Вечер английского языка для родителей 1-, 2-, 5–6-х классов

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Вечер Английского языка проводился как итоговое открытое мероприятие для родителей учащихся 1, 2, 5, 6-х классов в конце учебного года. Ведущими были ученики 8 класса.

Цели и задачи:

- повышение интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка;

- совершенствование речевых умений в познавательной и творческой деятельности;

- развитие потребности и способности к сотрудничеству учащихся разного возраста.

Оформление: кроссворды, загадки, высказывания на английском языке, карикатуры, скороговорки, игрушки, картинки зверей, анкеты, цветы, шарики, магнитофон, костюмы.

Ход праздника

Ведущий 1: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls, parents and teachers. We’ve invited you to our ENGLISH PARTY. We sing songs, play games, show plays. We’ll show you what we’ve learnt. We think you’ll like our party

Учащиеся поют песню “Hello, friend (How are you?)”.

Ведущий 2: Now, you’ll get some information about English language and English- speaking countries.

Do you know that:

People 1: Two thousand years ago English did not exist.

People 2: A thousand years ago it was a language used by less than two million people.

People 3: Now it is the most influential language in the world.

People 4: It is spoken by more than a billion people on the planet.

People 5: 80% of e-mails on the Internet are in English.

People 6: English will continue to develop around the world.

People 7: English is going to become even more important as a global lingua franca.

Ведущий 1: Let’s listen to the boys and a girl who are going to recite rhymes.

Учащиеся поочередно рассказывают подготовленные ими стихотворения.

People 1: Mother is busy
From morning till night,
Keeping her family
Happy and bright.

People 2: Dear Mummy! Dear Daddy!
I love you, both of you.
Dear Mummy! Dear Daddy!
Do you love me too?

People 3: Breakfast in the morning,
Dinner in the daytime.
Tea comes after dinner,
Then it’s our playtime.

People 4: Supper in the evening
When the sky is red,
Then the day is over
And we go to bed.

Ведущий: I see that you know English rhymes but can you count in English.

Ведущий дает задание ученикам.

Ведущий: Count from one to ten. Count from ten to one.

And now I want to see which of you is the best at Mathematics.

2+2= 3+4= 7- 3= 5-1=

Ведущий говорит каждому из них арифметический пример и кидает мяч. Ученик ловит мяч и кратко дает ответ (называя результат арифметического действия)

Ведущий: Well done. Let me see if you know the ABC.

Look at this ABC, and say what letters are missing.

В течение нескольких секунд демонстрируется алфавит с какими-нибудь пропущенными буквами (например, E, R, Y).

Ведущий: I see that you know The ABC. Let’s sing a song “ABC”.

Учащиеся поют песню “ABC”.

Ведущий: This time we are going to talk about animals. What animals do you know and what poems about animals do you know?

Учащиеся называют животных и читают стихотворения.

Ведущий: Good for you all. I see you really know a lot of poems about birds and animals.

And now I want you to listen to our riddles and try to guess them.

People 1: I live in Africa. I can jump and walk. I can run very fast. I can swim. I can’t fly. Babies can’t see. We are good hunters. What am I? (I’m a lion).

People 2: I live in Antarctica. I’m a bird but I can’t fly. I can swim. I’m black and white. What am I? (I’m a penguin)

People 3: I live in Africa. I’m very big. I’m grey. I can run. I eat trees. What am I?

(An elephant).

People 4: I have a bushy tail. Sometimes I am grey and sometimes I am red. I like nuts. What am I? (I am a squirrel)

Ведущий: Thank you very much. Well, and now we’ll see a play about a donkey. He thinks that he’s grown-up and he’s clever.

Look at the main characters. They’ll speak about themselves and you’ll soon know who is who.

Появляются главные герои пьесы: Ослик Ляпа, Мама, Ежик, Заяц, Белочка.

Donkey: I’m a donkey. I think I’m grown-up and I’m clever.

Mother: I’m his mother. I love my son.

Hedgehog: I’m a hedgehog.

Hare: I’m a hare.

Squirrel: I’m a squirrel.

Действие происходит у домика Ляпы.

A story teller: This is Lyapa. He thinks he’s grown-up and very clever.

Lyapa: I’d like to go to the market and buy some hay.

Mummy: You are too little to go by yourself. You can’t read and you are bad in counting.

Lyapa: I can count. I can count up to one. And, I can read number one, and write it too.

Mummy:All right, then, go. We’ll see what happens.

Ляпа отправляется на автобусную остановку и встречает Медведя.

Lyapa: Excuse me, sir. I’m trying to find my way to the market. Can you tell me where to go?

Bear: Take a number five bus and get off at the last stop.

Ляпа садится в трамвай номер 1 и приезжает к кинотеатру.

Lyapa: Excuse me, can you tell me where I can buy some hay?

Hedgehog: You can’t buy hay here. This is a cinema.

Lyapa: But bear told me that the market was at the last stop.

Hedgehog: Yes, but he also told you, no doubt, to take a number five bus. You’ve taken the number one tram.

Lyapa: I can only count up to one.

Hedgehog: Oh, you silly, little donkey? You’ve got everything mixed up! I will show where to go.

A story teller: A hedgehog took him to the market.

Ляпа приезжает на рынок.

Lyapa: May I have some hay, please?

Hare: We don’t sell hay. We sell vegetables. The hay is on the other side.

Lyapa: Why did a hedgehog say they sell hay on on the right of the entrance?

Hare: He was quite right. They do sell hay there. But you should have turned right, and you turned left instead. You’ve got everything all mixed up. You’d better buy a carrot from the stall.

Lyapa: OK. Give me one pound of carrots.

Hare: Have you got any money?

Lyapa: Of course, I have. Here you are.

Hare: But that`s only one pence. Never mind, have it on me. Only don’t forget to wash it.

Ляпа моет морковку мылом.

Squirrel: Little donkey, what are you doing here?

Lyapa: I’m washing my carrot.

Squirrel: But you don’t wash carrots with soup! Nobody washes a carrot with soup. You just rinse it with water.

Lyapa: Well, I’ll rinse my carrot and eat it. Ugh! It tastes bitter and horrid.

Suirrel: Ha, Ha. You’ve got it mixed up, Lyapa. You’re eating soup instead. And why did you come to the market?

Lyapa: To buy some hay.

Squirrel: You are too late. The market is clothing. It’s time to go home.

Ляпа возвращается домой. Действие происходит у домика Ляпы.

Mummy: You see, Lyapa, I was right. You’ve got everything muddled up. You have to know a lot not to get in a muddle.

Ведущий: We hope you liked our play. Now, let’s have a little fun. We’ll play the game. I’d like some students of the 1st grade to come up to me. We put some toys on the floor and put on blindfolds. You must find and name them. (ученики используют структуру I’ve got …).

Ведущий: Thank you very much. You know that people around the world are trying to live a healthy life. Dear parents! The kids of the 5th grade can give you some advice on how to live a healthy life. They’ve prepared a questionnaire. Please, answer their questions.


1. Do you smoke?

a) Yes, I do b) Sometimes c) Never

2. Do you eat junk food?

a) No, I don’t b) Yes, I do c) not often

3. Do you eat a balanced diet.

a) Yes, I do b) No, I don’t c) Sometimes

4. Do you eat a lot of sweets?

a) No, I don’t b) Yes, I do c) Regularly

5. Do you exercise?

a) Yes, I do b) No, I don’t c) Regularly

Ученики 5-го класса задают вопросы родителям, учителям и готовят свои советы.

В это же время ведущий проводит конкурс скороговорок.

Ведущий: Now we’ll see who is the best in saying these tongue-twisters.

  1. A girl sees six big grey geese.
  2. Pat’s black cat is in Pat’s black hat.
  3. A cup of nice coffee is in a nice coffee-cup.
  4. Snow is so snowy when it is snowing.

Скороговорки написаны крупными буквами на листе бумаги. Выигрывают те учащиеся или родители, кто быстро и правильно произнес любую из скороговорок.

Подводятся итоги анкетирования родителей.

Ведущий: Attention, please. The results of our survey are ready.

People 1: We asked 20 people about their interests and their food.

People 2: 15 people exercise regularly.

People 3: Only 3 people out of 20 smoke. We hope you can give up smoking.

People 4: 20 people eat a balanced diet.

People 5: 17 people don’t like junk food and never eat it.

People 6: You live a healthy life.

Ведущий: Let’s sing a song “I can’t do what a toucan can”. Dear parents, could you dance with us, please.

Учащиеся поют песню и танцуют вместе с родителями.

Ведущий: The students of the 6th grade have prepared some jokes and anecdotes. Watch them and have fun.

Customer: I would like a book, please.

Bookseller: Something light?

Customer: That doesn’t matter- I have my car with me.

Teacher: Who helped you draw this map, Jack?

Jack: Nobody, sir.

Teacher: Didn’t your brother help you?

Jack: No, sir. He drew it all himself.

Mother: Johnny, I left two pieces of cake in the cupboard this morning. I see there is only one piece there. Where is the other? Can you tell me?

Johnny: It was too dark, Mummy. I could not see the other piece.

Boy: Father there’s a big black cat in the dinning room.

Father: Never mind, Jack black cats are lucky.

Boy: This one is; he’s had your dinner.

Man: Little boy why do you carry that umbrella over your head? It is not raining and the sun isn’t shining”.

Boy: I carry it now because when it rains Pa wants it, and only when the weather is good I can use it”.

Teacher: Bobby, how many fingers have you?

Boy: I have ten fingers.

Teacher: Well, if four were missing what would you have then?

Boy: No music lessons.

Teacher: Well, Alec, how much is two plus one?

Boy: I don’t know, sir.

Teacher: Well, Alec! Fancy I give you two dogs and then one dog more. How many dogs have now?

Boy: Four dogs.

Teacher: Why, Alec?

Boy: Because I have one dog already, sir.

Teacher: Now, who can tell me anything about heat?

Boy: Heat makes things larger, sir, and cold makes things smaller.

Teacher: All right, give an example.

Boy: In summer days are longer because it is hot, in winter they are shorter because it is cold.

Ведущий: Thank you very much. Our English Party is over. Let’s sing a song “Goodbye, friend, goodbye to you”.


В. Житомирский. Л. Шеврин “Математическая азбука на английском языке”. Издательство “Педагогика”, 1980. – стр.15.