Урок английского языка по теме "Дом, милый дом". 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Задачи: Овладевать речевыми функциями: объяснение, соглашение, обмен впечатлениями, побуждение к действию. Совершенствовать устно-ролевые навыки учащихся, навыки аудирования. Развивать творческое мышление, воображение, учить логически мыслить, обобщать, сравнивать, анализировать. Расширять кругозор учащихся в области страноведения, повышать их познавательный интерес, знакомя с образом жизни британцев. Воспитывать уважительное и толерантное отношение к другой культуре, общечеловеческим ценностям.

Оснащение урока: тематические картинки, лексические таблицы, картинки с изображением необычных жилищ, дидактический материал (карточки для индивидуальной работы по грамматике), компьютер, аудиозаписи, творческие работы учащихся.

Ход урока

1. Организация начала урока.

Teacher: Good morning, dear friends! I’m so glad to see you at my lesson. Today we are going to speak about our home. The topic of our lesson is “Home, sweet home”. We are going to revise our active words, to speak about your rooms and how you help about the house, to sing a song on our topic, to have a guest at the lesson, to discuss unusual houses and present some of your projects. And now, let’s start working.

2. Словесный “бой”.

Teacher: I’d like to offer you a word attack. Please, say word by word in a chain which we can use for describing our home. Remember, we are not to name the word twice. Besides, you should say your word correctly. If you make a mistake, you will be out of the game. (Учащиеся по цепочке называют слова к теме “Дом”, произнося их правильно, не повторяя названных ранее слов. Нарушивший эти правила выбывает из игры).

3. “Согласитесь или не согласитесь со мной”.

Teacher: Now I’m going to tell you some statements. You are to agree or disagree with me and correct them:

  • Your flat has no central heating.
  • People wash dishes in the living-room.
  • You like sweeping the floor.
  • There is no armchair in our classroom.
  • Your sister (brother) likes to go shopping.
  • Our pupils water the flowers every day.
  • We have no computer here.
  • People do the washing in the kitchen.
  • I dislike cleaning my room.

(Предполагаемые ответы учащихся: I can’t agree with you. You are not right. I’m afraid you are wrong. Do you? I don’t. Don’t you? I do. I agree with you. You are right. So do I.)

4. “Моя комната”.

Teacher: You have a room of your own, haven’t you? (Pupils: Yes, we have). Let’s speak about your room.

  • Is it large?
  • Are there any windows?
  • Is there a computer in it?
  • There is a sofa in your room, isn’t there?
  • Is there a bookshelf or any pictures on the wall?
  • Who tides up your room?
  • What is there on your desk?

(Вопросы задаются классу. Учащиеся по желанию отвечают на них. Часть учащихся в это время работает по карточкам с использованием лексики и грамматического материала (оборота there is/are).)

Teacher: I hope your room is clean and cosy. Do you like it? Can you describe your room now? (2-3 учащихся описывают свою комнату, правильно употребляя оборот there is/are и активную лексику темы).

5. “Вы любите свой дом? Как вы помогаете по дому?”

Teacher: I see you like your rooms. And do you like your home? (Pupils: Yes). Of course, people like their rooms and home. By the way, do you know any English proverbs about it?

Учащиеся называют английские пословицы и поговорки о доме:

  • East or West home is best.
  • There is no place like home.
  • My home is my castle.
  • Home, sweet home.

Teacher: Yes, there is no place like home. I hope you do your best to keep your house or flat clean and tidy. What do you usually do about the house? What do you sometimes do? What do you like to do? What don’t you like to do? (Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы: Usually, I sweep the floor, wash the dishes. Sometimes, I do the ironing, go shopping. I like to tidy up my room, to water the flowers. I don’t like to do the washing, to clean the flat).

6. “Тебе помочь?”

Teacher: It goes without saying that you like to help your parents about the house. No doubt, that you are ready to help each other about it. Can you show us how you can do it? You are welcome with your dialogues. (Учащиеся рассказывают диалоги, составленные ими дома. Задание для составления диалогов: встречаясь с другом или разговаривая с ним по телефону, вежливо начните беседу, поинтересуйтесь его здоровьем, предложите свою помощь.)

7. Физкультминутка.

Teacher: Usually, when people work about the house, they like to sing a song. It helps them to do their job quickly and interesting. Do you know one of such songs? (Pupils: Yes). Let’s sing it together. Are you ready? Here we go!

Учащиеся исполняют песню “I went to the kitchen” под аудиозапись:

I went to the kitchen and helped Mummy cook,
Helped Mummy cook, helped Mummy cook.
I went to the kitchen and helped Mummy cook
When she made the dinner.

I went to the Granny’s and helped her to sew,
Helped her to sew, helped her to sew.
I went to the Granny’s and helped her to sew,
When she made me a dress.

I went to the garden and helped Daddy there,
Helped Daddy there, helped Daddy there.
I went to the garden and helped Daddy there,
When he worked in the garden.

I went to the Granddad and helped him to fish,
Helped him to fish, helped him to fish.
I went to the Granddad and helped him to fish,
When he went to the river.

Teacher: Thank you very much! Your singing was so wonderful!

8. “Гость” из Британии”.

Teacher: Now it’s time to have a guest here. Let me introduce John Smith to you. He came from Great Britain some days ago and was so kind to come to our school and tell you about British houses. You are welcome, Mr. Smith! (Одному из учеников класса заранее, в тайне от класса, дано задание подготовить сообщение о своем доме в Британии. Он выходит и рассказывает о доме, в котором он, якобы, живет. Учащиеся слушают его рассказ.)

Teacher: Thank you, Mr. Smith! It was so interesting to know how British people live. I suppose, some pupils would like to ask you some questions about your house. Could you answer them? (Mr. Smith: Of course, I could.) Now friends, if you like to ask John questions about his house, you are welcome. (Учащиеся задают интересующие их вопросы о британском доме. Джон отвечает на них.)

Teacher: Thank you, John. You can stay here with us if you like. Please, take your seat!

9. “Вы хотели бы жить в необычном доме?”

Teacher: Now you know how we live in our houses and flats and you can imagine how people live in Great Britain. But there are some unusual houses. Do you know any of them? (Pupils: Yes, they are a houseboat, a lighthouse, a teepee, a caravan, a castle…)

Teacher: Great! Living in such houses has some advantages and disadvantages. Do you know any of them? Would you like to live in an unusual house? Try to explain your choice. (Учащиеся высказывают свои мнения о проживании в таких жилищах, об их преимуществах и недостатках с опорой на фразы, написанные на доске (much fresh air; romantic; cosy; modern conveniences; advantages; disadvantages; electricity; gas; running water; central heating; to dream about; to sleep outside; to listen to bird’s singing; to watch animals’ life; to see lovely nature; to watch a wonderful sunshine and sunsets.)

10. “Жизнь в стране 50 лет назад. Жизнь в стране в XXII веке”.

Teacher: No doubt, living in all these houses is so unusual and amazing, but not forever. I personally, prefer to live in them for a weekend, not during all my life. And now, I’d like you to imagine how people lived 50 years ago and how they will live in the 22nd century. At home you have made your projects about that. Now, we’d like to hear your presentations. (Учащиеся показывают свои проекты, рассказывают, о чем они (т.е. делают презентацию своего проекта). Остальные учащиеся, прослушав их, задают свои вопросы, высказывают свои мнения о проектах).)

Teacher: Thank you, friends. Your presentations were great!

11. Домашнее задание. Выставление оценок.

Teacher: Well, dear friends, you have worked so hard today and I’d like to give you some marks for the lesson. (Учитель объявляет оценки учащимся, комментирует их, отмечает хорошую работу учащихся).

Teacher: This was our last lesson on the topic “Home, sweet home”. Next lesson we are starting a new Module. Now, I’d like you to write down your home task for the next lesson. Please, open your record books and write it down. (Учащиеся записывают домашнее задание в дневники.)

12. Итог урока.

Teacher: Now friends, it’s time to make a conclusion of our lesson. I did my best to teach you to do something. What did we try to do today? (Учащиеся перечисляют, чему они научились, что пытались делать на уроке по опорным фразам на доске: to explain our opinion; to agree or disagree; to listen to some stories and dialogues; to use there is/are; to imagine something; to think and speak; to ask and answer the questions.)

Teacher: That’s right. Thank you very much for the lesson. It is over. You may go. Good-bye!