Clothes in our life

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Главный принцип данного подхода к обучению – работа в классе строится на использовании информации, которую обучающиеся приносят с собой в класс. Это опыт и знания. Учитель показывает учащимся, как нужно учить язык самому и учить других.

На первой стадии учащиеся готовят материал для презентации используя свои знания или добирая из источников. На второй – материал тем или иным образом передаётся другим студентам в классе, принимающим участие в процессе. Учащиеся, таким образом, приобретают ценную языковую практику не только используя материал, но и готовя его.

Студенты привносят в процесс обучения очень много. Они все имеют свои идеи, мнения, опыт, суждения. Всё это очень важно для них. Посредством уроков английского они хотят выразить всё это на языке.

Обучение, ориентированное на ученика (learner-based teaching) направлено на то, чтобы вдохновлять обучающихся выражать свои идеи на языке свободно. Это более короткий путь к беглости, чем использование неуместных топиков в надежде, что когда-нибудь обучающиеся смогут заговорить.

Кроме своих личных интересов, студенты несут с собой родной язык и культуру. Learner-based teaching способствует привнесению их в изучаемый язык.

Кроме того студенты заинтересованы в работе других. Например, если они написали список слов для рассказа для другой группы, им будет не безразлично как использованы “авторские” слова.

Следующим важным моментом является то, что до конца урока в определённой мере сохраняется интрига. Они не только не знают, как будет развиваться урок, но и как созданный ими материал будет использоваться.

Работая в группах, где уровень студентов не одинаковый, они учатся друг у друга и поправляют друг друга.

И, наконец, осознание того, что каждый вносить свой вклад в общее дело, добавляет им уверенности в себе.

Данный подход приобретает актуальность в свете поэтапного введения ФГОС, поскольку учит приобретать знания и активно использовать источники самостоятельно.


  1. совершенствовать навыки говорения; обучить чтению с извлечением основной информации; обучить аудированию; активизировать новые лексические единицы и речевые обороты в устной речи и письме.
  2. развивать мышление, внимание, память, любознательность учащихся.
  3. воспитывать у школьников правильное отношение к одежде.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

Good morning girls. I am very glad to see you.

II. Речевая зарядка

To begin with I want you to listen to the song and find the missed words

If you're blue and you don't know where
to go to why don't you
go where fashion sits
Puttin' on the Ritz
Different types who wear a day coat
pants with stripes and cutaway
coat perfect fits
Puttin' on the Ritz
Dressed up like a million-dollar trooper
Tryin' hard to look like Gary Cooper
(super duper)
Come let's mix where Rockefellers walk
with sticks or um-ber-ellas
in their mitts
Puttin' on the Ritz
Have you seen the well-to-do
Up and down Park Avenue
On that famous thoroughfare
With their noses in the air
High hats, and arrow collars
White spats, and lots of dollars
Spending every dime
For a wonderful time

III. Изучение нового материала

Nice of you. Did you like it? Can you tell me what the song is about? You are quite right. It is about a fashionable man, about clothes. So today we will speak about the fashion, clothes and the role of the clothes in our life . and I want you to answer some questions

– What is fashion?

– Who dictates fashion?

Do you like to look different?

– Why do people wear different clothes? What does it depend on?

There are many reasons we wear what we wear. Now could you give me some information about the people you see on these pictures. Why do you think so? What makes you think so? Can you explain me the reasons of choosing these clothes? (work with the pictures)

Protection from cold, rain and snow
Physical attraction
Religious expression:
Identification and tradition

IV. Закрепление грамматического материала

Now I want you to tell me what you would wear if you represented these professions. But first of all let`s remember some information about the conditional second what clauses are used in the conditional 2? (the main clause and if-clause.

– What tense is used in the main clause? (would + Infinitive is used.)

– What tense is used in the if-clause? (Past tense is used in the if– clause.)

Now look at the screen (Sportsman, singer, dancer, cooker, teacher, fireman, doctor, pupil)

V. Закрепление изученного материала

So we can say that according to the people`s appearance and clothes we can make our conclusion. The things we wear play an important role in our life. We said that there were some people who wore clothes according to their point of view

Now I want you to look at the screen and get some information about the style of wearing clothes of some teenagers` groups. If you know more information please add it will be interesting for us to listen to you.

Look. This person is Goth. They prefer wearing
high boots
black or vinyl trousers,
vinyl raincoats, as in film Matrix;
Girls can wear mini-skirts.
This is Emmo
Emo wear rose-black clothes. Sometimes on clothes, we can see funny drawings or split heart.
The most typical cloth
Narrow, covering t-shirt.
The Narrow jeans black or ashen-blue colour.
Black or rose belt with rivet
The Sneakers with bright or black lace, laced by special way.


Some young punks love to shock other people. Many punks dye the hairs in bright unnatural colour.
They usually wear a chain and stickpins, badge and stripes with names of the groups or political slogan.

The Suitable town cloth:
t-shirt (often black colour),
jacket (usually ‘kosuha’’),
sneakers, heavy shoes.
the clothes are often torn.

And the question I`d like to ask is why these teenagers wear these clothes? What do they want to show? (individuality, protest)

What is your attitude to these people? Are they right or not?

In my opinion everybody has the right to wear what he wants but it should be done in a respectful way. First of all we should think about other people and besides we should follow the rules of our society.

Clothes show our profession, individuality but at the same time clothes help us to find people according to the description even if we don`t know them.

VI.Чтение с извлечением информации

Look at the screen you will see there descriptions of the people and your task is to find who is described. (по описанию сопоставляют имена)

Mary is a very serious girl. She likes strict clothes. She is wearing nice suit with wide brown trousers. Her bag is from Gucci.

Ben`s sweater is by DIOR. What do you call the colour? Red?Pink? With his sweater Ben is wearing grey or black trousers, blue or black shirt and black shoes.

Where is Kate going in this outfit? She is wearing a white blouse, black waistcoat, grey shorts, torn tights and high black boots. Is her black cap nice? We don`t know, but she likes it.

Colin`s clothes are very serious. He is wearing black suit with white or blue shirt, striped black trousers and classical black shoes. His hat and black gloves make him more stylish.

Liz`s outfit is nice. She is wearing smart grey suit, black skirt, grey tights and black short boots. Her small hat with a red rose suits her perfectly.

Is David a sports fan? He is wearing a black coat with black jumper and blue jeans.

Sharon is wearing a white blouse, nice blue skirt, black belt and black shoes. Her blouse is from “Dorothy Perkins” and her belt is from “Warehouse”. Sharon is also wearing a blue bag.

Проектная работа

We spoke a lot about the clothes, about the reasons we wear different clothes. But we spoke about the clothes which were made by other people, designers. And now it is your turn to design your own clothes because the best way to find the thing you like is to make it yourself.

I want to divide you into two groups and you will design your own clothes and advertise it As you are pupils I want you to design the uniform you would like to wear. And who knows may be in future your ideas will be used.

(design, colour, details, reasons you choose)

VII. Подведение итогов

Приложение 1

Использованная литература:

  1. Learner-Based Teaching. Colin Campbell, Hanna Kryszewska Oxford University Press Series editor Alan Maley