Театрализованная постановка по теме "Red Riding Hood". 3-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 3

Театрализованная постановка для 3 класса «Red Riding Hood» для ежегодного фестиваля иностранных языков, проводимого в гимназии в рамках экспериментальной площадки.

Цель: развивать у учащихся театральное мастерство; развивать навык устной речи; воспитывать интерес к литературе.

Оборудование: видеоролик «Лес» с музыкой из кинофильма «Красная Шапочка»; сценические костюмы героев.

Ведущий: Once upon a time there was a little girl who was loved by all who knew her. Her grandmother made her a little red cloak with a red hood. She often wore it, so people called her Red Riding Hood. One day her mother said to her:

(выходит мама Красной шапочки)

Mother.The sun is shining! The sky is blue! It isn’t raining! It’s a lovely day!

Red Riding hood! Red Riding Hood! Where are you?

(выбегает красная шапочка)

R.R.H. I` m here, mother.

Mother. Red Riding Hood! Take a basket of cakes to your grandmother. She isn’t very well. Don’t run, but don’t go too slowly. Go guickly! Don’t talk to anybody in the wood!

R.R.H. All right, Mummy!

Mother: Good bye, Red Riding Hood!

R.H R.. Good bye! See you soon!

На сцене Красная Шапочка; она идет по лесу.

So I am walking through the wood,
I have a basket with some food.
But no flowers at all,
And Granny likes them so much!

(Собирает цветы.)

The first, the second and the third!
Oh! What a pretty lady-bird!
Stop, wait for me, please, don’t fly!
Oh! What a pretty butterfly!

В этот момент из леса выбегает Волк.

Wolf. Good morning! Are you taking a walk in the wood?

RRH. Good morning, Mis… Mister Wolf!

Wolf. My dear girl, I want to know to whom and where you are going? (Обращаясь к зрителям в зале.) The girl is thin, not worth a penny.

RRH. I… I am going to my Granny.

Wolf. And where can her house be?

RRH. It’s just behind oar-tree, turn to the left, it’s near by!

Wolf. Thank you, my dear girl. Good-bye! Ha-ha-ha!

Волк убегает.

RRH. Good-bye!

He is not bad, so kind and wise,
But flowers are very nice!
It will not take me many hours
To get there very pretty flowers!

Ведущий. Was the Wolf really kind and wise? Where did he run? What happened to Granny and Little Red Ridding Hood? Who will save them?

So Red Riding Hood saw many lovely flowers and she began to pick the flowers. She listened to the birds in the trees But at this time the went to the grandmother s house. And he ate the grandmother. Soon Red Riding Hood came to her grandmother s house.

(Красная Шапочка стучится в дверь)

Wolf. Who are you?

R.R.H. It` s me Red Riding Hood.

Wolf. Come in, Red Riding Hood.

R.R.H. Good morning, Grandmother.

Wolf. Good morning, Red Riding Hood.

R.R.H. How are you, Grandmother?

Wolf. Fine, thanks.

Ведущий: But her grandmother looked very strange.

R.R.H. Oh, Granny, Granny. What big ears you have?

Wolf. The better to hear you with, my dear!

R.R.H. Oh, Granny, Granny. What big eyes to have?

Wolf. The better to see you with, my dear.

R.R.H. Granny, Granny, what big hands you have?

Wolf. The better to hug you with, my dear.

R.R.H. Oh, Granny, Granny, what big teeth you have?

Wolf. The better to eat you with you, my dear.

Ведущий. With these words the wolf swallowed poor Red Riding Hood. Soon the wolf was asleep and snoring loudly. Later on hunters went past the house. They heard the wolf s loud snores.

The 1-st Hunter. Oh, it’s a wolf.

The 2-nd Hunter. You’ve done many bad things. We shall kill you.

Wolf. Don’t kill me, don’t kill me. I will never kill anyone else. I will be good, kind wolf.

Hunters. All right, Wolf. Well believe you.

Ведущий. So the wolf became good, kind, and he never ate people.

(все герои-артисты выходят и поют с Красной Шапочкой песню)

One, one, one.
I love the sun.
Two, two, two.
I love my mummy too.
Three, three, three.
My Granny loves me.
Four, four, four.
I love her more and more.

The end.