Мы летим на воздушном шаре

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Aims: to organize monologue speech of students on the base of prepared report; to create situations where students can use spontaneous speech.


  • a model of balloon (it can be made from little balloons);
  • a model of basket (it can be made from wallpaper);
  • a few balloons.

Students sit under the model of balloon on the chairs which stand around.

Ход мероприятия

  Teacher’ activity Student’ activity
1. Good morning, everybody! First of all let me introduce myself. I am a travel agent. And in a few minutes we are going to start our air travel. Before we take off I want you to take these little balloons with you. They will be your parachutes if something is wrong. (Учащимся предлагается взять один из шаров) S-s: Fine! How are you?
2. So, guys you may choose one of them. Every balloon has a written word on it (List of possible words which written on the balloons: “friends”, “family”, “weather”, “hobby”, “my day,” “food”, ‘”sport”) you should say some words about yourself according your topic.

Excellent! It’ time to say “Goodbye” to our friends on the land.
S1: I want to have a red balloon. My word is “Friends”. I’ve got a friend. His name’s Stas. He is tall and thin.

S2: I’d like to have a blue balloon. My word is “Weather”. I like all seasons because every season has good things.

S3: Give me please a green balloon. «Family” is my word. My family is not large, my father, my mother and I. I love them and I need them.

S4: I like blue balloon. My word is “Sport”.
I enjoy watching and do jogging. I take my morning exercises.
3. You know our travel will take us one hour. So we have some time for a little game. It called “What’s your offer?” I’ve got some things but I don’t know what to do with them. I need your advice.  
4. I’ve got some tomato juice.
I’ve got a book with fairy tales.
I’ve got a comb.
I’ve got an orange.
I’ve got a phone.
S1: You can drink it.
S2: You can read it.
S3: You can comb your hair.
S4: You can eat it.
S5: You can call on your parents.
5. Oh, no! Our balloon is falling down.
I’m sorry but I’m afraid that one of you gentlemen must leave us to safe others. Give your reasons why you must stay (Несколько дней назад учитель предложил учащимся выбрать себе роли и придумать небольшое сообщение)
6. So my dears, let’s solve this problem S1: I am a doctor. I am a surgeon. I saved many people. And now I am flying to perform difficult operation to a little baby.
Nobody can do it but only me.

S2: I am a talented scientist. I did many great openings. And yesterday I opened a medicine against cancer. I am flying to the conference to tell about my secret.

S3: I am a famous football player. My country is proud of me. I am the best player in our team. And tomorrow Ill’ have a football match against Liverpool.
We can’t lose. We must be winners.

S4: I am a taxi driver. I know city very well. If my clients in a bad mood I try to help them.

S5: I am a movie star. Many people love me. I can’t jump! I can hit my face. It’s my money.
7. I can’t jump either. People need me. I help them to spend their holidays. Only I know beautiful places for the rest. Blue and deep rivers, high mountains, wonderful islands.  
8. So, everybody wants to stay, but it’s impossible. One of us must leave. Let’s vote.
9. I’m so sorry. It’s a taxi driver. Take your balloon and leave us.  
10. Thank you very much. I hope we will land without problems.  


  1. Штарина А. Г. Компетентностный подход в преподавании английского языка.− Волгоград: Учитель, 2007.
  2. Журнал «Speak out».