Сценарий спектакля "Jack and the Beanstalk"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Scene 1: We can see a living room in a poor country house. Jack is lying on the sofa. Jack’s mother is knitting. She is very sad. The music is playing.*

Narrator 1: Once upon a time there was a boy called Jack. Jack and his mother were very poor. Jack was lazy. He didn’t like to work. He liked to whistle.

Jack (whistling) **: ‘Mum I want a bike. All my friends have one.’

Mother: ‘Jack, will you stop asking? You know we have no money.’

Jack: ‘Hmm, mum it’s just a bike. Why can’t you get me one?’

Mother’s very angry. She’s putting her knitting away and standing up.

Mother: Jack, why don’t you get up and do something for yourself! You are a lazy boy! Take the cow to the market and sell it. You must bring home the money. We have nothing to eat for lunch.’

The cow is coming. (Two boys are making the cow. The first boy is wearing the hat with horns; the second boy is covered with a white cloth.) Jack is going around the cow and staring at it. The cow is chewing a carrot.) The music is playing.*

Scene 2: We can see the market. There are a lot of people selling and buying. They are shouting. You can hear the sound of market. ***

Narrator 2: Jack took the cow to the market. There were a lot of people in the market buying and selling. An old man came to Jack.

The old man is wearing a jacket and a small bag around his waist. He has a white beard. He has a stick.

The old man: ‘Hello, little fellow.’

Jack: ‘Hello, can I help you?’

The old man: ‘Yes, I’d like to buy your cow. I don’t have any money, but I have these five magic beans.’(He’s showing five beans.)

Jack: ‘But mum says I must bring money.’

The old man: ‘Don’t worry. Take these magic beans, please. They are good and beautiful, too.

Jack is staring at the beans and thinking.

Jack: ‘OK, take the cow and give me the five magic beans.’

The old man: ‘Thank you, little fellow. You’ll enjoy them.’

Scene 3: Jack’s house. Mother is knitting. Jack is rushing into the room and shouting.

Narrator 3: Jack took the beans and went home. Jack’s mother was very cross.

Jack: ‘Mum, I’ve sold the cow and I have five magic beans. Here they are. (Jack is showing beans to his mum.)

Mother (speaking in a loud voice slowly): ‘Five magic beans? Where’s the money? You’re a silly boy! Now we don’t have a cow and we don’t have any money. What are we going to eat? Five beans?’

Scene 4: Garden. There’re five big green cubes in the garden. The girls are hiding behind the cubes. They are sitting on their knees. They are wearing green dresses.

Narrator 4: Jack planted the beans in the garden. The beans began to grow higher and higher. Soon the beanstalk went up into the sky.

Jack is going around the cubes. He is digging. Then he is planting the beans. Jack is going away. The music is playing and the girls start dancing. They are showing the growth of the plants. ****

Finally Jack is returning. He is looking at the plants. He is shouting.

Jack: ‘Look, mum, look! Look at the beanstalk! They were really magic beans.’

Mother and Jack are very surprised.

Scene 5: Jack is climbing on the cube and he is walking across the cubes as if climbing the stalk.

Narrator 5: Jack climbed the beanstalk. On the top of the beanstalk there was a big house. In the house there was a sad giant.

The giant is standing on the cube. He is wearing a big hat. Jack and the giant are talking in a loud voice. *****

Jack: ‘Hello, sir, who are you? What are you doing here?

The giant: ‘I’m old, I can’t smile and I can’t laugh.’

Jack: ‘Yes, you can. I can help you. I can make you laugh.’

The giant: ‘Really? Can you?’

Jack: ‘Yes, I can. Look!’

The five girls are sitting on the cubes. Jack is standing. They are singing the song “I’m a music man”. They are miming the actions.

The giant: ‘Ha.ha.ha.hahahahahah. Thank you very much. Your song is very cheerful. I can laugh and smile now. Take this bag of gold. It’s for you.’

Jack: ‘Thank you very much. You are very kind.’

The giant: ‘Never mind. You helped me and I’ll help you, too.’

Narrator 6: Jack climbed down the beanstalk.

Jack is going across the cubes. He is returning home.

Scene 6: Jack’s house.

Jack: ‘Mum, mum. Look! A bag full of gold! We are rich now!’

Mother ( hugging her son): Thank you my dear son.’

Narrator 7: Jack and his mother lived happily ever after.*

Music we used in the play:

*www.muzofon.com Английская лютневая музыка ‘Green sleeves and galliard’

** художественный свист

*** www.muzofon.com Шум толпы

**** www.muzofon.com Танец цветов

www.youtube.com ‘I am a music man’

***** www.muzofon.com Эдвард Григ "В пещере горного короля" (Танец троллей) "Пер Гюнт" Ибсен

Используемая литература: Mary Bowen, Printha Ellis “Way Ahead 4”.