Театрализованная постановка сказки братьев Гримм "Белоснежка и семь гномов" на английском языке. 3–4-е классы

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Characters (Действующие лица):

  • Queen (Королева)
  • Wicked Queen (Королева-мачеха)
  • Snow White (Белоснежка)
  • Mirror (Говорящее зеркало)
  • Servant (Слуга)
  • 7 Dwarfs (7 гномов)

Ход мероприятия

Scene 1. The Wicked Queen

Author: One winter day, many years ago, a Queen had a baby girl. The child was as white as snow.

Сцена происходит во дворце. Королева укладывает спать свою новорожденную дочку.

Queen: Oh, I’m so happy. I’ve got a child. I’ll call my daughter Snow White. How I love her!

Королева поет Белоснежке колыбельную песню.


Lullaby and good night
In the sky stars are bright
Around your head flowers gay
Set Your slumbers till day

Close your eyes now and rest
May these hours be blessed
Go to sleep now and rest
May these hours be blessed

Close your eyes now and rest
May these hours be blessed
Go to sleep now and rest
May these hours be blessed

Author: But soon Snow White’s mother died and the King married again.

На сцене появляется Королева-мачеха с зеркалом в руках.

Author: The new Queen was very nice. She had a magic mirror.

Wicked Queen: Tell me, mirror, and don’t lie. Am I beautiful and fine?

Mirror: No doubts, you are right. You are beautiful and bright!

Author: But the years went by and, as Snow White grew up, she became more beautiful day by day.

Белоснежка на сцене поливает цветы во дворце, затем садится за чтение книги.

Wicked Queen: Tell me, mirror, and don’t lie. Am I beautiful and fine?

Mirror: No doubts, you are fine. But nobody can decline that Snow White is nicer, finer, cleverer and kinder.

Wicked Queen: Oh, no. It can’t be true. You are a silly mirror.

Author: The Queen became very angry and sent for one of her servants.

Королева в гневе кидает зеркало. Обращается к слуге.

Wicked Queen: Take Snow White to the forest, then I’ll give you a big bad of gold.

Servant: I’ll do my best, my Queen. How I love money! I shall be rich! Ha-ha-ha!

Слуга смеется и уходит со сцены.

Author: The servant took little Snow White into the forest. While Snow White played in the forest skipping and picking flowers, the servant ran back to the palace.

Слуга приводит Белоснежку в лес, а сам убегает во дворец.

Scene 2. The House in the Forest 

Snow White: Servant, where are you? No answer. I’m afraid of being alone here in the forest. I want to get back to the palace.

Белоснежка бежит по лесу и видит небольшой домик.

Snow White: What is that? Oh, it’s a little house. But I can’t see anybody in the house.

Author: The door was open and Snow White walked in. There was a little table in the room. There were seven little plates, seven little glasses, seven little spoons on the table.

Белоснежка входит в дом и садиться за стол.

Snow White: I’m very hungry.

Author: Snow White ate some vegetable, some cold meat, some bread. Then she drank some milk.

Snow White: I’m very tired and sleepy. I’ll have a rest a little bit.

Белоснежка ложится на кроватку и засыпает.

Author: Very soon Snow White was asleep.

Scene 3. Sweet Home

Author: Late in the evening the masters of the house came home. They were seven little dwarfs. They came home after their work in the mountains where they looked for gold.

7 гномов заходят в домик и рассматривают Белоснежку.

Dwarf 1: Oh, how nice she is!

Dwarf 2: Oh, what a beautiful child!

Dwarf 3: Oh, what a nice little girl!

Dwarf 4: Shhh! Don’t awake her!

Dwarf 5: Let her sleep as long as she likes.

Author: In the morning, when Snow White woke up, she saw seven little dwarfs standing near her.

Dwarf 6: What is your name, child?

Snow White: My name is Snow White.

Author: And she told them her story.

Dwarf 7: Poor thing! Poor thing! Do you want to live here and help us about the house?

Snow White: With great pleasure!

Author: Snow White and Seven Dwarfs became good friends and they all lived happily together.

Гномы и Белоснежка танцуют на сцене и исполняют песню. ( P. S. Песню можно выбрать любую на свое усмотрение.).


You put your right arm in
your right arm out
In, out, in, out,
You shake it all about.
You do the Hokey Cokey and you turn around
That's what it's all about...

Woah, do the hokey cokey,
Woah, do the hokey cokey,
Woah, do the hokey cokey,
Knees bent, arms stretched, ra ra ra!

You put your left leg in
your left leg out
In, out, in, out,
You shake it all about.
You do the Hokey Cokey and you turn around
That's what it's all about...

Woah, do the hokey cokey,
Woah, do the hokey cokey,
Woah, do the hokey cokey,
Knees bent, arms stretched, ra ra ra!

You put your whole self in
your whole self out
In, out, in, out,
You shake it all about.
You do the Hokey Cokey and you turn around
That's what it's all about...

Woah, do the hokey cokey,
Woah, do the hokey cokey,
Woah, do the hokey cokey,
Knees bent, arms stretched, ra ra ra!