Театрализованная постановка по теме "East or West, home is best". 3-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 3

Цель: развивать навыки театрального мастерства , устной речи; воспитывать интерес к литературе , осознание значения искусства в жизни .

It is so dull today!
Nothing is happening.
Nobody is here in the park.

Появляется Мери Поппинс с Джейн и Майклом.

Mary: Michael, hurry up! You are so slowly today!

Jane: Oh, yes.

Oh, we know you.
You are Michael Banks.
And you are Jane Banks.
And you – you are Mary Poppins.

Hello, Miss Mary,
You look like a fairy!

But I am a fairy,
I have come to see you.

Джейн и Майкл видят на полу что-то блестящее. Майкл поднимает предмет.

Jane: Oh, look , Michael! What is it?

Michael: I will not tell you.

Jane: Miss Mary,what is it? What is it for?

Mary: To travel round the world with.

Children: To travel round the world with?

Michael: May be it is a compass.

Mary: You are right. Do you know where the South is?

Michael: Africa! There is always sunny and hot and you are never cold.

Mary: And… the North?

Jane: Arctic! There white bears live and it is very very cold.

Mary : The West?

Children: America! There cowboys live.

Mary: The East?

Children: I know. India! There elephants and tigers live.

Mary: Do you know where the best place is?

Children: We don`t know.

Jane and Michael: Where our parents and friends live.

Mary: East or West …

Children: … home is best.

Mary: It`s time to go home.

Children: Good bye!