Урок английского языка по теме "Почему люди любят путешествия?". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Ход и содержание урока

I. Начальный этап.

1. Организационный момент.

Слайд 1.

Good morning, boys and girls. I’m so glad to see you today.

Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. I invite you to our English club. I hope, the lesson will be joyful and useful for you. First, let’s give smiles and wish good luck to each other.

Слайд 2.

The theme of our meeting is: “Why do people like to travel?” So, the aim of our lesson is to get as much information about travelling as possible and discuss this question.

Слайд 3.

Boys and girls! Look here. This is the motto of our lesson:

The more you live,
The more you travel,
The more you travel,
The more you see,
The more you see,
The more you learn

Who wants to read and translate it?

Слайд 4.

And this is the epigraph of our lesson:

“The world is a book and those who don’t travel read only one page” (St. Augustine)

Read it, please.

2. Определение цели.

As you see, travelling is very interesting and important part of our life.

So, travelling is the best part of our life, isn’t it? ()


We’ll travel together and make some stops, where you can

Speak, Listen, Read and Write.

Before travelling let me explain some rules.

If you’ve got some problems during the lesson you can stop me and ask for help.

Look! You’ve got useful sentences with the questions.

Don’t forget them.

  • Can you help me? – Можете мне помочь?
  • I don’t understand the task. – Я не понял задание.
  • Can you repeat it, please? – Повторите это, пожалуйста.
  • Can you translate the word ______ into Russian? – Переведите слово на русский язык.
  • I’m ready. – Я готов.
  • Can I start? – Могу я начать?

On your desks there are sheets of paper with the tasks for individual work. You must do 6 tasks during the lesson. Take them; write down the date, your names and class.

Also, I’ve got lots of tickets. I’ll give them to you, if you’ll work hard at the lesson, give me the right answers and help your partners. At the end of the lesson you can change your tickets into good marks.

Слайд 6.

Well, now we are ready to start and let’s discuss the question: Why do people travel?

Построение монологических высказываний с опорой на текст.

3. Фонетическая разминка. Активизация мыслительной деятельности

Слайд 7.

I invite you to have a trip to Great Britain. So, it’s important for us to have British money with ourselves. Let’s speak about British money and try to count them.

One penny but:
Two (five, ten, twenty, fifty) pence
One pound = 100 pence
Five (ten, twenty, fifty) pounds

Do sums:

  • 1 penny plus 1 penny are 2 pence
  • 1 pound plus 35 pounds are …
  • 49 pounds plus fifty pence are …
  • 1 million pounds minus 1 penny are 999 thousand pounds and 99 pence.
  • 3 pence-2 pence is 1 penny
  • 1 pound-1pence is 99 pence

II. Основной этап.

1. Активизация лексики для написания письма.

Слайд 8.

  • Planning the trip we must not forget about such important things as Weather;

Where to spend holidays; Where to stay; Things to do;

Let’s think about:

  • Weather;
  • Where to spend holidays;
  • Where to stay;
  • Things to do;

Task №1

Задание №1.

Take the task №1 Here are the words. Look through them. If you don’t understand some words ask me.

Слайд 9-10.

(На слайдах незнакомые слова.) Look here! Try to guess, what do these words mean?

Complete the table. Find the words about weather, places to stay and things to do.

Wait 3-4 min, and then check-up the task.

Well done!

Задание №2.

Put a tick what you like best in each column. If you want you can add your words.

Check-up yourselves, please.

Задание №3.

Now tell us about the most important things for travelling. You can use the plan.

2. Активизация лексического материала страноведческого содержания.

Слайд 13.

What shall we do now? We should find the best place where to go. Let’s travel to Great Britain.

By the way, how many countries are there in GB? Look at the map of Great Britain. Name the countries of the UK. ()

Слайд 14.

What are their capitals?

3. Развитие навыка устной речи по теме “Погода”.

Со слайда по ссылке переходим на страницу http://www.earthcam.com/uk/england/london/, где в режиме реального времени транслируется изображение веб-камеры, установленной на Трафальгарской площади. Рядом дается краткая информация о погоде. Ученикам предлагается устно ответить на вопросы слайда.

Слайд 15.

When we are going to travel we should have the information about the weather. Look through the window and answer: What is the weather like now?

Close your eyes, think a little about a place you want to visit.

Open your eyes and look here. We are on Trafalgar square in London.

  • Is it rainy ?
  • Is it sunny or cloudy?
  • Is it windy?
  • Is it warm or cold?
  • What temperature is? (it’s… degrees under the zero)

(Солнечно или пасмурно в Лондоне? Какая температура воздуха…) Ответы затем фиксируются в листе заданий.

Take the task 2. Do it, please.

Слайд 16.

4. Работа с лексическими единицами.

There are many exciting places of interest in London. Do you remember them? Call them correctly.

Сначала ученики хором и индивидуально прочитывают слова двух столбиков (работа над фонетикой







The Houses of

The Tower of









5. Игра “Что на картинке?”

Слайды 17-22.

Let’s continue our travelling. Do you know London and its sightseeing?

Продолжаем “путешествие”. Проверяется, насколько хорошо обучающиеся визуально знают достопримечательности Лондона (страноведческий аспект).

How wonderful this city is!

Take the task 3

6. Развитие навыков аудирования.

Слайд 23, ссылка.

You know, my favorite sightseeing in London is Tower Bridge. Listen some information and say what is there inside the bridge? (The exhibition is inside the bridge itself.)

7. Работа с текстом. Развитие навыка чтения.

На экране фото “Tower Bridge” и текст об этом мосте.

Слайд 23.

This is Tower Bridge, built in 1894. It is next to the Tower of London. It is one of the famous bridges across the Thames. It opens and ships go up and down the river Thames.

Обучающийся вслух читает текст. Затем по сюжету “погода портится, и капли дождя смывают часть слов”. Другой обучающийся зачитывает текст с пропусками, затем задание усложняется еще раз.

Выполняется задание 4 на листе (Составь предложение из рассыпавшихся слов).

  • Look! Here you can see the text about the Tower Bridge. Read it and try to understand.
  • Oh, it’s cloudy now! The drops of rain are falling down! Read once more aloud.
  • The rain is stronger now! Read again!
  • Take the task 4, do it.

8. Самостоятельная работа, выполнение теста.

Слайд 24.

Now it’s time to check-up your knowledge about London.

You must do the text using the computer. Open the tests read the instruction and do it.

Your results write down in task 5, you have got 4 minutes only.

Контроль усвоения лексики по пройденной теме. На компьютерах обучающиеся выполняют тест, в котором необходимо выбрать подходящие слова в тексте. Полученный результат в процентах заносится в лист с заданиями.

Основная группа уч-ся выполняют тесты на компьютерах, а группа учащихся, имеющих какие-либо затруднения, работают с учителем, читают предыдущие задания, переводят, разбирают трудности.

Наиболее сильный ученик помогает остальным выполнить тест и вписать результаты в лист заданий

9. Формирование навыков аудирования и письма

Take your places, please. Now I want to tell you about my friend. her name is Emma Nilson. She lives in GB.

She lives in Brighton. It’s a nice town. Last week I got a letter from her. She sent me some photos from Brighton.

Слайд 25.

Look here. I want to read the letter from her too.

Слайд 26.

Listen to me and try to guess what words are missed.

Dear friend,
Thanks for your postcard from Moscow. I have never been there, but I’d like to visit Russia. Now I’m in Brighton and have a good time.
I’m writing to invite you and your friends to visit Brighton next summer.
It’s only 100 km. from London. You can do a lot of interesting things. You can swim, windsurf, sunbathe, sit in the deckchair.
If you want, you can stay in the hotel, guest house, B&B, camp, caravan

The weather is always warm and sunny here. You’ll enjoy it.
I hope to see you there.
Take care.

Слайд 27.

Take task 6, write down the missing words. let’s check-up. Have you any mistakes?

Correct them yourselves.

10. Релаксация.

Слайд 28.

1. Well, you’ve done your work well today. Now, let’s have some fun.

Look, there are some English proverbs here. Match the beginning with the ending of the following proverbs about travelling, read, translate, and find the Russian equivalent.

What proverbs do you like best?

Слайд 29.

2. Let’s play a game. Finish the poem with the rhyming word.

11. Домашнее задание.

Well done.

So, for next lesson I want you write the letter to Emma Nilson.

12. Оценки. Итоги урока.

Слайд 30.

You were active today. I’ll give you excellent and good marks. Take me your sheets of paper, I’ll check them up.

Our lesson is over. Good-bye.

Приложение 1

Приложение 2

Приложение 3

Приложение 4