Английский язык – латынь XXI века

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: урок-беседа. Заключительный урок о значении английского языка в современном мире.


  1. Практическая – развивать способность к самостоятельному монологическому высказыванию, умение вести беседу, поддерживать диалог.
  2. Развивающая – укреплять навыки понимания иностранной речи на слух, уметь правильно реагировать на высказывание, грамотно оформлять свою речь.
  3. Образовательная – показать реальную необходимость владения иностранным языком в современном мире, расширять знания по предмету.
  4. Воспитательная – способствовать воспитанию чувства интернационализма и взаимной толерантности.

Оснащение урока:

  • компьютер, экран, проектор;
  • презентации в Power Point;
  • гитара для исполнения песни на английском языке.

Ход урока

1. Начало занятия, организационный момент.

T: Good morning! Glad to see you. I hope everything is fine with you today.

2. Сообщение о целях и задачах урока.

T: Today we are going to discuss the role of the English language in the modern world and we will try to prove that learning English is absolutely necessary for each of us.

3. Основная часть урока.

T: It goes without saying that modern world is becoming smaller and smaller. People realize that they need one global language to communicate. Communication – that’s the main reason for learning a foreign language. Besides, as the great German poet Goethe once said," He who knows no foreign language does not know his own one".

P 1: That’s true. But why should it be English? It is known that people have been learning foreign languages for thousands of years. And it wasn’t always English as you may know.

P 2: Yes, the ancient Egyptians learned Greek 2,5 thousand years ago. In the 12-th century it was French that was learnt in many countries in Europe. In the 16-th century Europe began to study German. In the 19-th century the nobility of different courtiers communicated in French again. Throughout the history of mankind people needed some second language. But nowadays English has become the global language. No other language on Earth is better suited to play this role.

T: How can you prove that?

P 3: English is one of the six official languages in the UNO alongside with German, French, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Italian and Arabic. All these languages are the official languages of the UN. All of them fall into the category of the official languages of UNESCO.

P 4: As far as I know, 75% of e-mails, 60% of telephone calls, 50% of scientific literature is written in English.

P 5: It’s quite understandable because it is the language of business and commerce, science and technology, trade and cultural relations, diplomacy and sport. Today English is represented on every continent and in the three largest oceans.

P 6: Geographically English is the most widespread language in the world. The native speakers of English can be found on each continent – in America, in Australia, in Europe, in Africa. In the number of speakers (400 million) English is second only to Chinese.

P 7: Whatever the total, we have all reasons to say that English is more widely spoken in the world than any other language. It has become the language of the planet. It’s the first truly global language, the Latin of the XXI century. There is no doubt, English has no equals.

P 8: I can add that people who speak English fall into 3 categories: those who learn it as a native language, those who learn it as a second language and those who are forced to learn it for practical purposes. The number of second language speakers will soon exceed the number of native speakers.

T: In 2014 our country is going to host Winter Olympic Games. It’s going to be an important international event. A lot of people will be engaged in it. People from different countries – France, China, Germany, Vietnam, Poland, Brazil, Argentina will come to Russia and we should be ready to welcome them and to make their stay in our country pleasant, enjoyable and memorable. Here comes the guest ion about the language we are going to speak to them. What languages do people speak in those countries? How many languages are there in the world? (Приложение 1)

P 9: People in Greece speak Greek, in Turkey – Turkish, in Spain – Spanish, in Denmark – Danish, in Holland – Dutch, Italy – Italian, France – French, Sweden – Swedish, etc.

T: There is the biblical tale which says that in the early days of the world all mankind spoke the same language. Those people came to the Great Plains of Babylonia and settled there. They wished to build a tower so high that its top could reach heaven. This made God angry and one day they found themselves speaking different languages. They couldn’t understand each other and were unable to finish building the tower according to their plan – it looked a ridiculous mess. What tower am I speaking about, can you guess?

P 10: Of course, it’s the Tower of Babel. Although the story of the tower of Babel is often thought to be purely a myth, there are archeological indications that a tower really existed in the ancient city of Babylon The Tower of Babel has been gone for many years but it has continued to inspire artists and intellectuals throughout the years. (Приложение 2)

T: The rise of English is a remarkable story of success. When Julius Caesar landed in Britain early 2000 years ago, English didn’t exist. Today English is spoken by at least 750 million people. Why is it so popular? Some people say that English is so popular because it’s easy. Learning foreign languages has never been an easy thing, you know. So, what do they mean?

P 11: English grammar is really easy. There are no endings, no gender and only two cases. Its grammar is really not so complicated. English pronunciation is rather difficult though as there more exceptions here than rules. Sometimes it makes English is a tricky language to learn. But on the whole English isn’t a difficult language at all. (Приложение 3)

P 12: The simplest language though is Esperanto. I’ll be glad to tell you some interesting facts about Esperanto. It was invented by a Polish doctor, Ludwig Lazarus Zamenhof in 1887. This language was invented to be a world language because of its simplicity. Nowadays a great importance is given to Esperanto. Lots of specialists consider that it may become the second international language of the world in nearest future but now only 10 million people speak Esperanto. (Приложение 4)

T: Another thing that accounts for English popularity is the fact that it has borrowed a lot of words from other European languages. So each European person can find something familiar to him in English. English and German, for example, are so similar that an Englishman and a German will always understand each other without any difficulty. A lot of English words sound like German words. How did it happen that there are so many borrowings in the English language? When and how did they come into English? What Scandinavian, French or Latin words do you know in English?

P 1: The answer to this question lies in the English history itself. We can find Celtic words in the place-names such as Dover, Kent, Avon, Thames. The Romans came from Italy and brought Latin words with them such as angel, wall, wine, street, cup. The English alphabet came from Latin. Christian monks, who spoke Latin, brought it to England from Ireland. The Vikings added a lot Scandinavian words into English such as egg, get ,give, kick ,dill ,skill, skirt, sky, they, ugly, window, husband. The Anglo-Saxons contributed to the formation of English most of all. In fact, English is a Germanic language. There are also a lot of French words in English from the times when William Duke of Normandy became King of England in 1066. They are such words as royal, fruit, literature, magic, mirror, question, special. (Приложение 5)

T: Speaking about the history of the English language we can’t forget about the first English book-printer – William Caxton. When did he print his first book? What was the name of the book? Who can tell us anything about this? (Приложение 6)

P 2 – There is a viewpoint that English is so popular because England used to be a very big empire in the 19th century. It had colonies all over the world. "The sun never sets on the British Empire", they said. It’s easy to agree with this idea if we look at the map. What happened to the countries that used to be the British Empire? -They became independent. (Приложение 7)

T: Some people think English is so popular because it is the language of America. The United States is one of the biggest and strongest countries in the world. Everybody wants to do business with the USA so people have to understand the language they speak. Did you think about it? Can you illustrate this statement?

P 3: The USA is the world leader in science and technology. (Приложение 8)

P 4: The dollar is the most popular currency in the world. (Приложение 9)

P 5: Hollywood is the biggest film producer. The best films are Americans films. (Приложение 10)

P 6: Everybody has eaten in American fast food restaurants. (Приложение 11)

4. Подведение итогов.

T: To sum up, why does each of you personally learn English? (Приложение 12)

P 1: I like to read books and English is the language of great literature. William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Show, Mark Twain, Jack London - they all wrote their books in English. A lot of modern literature and many new films in English come out every year. If you know English, you can understand them without translation.

P 2: There are a lot of films in foreign languages. If you know them, you can understand films without any help. It’s interesting for me to learn about customs, traditions, culture and life of different people.

P 3: It is absolutely necessary for a good specialist in any country to be able at least to read English. Nowadays it has really become a ''must have'' in your CV. If you know English, you can talk to people of any nationality, and can get necessary information anywhere in the world. I definitely think that becoming fluent in English is a huge plus in your career,

P 4: I like to travel. It is difficult to visit foreign countries when you don't know the language of these countries. If I want to ask something, I can do it in English. English is used not only in England, but also in other countries.

P 5: There are a lot of international friendship camps in the world. If you can speak English, it will be easy for you to visit such camps and speak with the boys, girls, men, women who do not know Russian.

P 6: I learn English because it's an amаzing language. It' a pretty language which is the most useful in the world. In fact English is the language of communication. It seems all the people in the world use English to talk to each other. It is spoken in more than 100 countries, so I can communicate with people wherever I go.

P 7: I learn English because it is important for me. It is the way to broaden my horizon and make this world a better place for everyone. I learn English because I am citizen of the world. I learn English because I want to improve myself.

P 8: You can see a lot of advertisement, signboard, names in the streets. Very often they are in English. If you know English, you can read and understand them.

P 9: Now we buy many clothes from other countries. If you know English well, you can read something about the size of this or that thing. It is clear for you what it is made of.

P 10: I learn English because it allows me to expand the boundaries of the world. This is an opportunity to learn more and more interesting people from around the world and is an opportunity to do more useful things in my life. English is the language of the world and I want to speak it perfectly!

P 11: We should admit that English is our magic wand. As long as we know English there is no need to learn all other languages possible. Without English you can’t make out your own way in the world. Learning English is number one in your everyday life activities though it is not an easy thing to do. Knowledge of English is the symbol of success. If you want to be successful in life it is necessary to learn English. My advice is - be on time. Time waits for no one.

P 12: I learn English because it makes me feel citizen of the world and I think English is the "lingua franca" of today. It gives me an incredible possibility to speak with almost every human being on this planet. It is a great opportunity to know different people and know about their culture. Should there be more reasons?

T: Yes, our planet is becoming smaller and smaller. Nowadays it’s like living in a submarine. So, it would be nice to finish our lesson with the song by The Beatles, the most famous and successful English group the world has ever known, "Yellow submarine". (Приложение 13)

Yellow submarine.

In the town where I was born
Lived a man who sailed to sea.
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines.

So we sailed up to the sun
Till we found the sea of green
And we lived beneath the waves
In our Yellow Submarine.

We all live in a Yellow Submarine,
Yellow Submarine, Yellow Submarine,
We all live in a Yellow Submarine,
Yellow Submarine, Yellow Submarine.

And our friends are all aboard,
Many more of them live next door
And the band begins to play…


As we live a life of ease,
Everyone of us has all we need
Sky of blue and sea of green
In our Yellow Submarine
