Открытый урок по теме "Inventions that shook the world". 11-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11

Задачи урока:

  • активизировать изученную лексику по теме и расширить лексический запас учащихся за счет чтения текстов и информации, найденной в Интернете;
  • развивать языковую догадку, опираясь на контекст;
  • использовать освоенные навыки из других областей знаний и развитие межпредметных связей (физика, информатика, история);
  • приобщить учащихся к истории развития техники и технологий;
  • формирование интереса к достижениям человечества и внимательное отношение ко всему окружающему.

Обеспечение урока:

  • магнитная доска,
  • задания на отдельных листах
  • ваза с яблоками,
  • мультимедийная установка.

Ход урока


Учитель просит посмотреть учащихся на доску и прочитать слово ‘Eurika!’. Учитель спрашивает о происхождении этого слова. Учащиеся дают ответ.

УЧЕНИК 1 – слово произошло от древнегреческого ‘EURIKA’, что означает ‘I have found it!’ Архимед сделал открытие, принимая ванну: на всякое тело , погруженное в жидкость действует выталкивающая сила, направленная вверх и равная весу вытесненной им жидкости.

Archimedes principle – a scientific rule which says that an object placed in water will be affected by a force pushing upwards that is equal to the weight of the water moved by the object.

T – ‘This example shows that some inventions can be made unexpectedly, just by chance or because of someone’s mistake. Can you give some examples proving the idea?

P1 – Yes. As I remember Dmitry Mendeleyev saw the table of chemical elements in his dream and then he wrote it.

P2 – There is such a legend that Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity with the help of an apple. One day he was sitting in the garden under an apple tree and when an apple fell down and hit his head, he began thinking about the reason of the apple falling.


T – Look at the table. You can see a bowl covered with a napkin. Guess what is inside it. Ask me some questions about it.

P1 – What size is it?

T – It can be either small or large. P2 – What colour is it.T – It can be green, yellow, red.P3 – Is it eatable?T – Yes, it is. And it is very tasty.

P4 – Is it a fruit or a vegetable?

T – It’s a fruit.

P5 – “Is it an apple?

T – Yes, my congratulations! And it has helped to make a discovery – the law of universal gravity as you have said.


Разделить детей на три группы. Каждому ученику дается лист с задниями.

T – Work in groups. Put the following in order from the most useful (1) to the least useful (7): bubble gum, the theory of relativity, the printing press, corn flakes, the hula hoop, tea, the opener.

Pupils are given 3 minutes. After completing the task they give their answers and explain why they have put the inventions in this or that order.

T – Group1; Group2; Group3.


T – Match the inventions above to these inventors:

Will Keith Kellogg, Emperor Shen Nung, Albert Einstein, Walter E. Diemer, Ezra Warner, Johann Gutenberg , Richard P Knerr.

Pupils use their knowledge they got at the lessons of physics, history, geography and ability to think logically. They work in groups. The teacher asks the groups’ ideas in 2-3 minutes. Pupils use the phrases: “I think”, “I’m sure”, “I’m not quite sure, but I think”.



T – Will Keith Kellogg – corn flakes

Emperor Shen Nung – tea

Albert Einstein – the theory of relativity

Walter E. Diemer – bubble gum

Ezra Warner – the can opener

Johann Gutenberg – the printing press

Richard P Knerr – the hula hoop


T – Continue working. Say ‘how’ these inventions help us. The teacher gives 10 minutes for this work. Pupils work individually.

  1. Inventions help us live healthier and longer:
  2. Inventions help us communicate with one another
  3. Inventions make our life easier
  4. Inventions help entertain us
  5. Inventions take us from one place to another


Thank you. As you can see, people have invented a lot of useful things to make our life more comfortable and interesting. But all the inventions you mentioned before were made by men. Do you know anything about women-inventors?

Pupil’s answers. I’ve heard about Maria Curie. She was a physicist and chemist famous for her work on radioactivity. …

T: Unfortunately, most of us know very little about women inventors. But women inventors are the creators of a variety of inventions that we all take for granted. For instance here are some of the inventions women are responsible for: the Zig Zag sewing machine and correction fluid, flat-bottom paper grocery bags and Kevlar that’s used in body armor, Anti-Leukemia drugs and signal flares used by ships.


T: Thank you. And now let’s do an exercise on word formation. By the way, you’ll learn about another famous woman Lillian Gilbreth. For questions 1-7 read the text. Use the words in capitals to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text.

You have 4 minutes to complete the task.

Lillian Gilbreth was an 1)…, engineer, and mother of twelve INVENT
2) …. She patented many kitchen appliances including CHILD
an electric food 3) …, shelves inside refrigerator doors MIX
and the famoustrash can with pedal lid-opener.
Lillian Gilbreth 4) … one of the first BE
5) … to study the effects of stress and lack SCIENCE
of sleep on the workers. She was an 6) … engineer INDUSTRY
for General Electric and became the 7) … women ONE
to be elected to the National Academy of Engineering.


Match the words and definitions:

  1. a TV set
  2. a car
  3. a computer
  4. a video player
  5. a camera
  6. a vacuum cleaner
  7. a fridge
  8. a mobile telephone
  9. a plane
  10. a telephone

g. to have fun and to entertain
j. to move wherever you want by yourself
i. to write programs, play games, find and use information
e. to watch pre-recorded videos
a. to take photographs
c. to perform everyday cleaning tasks
f. to keep food fresh for a long time
h. a system for sending or receiving speech over long distance
d. to move fast and quick around the world
b. to receive or make calls around the home


Can you translate the following sentences into Russian? You can compare your translation and agree on the best version.

Thank you. As you can see, people have invented a lot of useful things to make our life more comfortable and interesting. But all the inventions you mentioned before were made by men. Do you know anything about women-inventors?

Pupil’s answers. I’ve heard about Maria Curie. She was a physicist and chemist famous for her work on radioactivity. …

T: Unfortunately, most of us know very little about women inventors. But women inventors are the creators of a variety of inventions that we all take for granted. For instance here are some of the inventions women are responsible for: the Zig Zag sewing machine and correction fluid, flat-bottom paper grocery bags and Kevlar that’s used in body armor, Anti-Leukemia drugs and signal flares used by ships. I offer you to play a

T: Now, let’s practice in translating.

P1:Joseph Nicéphore Niépce from France pioneered photography in 1829.

P2: Жозеф Нисефор Ньепс из Франции изобрёл способ фотографирования в 1829.

P1: In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell, an American engineer, invented telephone.

P2: В 1876 году американский инженер Александр Бэл изобрел телефон.

P1: Karl Benz produced the world’s first petrol-driven car in Germany in 1878.

P2: В 1878 в Германии Карл Бенц произвёл первый в мире автомобиль, работающий на бензине.

P1: In 1895 the Lumiere brothers patented their cinematography and opened the world’s first cinema in Paris.

P2: В 1895 братья Люмьер запатентовали кинематограф и открыли первый в мире кинотеатр в Париже.

P1: Wilbur and Orville Wright built the first airplane in 1903 (USA).

P2: В 1903 в США братья Райты построили первый аэроплан.

P1: In 1908 James M. Spangler from the USA built the first vacuum cleaner.

P2: В 1908 Джемс Спенглер из США построил первый пылесос.

P1: In 1908 US automobile manufacturer Henry Ford created the world’s first car assembly line.

P2: В 1908 американский фабрикант Генри Форд создал первый в мире автомобильный сборочный конвейер.

P1: John Logie Baird from Scotland invented television in 1926.

P2: Джон Бард из Шотландии изобрёл телевидение в 1926.

P1: The first Russia’s automobile was designed by P.A.Frez and E.A.Yakovlev. By May 1896 the car had been built.

P2: Первый автомобиль в России был построен П.А.Фрезом и Е.А.Яковлевым. К маю 1896 года машина была построена.

P1: In 1945 the Nobel Prize was given to Alexander Fleming for penicillin that had been discovered in 1928.

P2:В 1945 году Нобелевскую премию вручили Александру Флемингу за пенициллин, который был открыт в 1928 году.

P1: In 1928 Richard Drew perfected the Scotch tape, which had been invented by Jim Kirst from the USA in 1923.

P2: В 1928 году Ричард Дрю улучшил шотландскую плёнку (скотч), которую изобрёл Джим Кист из США в 1923 году.

P1: The first ballpoint pen was produced in 1940 though it had been invented by L. Biro, a Hungarian artist and journalist, in 1905.

P2: Первая шариковая ручка была изготовлена в 1940 году, хотя она была изобретена Л.Биро, венгерским художником и журналистом, в 1940 году.

P1: Sergey Korolyev (Russia) designed the first artificial satellite in 1957.

P2: Сергей Королёв (Россия) разработал первый искусственный спутник в 1957.

P1: Akio Morita (Japan) developed the first personal stereo – Sony Walkman in 1957.

P2: Акио Морите (Япония) разработал первую персональную стереосистему Sony Walkman в 1957 году.

P1: In 1981 Bill Gates (USA) created Microsoft-DOS (Disk Operating System).

P2: В 1981 Билл Гейтса (США) создал Microsoft-DOS (Дисковую Операционную Систему).

P1: Scottish scientist Ian Wilmat developed the idea of cloning in 1997.

P2: Шотландский ученый Ян Вилмат разработал идею клонирования в 1997.


What inventions had been made by the end of the 19- 20th century?

  1. ……………..… had been invented by the end of the 19th century.
  2. ……………...…. had been pioneered by the end of the 19th century.
  3. ……………..…. had been patented by the end of the 20th century.
  4. ……………..….. had been produced by the end of the 19th century.
  5. ……………..….. had been designed by the end of the 20th century.
  6. ………………… had been tested by the end of the 20th century.


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Фото смешных изобретений (обсуждение).


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The teacher gives apples from the bowl to pupils and says: “I hope that you will make some discoveries or inventions using these new technologies. Ad maybe, this apple will help you to do it. Thank you for the lesson! Good bye!”