topics/topics_Moscow1.php#ixzz1JKJL3BLj

Teacher. Let's get straight down to business and touch upon general questions of agriculture in Great Britain. Who will start?

British Student. I'd like to say some general words about agriculture. Agriculture is an important branch of economy. Economic growth of any country depends on the development of agriculture which supplies people with food and clothing and industry with raw materials. The world “agre” is a Latin word. It means the cultivation of fields in order to grow crops. Now agriculture also includes the use of land to breed farm animals. Crop production and animal husbandry are highly developed branches of agriculture.

British Student. And I shall dwell upon the problem of agriculture in Britain. The soil here is thin and poor. Animal husbandry is more important. Most farms here are dairy. Lowland Britain is in the east and in the south. Lowland Britain is a rich area with fertile soil. In the eastern part most farms are arable. Small farms in Britain are mixed farms, farmers grow crops and keep farm animals. Today small farms disappear because they cannot compete with modern big industrial farms. The main agricultural products of Britain are wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, milk and meat.

3. The second part (practical)

Упражнения на закрепление грамматического материала

Teacher. And now let's move on to the second part of our meeting.

We'll do the following. Now I am going to give you a test, which consists of the following parts.

Firstly. Your task is to read each sentence aloud, then insert the right word from the given below and translate each sentence. Let's do it in turn.

1. Our academy is a building.

2. It was founded in

3. Specialists of all kinds are in our Academy.

4. The lecture halls are

5. The students attend

6. The academic year terms.

(Large, 1956, trained, grey, large, fourstoreyed, light, lectures, 2, lasts)

Secondly. The next task

Complete the sentences below. Choose the right variant in brackets.

1. Agriculture is

2. The word "agre" means

3. are highly developed branches of agriculture.

4. Intensification is based on

5. Most of agricultural processes in are mechanized now.

(The cultivation of fields in order to grow crops; mechanization, electrification, and chemization; crop production and animal husbandry; crop production and animal husbandry; an important brunch of economy)

Thirdly. Give your examples in compliance with the proposed pattern.

They noticed a ship approaching the island.

The third and the largest painting was the last work done by the artist.

Participle 1.

1. Suddenly he spied a shark coming towards them.

2. She could not stand the blinding lights.

3. A barking dog woke him up.

4. The beginning student may find it difficult to understand.

5. People coming to see her could not believe their eyes.

6. He lay on his bed smoking a cigarette.

7. I can see several people standing at the bank.

8. Hearing the bell she went to open the door.

9. It was pleasant to look at the rising sun.

10. She tried to calm the crying child.

11. The actress starring in the film is very young.

Participle 2.

1. The defeated team slowly left the field.

2. Read the note written in English.

3. The news published here is very interesting.

4. The shop is closed.

5. He answered through the locked door.

6. She woke up early disturbed by the cries of birds.

7. The general entered the room accompanied by several soldiers.

8. The doctor looked worried.

9. The film shown in all central cinemas was worth seeing.

10. They came to a tree broken by the recent storm.

11. She came into the room and stared at the uncurtained windows.

4. Работа с текстом (текст прилагается) Аудирование текста FARMS IN BRITAIN.

Слова и словосочетания из аудируемого текста.

1. Small farms – маленькие фермы

2. Family farms – семейные фермы

3. Farm animals – сельскохозяйственные животные

4. To grow — выращивать

5. To breed – выводить

6. Mixed farms — смешанные фермы

7. To be highly mechanized – быть высоко механизированным

8. Tendency – тенденция

9. Disappearance – исчезновение

10. To compete – конкурировать

Now listen to the text. We shall listen to it twice.

Farms in Britain.

The agricultural area of England is toward the English Channel and the Continent of Europe. The soil in many parts of Highland Britain is thin and poor. Rivers in Britain are narrow, but the Thames. Most of the farms are less than 50 acres each. The types of farms are different in different soil and climatic areas. In the eastern part of Britain most farms are arable. The farmers grow different crops here. In the western part of the country most farms are dairy. Small farms in Britain are usually mixed farms on which farmers both grow crops and keep farm animals.

Most of Britain is the farming land divided into many fields.

Today the main tendency in agricultural development is that small farms are disappearing because they cannot compete with modern farms. The westerly winds from the Atlantic carry the warmth and moisture into Britain. The weather changes with the wind. The temperature seldom exceeds 32 or falls below zero. Thus farmers work fields all the year round. A comparatively high level of agriculture enables Britain to provide about half of the food from its soil [1].

Task. Say, if the statements are true or false.

1. There are 1000 farms in England.

2. The types of farms are the same in different regions of England.

3. In the West climate is very bad for the production of farm animals.

4. There are many farms where farmers grow some crops and breed some farm animals.

5. Now the work on the farms is highly mechanized.

6. Small traditional farms can compete with big industrial farms.

Answer the following questions.

1. What types are most of the farms in England?

2. Who does all the work on the family farm?

3. What do most of farmers grow in the East?

4. What farms are known as mixed farms?

5. What do farmers use on the farms?

6. Why do small traditional farms disappear?


Teacher. In conclusion allow me to express great appreciation of the work performed by the speakers and those who took part in our meeting.

Teacher gives marks


1. Учебник английского языка для сельскохозяйственных и лесотехнических вузов / И.З. Новоселова, Е.С. Александрова, М.О. Кедрова и др. – 4-е изд., испр. и доп. – М.: Высш. шк., 1994. Стр. 228-229.

2. Ресурсы сети Интернет:


