Инфекционные заболевания. Гигиена и уход

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Modern development of the world civilization proves that future specialists studying at medical colleges must have deep knowledge of nursing and hygiene. There are four areas of knowledge that impact nursing care of people with infectious diseases: The nurse’s own knowledge of infectious diseases, the nurse’s knowledge of safety when dealing with the infected patient, emotional aspects of caring for the infected patient, and physical care of the person with infectious disease. When addressing the physical care needs of the infected patient, nurse must keep in mind the importance of adequate nutrition, skin protection, and hygiene. Good knowledge of caring and hygiene which students get while studying at colleges gives them a chance in achieving higher effects in formation of the basis of healthy life, which preserves, strengthens and develops a healthy nation.

But, unfortunately we know how hazardous has become our world and ecology, that more and more anomalies happen in Nature which make the quality of our environment worse, which in its term influence on the health and life of human being.

Taking into account all these factors, the aim of medical colleges is to give to each student good skills in caring and hygiene.

Tips for caring and hygiene.

  1. Good and right care helps the patients with infectious diseases to recover quickly.
  2. Focus on hand washing.
  3. Wear gloves, mask and gown.
  4. It is necessary to provide cleanliness, quietness and comfort for the patients.
  5. The air must be clean; the temperature must be 18 – 20 degrees by C.
  6. The bed must be comfortable and tidy.
  7. The bed cloth must be changed every 5-7 days, but if there are spillages, the bed cloth and shirt must be changed immediately.
  8. Wards need cleaning twice a day.
  9. Airing of wards may be done along with ward cleaning.
  10. Wash the floor with disinfectant.
  11. Wipe the walls, the door handles, the bed tables, the windowsills using disinfectant solution.
  12. Send the patients’ clothes to the disinfection chamber.
  13. Pour over the patients’ bedpan with boiling water and plunge them into a disinfectant solution.
  14. Used dressing materials must be burnt.

Infectious Diseases. Инфекционные заболевания

Infectious diseases are divided into four main groups:

  1. Intestinal infectious diseases – Кишечные инфекции;
  2. Infectious diseases of respiratory tract – Инфекции дыхательных путей;
  3. Blood infectious diseases – Кровяные инфекции;
  4. Infectious diseases of outer layers – Инфекции наружных покровов.

1.Intestinal infectious diseases are: Typhoid fever – Брюшной тиф;   Dysentery– Дизентерия; Cholera – Холера; Food poisoning – Пищевые токсикоинфекции; Virus hepatitis A – Вирусный гепатит A; Poliomyelitis – Полиомиелит; Salmonellosis – Сальмонеллез.

2.Infectious diseases of respiratory tract are: Grippe or Influenza (Flu) – Грипп; Measles – Корь; Whooping cough – Коклюш; Chickenpox – Ветряная оспа; Epidemic parotitis or Mumps – Эпидемический паротит; Quinsy – Ангина; Diphtheria – Дифтерия; Scarlet fever – Скарлатина; Tonsillitis – Тонзиллит.

3.Blood infectious diseases are: Malaria – Малярия; Plague – Чума, Virus encephalitis – Вирусный энцефалит.

4.Infectious diseases of outer layers are: Epidemic stomatitis – Ящур; Trachoma – Трахома; Rabies – Бешенство; Tetanus – Столбняк; Gangrene – Гангрена; Anthrax – Сибирская язва.

The sources of the infectious diseases.

  • Medical Staff – Медицинский персонал
  • Medical instruments – Медицинские инструменты
  • Air – Воздух
  • Food – Еда
  • Water – Вода
  • Clothes – Одежда
  • A sick person – Больной человек

Test your knowledge of hygiene by doing this quiz.

  1. What is MRSA?
    1. a virus
    2. a bacterium
    3. an antibiotic
  1. How do you catch MRSA?
    1. by eating from dirty plates
    2. from poor hospital hygiene
    3. by drinking bad water
  1. Which of these things has nothing to do with bacteria?
    1. a wine making
    2. yoghurt
    3. the common cold
  1. Which of these things is most important in stopping the spread of MRSA?
    1. hospital staff should wash their hands between patients
    2. cleaners should disinfect door handles
    3. visitors should wear masks
  1. When Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing, worked in hospital during the Crimean war, the death rate dropped from 60% to 2.2%. Why?
    1. She made nurses wash their hands.
    2. She gave her patients fruit and vegetables to eat.
    3. The ventilation was improved.
  1. How long should you wash your hands in hot water to be sure they are clean?
    1. fifteen seconds
    2. half a minute
    3. one minute

Key of the quiz.

  1. b
  2. b
  3. c
  4. a
  5. a
  6. a

Dialogue “A hygiene report”

H – Hospital administrator, S – Sister

H – Ah, Sister, I need to talk to you about the hygiene inspection.

S – OK. How was our score?

H – Mm. Three out of ten.

S – Oh dear. Well, they came at a very bad time. Mid-morning.

H – I have three reports here. I’ll just run through the important things… under “Ward hygiene” – “Door handles door handles are not regularly cleaned. Beds are not always cleaned between patients. Toilets must be cleaned three times a day but they are only cleaned once a day. Floors must be cleaned four times a day they are only cleaned once a day”.

Under “Spillages of bodily fluids”, the report says that the average time was thirty-five minutes to clean up a spillages of urine. And it says “Nurses knowledge of MRSA is good, but…”

S – Well. We certainly need to improve, but we are very short staffed.

A task to the dialogue.

  1. The door handles are | are not regularly cleaned.
  2. Beds are |are not always cleaned between patients.
  3. The toilets are cleaned three times | twice |once daily.
  4. Floors are cleaned four times | twice | once daily.
  5. The average time for cleaning up spillages of bodily fluids is 5|10|10-30|more than 30 minutes.
  6. Nurses’ knowledge of MRSA is good | fair | poor.
  7. Nurses always | do not always wear gloves.

Key of the task.

  1. are not regularly cleaned
  2. are not always cleaned between patients
  3. once daily
  4. once daily
  5. more than 30 minutes
  6. good
  7. always

Complete the sentences with the words below.

  • contamination disinfectant
  • antimicrobial agent
  • susceptible
  • pathogens
  • resistant
  • swab
  • spotless
  1. An ----- will kill microorganisms.
  2. Use a sterile ----- to get a sample from the back of the throat.
  3. Our bodies have ways to kill ----- such as viruses and bacteria.
  4. The old, the young, and the very ill are most ---- to hospital infection.
  5. Staphylococcus is ----- to most antibiotics.
  6. There is a risk of ----- from urine and blood.
  7. Wash floors and door handles with ------.
  8. A home doesn’t have to be ------, but it does have to be clean.

Key to the task.

  1. antimicrobial agent
  2. swab
  3. pathogens
  4. susceptible
  5. resistant
  6. contamination
  7. disinfectant
  8. spotless
