Урок английского языка на тему "В Лондонском зоопарке"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • совершенствование лексических навыков,
  • развитие речевых умений,
  • формирование навыков устной речи на базе чтения.


  • совершенствовать монологическую и диалогическую речь;
  • тренировать учащихся в чтении;
  • развивать умение извлекать информацию из текста;
  • совершенствовать произносительные навыки.
  • совершенствовать монологическую и диалогическую речь;

Оборудование: Картинки по теме «Животные», карточки.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

– Good morning, children. I am glad to see you. Today we’ll have a talk about London Zoo. You know that London Zoo is one of the best in the world. It’s located in the Regent’s Park. You also know that there are many thousands of exotic animals at London Zoo.

II. Речевая разминка

– Hello, Masha. Nice to see you. How are you? (I am fine, thank you. How are you?)
– I am fine too. And what about you, Misha? How are you? (I am fine, thank you.)
– I am glad to hear that. The weather is pleasant today, isn’t it? (Oh, yes. I agree with you. It is rather warm.)
– Kate, I’d like to ask you a question. (You are welcome. What would like to ask me about?)
– Do you like animals? (Yes, I do).
– Have you got a pet at home? (No, I haven’t. But I would like to keep a cat as a pet.)
– How often do you go to the Zoo, Ann? (I go to the Zoo once a year.)
– What animals can you see in the Zoo? (I can see tigers, bears, elephants and lions in the Zoo.)
– Can animals be our friends? (Yes, they can. For example, dogs can help people when they are in trouble.)
– Do you agree with Helen? Why? Do you want to visit London Zoo? What information have you found out about London Zoo?

Учитель в быстром темпе задаёт вопросы и побуждает детей отвечать на них.

– Well done. Thank you very much.
And now let’s repeat our new words. Please, repeat the words after the tape.

III. Фонетическая зарядка – ex 2 p 103.

[ei] – Cage, save, endangered, nature.
[з:] – World, burn, turn, word, work.
[с] – Watch, watchdog, project, conversation.
[с:] – All, already, warm, north, more.
[ai] – Fight, rhino, lifewatch.
[aiэ] – Society, scientific, scientists, giant.
[n] – Wing, fighting, swimming, jumping, chattering, chasing.
[dз] – Cage, project, join, enjoyable, giant, just.

IV. Обучение выразительному чтению на материале текста

– Yesterday we read the text about London Zoo? Why do many people visit it every year? Look at the picture of exercise 5, page 104 and imagine that you are speaking to people over the radio. Divide the text into some parts and get ready to read it loudly and artistically. Work in pairs for 4 minutes. Your time is up.

Учитель организует выполнение упр.5, стр. 104. Учащиеся работают в парах в течение 4 минут, а затем учитель предлагает 4 – 6 ученикам «выступить по радио».

– Who will be the first today? Well done. Very good.

V. Физкультминутка

VI. Тренировка навыков устной речи по теме «Зоопарк»

– You can be very good speakers. I hope you can answer different questions about London Zoo. You can find them in exercise 6, page 105. Work in groups of three and answer them. One pupil in the group will read the question and try to answer it, other pupils will help and correct him.

Ученики делятся на группы по 4 человека. Каждый ученик получает возможность прочитать 2 вопроса из упр.6, стр. 105 и ответить на них. Затем учитель приглашает к доске одного из двух человек по желанию и задает все вопросы из данного упражнения.

Teacher : Let` s have a guessing game. The task is to name the animal described by your classmates. Are you ready ? Can we start ? Please, be very attentive.

Pupil 1 : It is long and green. It can be very terrible and aggressive. It likes to neat meat and fish. It is vey wild. It lives in the water. What is it ? (a crocodile)

Pupil 2 : It is big and brown. It likes to sleep in winter. It has a sweet tooth. It likes to eat honey, berries, fish and meat. It can swim very well but it lives in the forest. It can be very aggressive but in the zoo it is very funny and nice. What is it ? (a bear)

Pupil 3: I have a very nice tail. I can fly. I` m covered with colourful feathers. I can talk. I am very funny. I am a … (parrot)

Pupil 4 : It is the biggest animal in the world. It lives in the ocean but it is not a fish. What is it ? (a whale)

Pupil 5: I have four legs, I have no teeth. I can swim and dive. I carry my house around with me. I am a ..(tortoise)

Pupil 6: it is the second biggest animal in the world. It can eat 300 kilos of food and drink 200 liters of water. It lives in Africa and India. It is kind, clever and very intelligent. What is it ? (an elephant)

Pupil 7: This animal is very unusual. It can` t walk, it can` t run, it can`t fly, it can only jump. It has a front pocket and in the pocket it carries a baby. It lives in Australia. What is it ? (a kangaroo)

Teacher: Thank you. Good work. All these exotic animals we can see in the zoo. Now let’s learn some information about London Zoo from the text.

a) Read the text be ready to translate it.

“London Zoo” (card 1)

  1. London Zoo is the oldest zoo of the world.
  2. It was open by the Zoological Society of London in 1827 for a scientific work.
  3. But in 1847 the first visitors came to the zoo.
  4. London Zoo is situated in Regent’s Park.
  5. It has the most famous collection of exotic animals in the world.
  6. Today there are 755 species of animals in the zoo.
  7. Here you can see such endangered animals as the African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino.
  8. Many animals were born in the zoo.
  9. A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food.
  10. London Zoo opened the first Reptile house, the first public Aquarium, the first insect house and the first children’s zoo.

b) Find the English equivalent to the Russian Phrases:

был открыт, старый зоопарк, научная работа, зоологическое общество Лондона, первые посетители, расположение, самая знаменитая, принимают пищу, были рождены, вымирающие животные, такие как, виды животных, павильон.

с) Fill in necessary words (card 2)

  1. London Zoo is … zoo of the world.
  2. It was open by the Zoological Society of London … for a scientific work.
  3. But … the first visitors came to the zoo.
  4. London Zoo is situated in ….
  5. It has the most … of exotic animals in the world.
  6. Today there are … of animals in the zoo.
  7. Here you can see such … as the African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino.
  8. Many animals … in the zoo.

d) Make the sentences using the beginning and the ending (card 3).

  1. London Zoo is ……….
  2. It was open by the Zoological Society of London in 1827 ……...
  3. But in 1847 the first visitors ………...
  4. London Zoo is situated ……….
  5. It has the most famous collection …………..
  6. Today there are 755 ……….
  7. Here you can see such endangered animals as ………..
  8. Many animals …………
  9. A good time to visit the animals is ………….
  10. London Zoo opened the first Reptile house, the first public Aquarium, the first insect house…………

e) Make the plan of the story using the key-words (card 4).

  1. the oldest zoo
  2. in 1827
  3. in 1847
  4. is situated
  5. famous collection
  6. 755 species
  7. endangered animals
  8. were born
  9. a good time
  10. opened

VII. Итог урока

Teacher: Thank you very much. What do you like most of all at our lesson? What would you like to use more often at our lessons? Who would you like to thank? We will continue our talk about London at the next lessons. Now write down your homework, please. Your homework will be to write a letter “My impression about London Zoo”.

Our lesson is over, see you next lesson, good bye.