Урок английского языка по теме "The ways we learn about the world"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Практическая цель: обобщение изученного материала по теме “Mass Media”, совершенствование навыков говорения по теме.


  1. активизировать лексические единицы (ЛЕ) по теме;
  2. развивать навыки аудирования;
  3. развивать навыки чтения с общим охватом содержания;
  4. развивать умение говорить на основе прочитанного

Развивающие цели:

  1. развитие инициативы учащихся, мышления, общеучебных навыков;
  2. формирование умений обобщать учебный материал.

Воспитательная цель:

  1. способствовать развитию самостоятельности уч-ся
  2. формирование навыков и умений межличностного общения


  • учебник “ English” для 9 класса;
  • магнитофон, кассета
  • компьютер, презентация.

Ход урока

I. Организационный этап.


Teacher (T): Good morning! Glad to see you. Sit down, please. Our topic today is “Mass Media”. We are going to revise all information about it.

II. We repeat the vocabulary:

-viewing habits

-a quality paper

-a popular paper

-a tabloid

-a magazine

- a headline

-without political bias

-current affair

-to report

-to to watch

-to listen to

-to broadcast

-to keep smb informed

-to aim at the educated reader

-to be designed for the undemanding reader

-to subscribe to

III. Let’s discuss the ways we learn about the world.

Watching TV

T: You’ll hear three opinions about the British television. Find out which of these belongs to a teacher, a pupil and a politician. Prove it, please.

(Приложение 1)

T: Some people say that television kills conversation. Do you agree?

We go on speaking about watching TV. What kind of viewer are you?

(Работа с текстом. Приложение 2)

Reading newspapers and magazines

T: Do you read newspaper regularly?

How many newspapers does your family subscribe to?

What kind of newspapers do you prefer?

What groups can the newspapers be divided into?

What “quality” papers do you know?

What popular papers can you name?

And now let’s talk about magazines. Open your books on page 90, ex.4.

These are the most popular magazines in Britain. Place them in order from the most popular downwords.

Exchange and Mart

Reader’s digest

Radio Times

National Geographic

TV Times

What Car?

T: What are these magazines about?

(Приложение 3)

Listening to the radio

T: Do you listen to the radio?

When do you usually listen to the radio?

What radio stations can you name?

T: What is the youngest source of information which becomes more and more popular?

It’s main advantage is that the news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you don’t have to wait for news time on TV.

But psychologists recognize Internet Addiction syndrome as a new illness that could cause serious problems and ruin many lives. Many users spend up to 40 hours a week on the Internet. Some of the addicts are teenagers who are already hooked on computer games and who find it very difficult to resist the games on the Internet.

T: Now let’s give the summery.

Do the media play an important part in our life?

Do you think the media influence our life?

Приложение 1

Television is a great way to learn. It’s easier than reading book. I wish we could watch more television at school. But on the whole, most telly programmes are rubbish, too serious. Television should be entertaining, you know, fun. I wish there were more police shows and sports. And more adverts, too.

British television is the best in the world. We have a lot of variety and good quality. We try to entertain and educate. That’s why so many British television programmes are exported. We need more channels and more broadcasting. Up to 20 hours a day, for example.

The kids come home and turn on the box. Parents have no control. And some of the programmes are really violent. There are terrible problems with reading and writing. Kids don’t read books any more. They spend a lot of time just sitting and watching the telly.

Приложение 2

Everyone has a different way of using television. Here are some types of television viewers.

The absent-minded:

This type of viewer leaves TV on all day. In the meantime he eats, phones, reads or does his homework. For him television is really just background noise for his day.

The addict:

He won’t give up TV anything in the world. He watches the programmes in silence, with great concentration. Even during commercials, he won’t leave the screen for fear of losing a second of a programme. He usually chooses the programmes he wants to watch very carefully.

The bored:

He puts the TV on when he’s got nothing better to do. For him TV is the last resort. He only watches it when it’s raining or when he’s ill.

What sort of viewer are you?

Приложение 3

-details of the week’s television and radio programmes

-a collection of features on a wide variety of subjects

-about cars

-a popular American monthly magazine. It has stories and pictures from interesting places around the world, and sometimes includes large maps.

-people advertise things which they want to sell, buy or exchange.