Сценарий сказки "The Emerald Town" на английском языке

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Characters :
Goodwin the Great


Toto: Hello children! Do you believe in wonders? I want to tell you the story that happened to me and to my dear friend Elly. A usual Kansas family lived in a small town and never worried about anything until a terrible hurricane (storm) started not far from their house…

(Заставка на экране Канзас-Сити, домики, степь.)

(Музыка. Занавес открывается. На экране дом. На сцене Элли с мамой и Тотошкой. Мама готовит обед. Элли сидит на полу и играет с Тотошкой.)

Elly: Mother, are there any magicians?

Mother: Of course not! Why?

Elly: My classmate, Andy, told me that he knows some villain who takes little children from their parents and never lets them back. (Тотошка лает. Бегает вокруг Элли, играет с мячом.)

Mother: It’s not true. They don’t exist. Have you done your homework dear?

Elly: Yes, I have.

Mother: Will you help me and bring a basket with fruits. It is in the yard under the tree.

Elly: Yes, mom! (Элли выходит на улицу, Тотошка бежит за ней.)

(Занавес закрывается. Тотошка и Элли с корзиной проходят перед занавесом). Звук урагана. Занавес открывается. На экране видео урагана со звуком. Темно.)

Зажигают свет. На экране волшебная страна.

Elly: Where am I? What’s happened, where are we?

Toto: Wauf-wauf! We are in some unknown place!

Elly: Toto! My dear friend! You are here with me! You can speak?

Toto: Wauf-wauf ! I speak human language! Now everyone can understand me!

Elly: Does it mean that we’re in a fairy land?

(Появляется Волшебница.)

Villina: You are absolutely right, my dear! You are in a fairy land! And it’s wonderful here! The whole country is divided into 4 parts and each part is ruled by a fairy. The problem is that the two of us are kind and the other two are bad witches. Your house has fallen on the manor of Guengema and she’s dead now. There is only one bad witch left.

Elly: What is her name?

Villina: Her name is Bastinda.

Elly: Madame, will you tell us the names of the good ones.

Villina: One is Villina. I’m glad to represent myself. And the other one is Stella. Where are you from, my little girl?

Elly: My name is Elly. I’m from Kansas.

Toto: I’m Toto. I’ve come with Elly. Do you know how we can get home?

Villina: One moment, please. I’ll look it up in my magic book. It can predict the future.

(Открывает волшебную книгу. Читает.)

Villina: Goodwin the great will send a little girl, brought by the storm into his country if she helps the three creatures to have their dreams fulfilled.

Toto: Who is this Goodwin?

Villina: He is the greatest and the most powerful wizard in our land, he lives in The Emerald Town.

Elly: Where is it situated?

Villina: It is situated in the centre of our country. And the road to it is made from the yellow stone. Go straight along this way and you’ll never get lost.

Elly: Thanks a lot, kind Villina.

Villina: Wait! There are the shoes of Guengema. They do magic things. Take them. You’ll need them some day.

Elly: Thank you once again. Good bye! (Берет туфельки.)

Toto: I’ll help you Elly.

Villina: Good luck!

(Музыка. Занавес закрывается.)

Scene 2.

На сцене пугало. Элли с Тотошкой идут по дороге и проходят мимо. Вдруг слышат голос. Тотошка лает, Элли испугалась.

Strawgirl: I am sorry! We’ll you be so kind to help me get off this stick?

(Элли и Тотошка помогают Огородному Пугалу сойти с шеста.)

Strawgirl: Thank you so much ! I’m the Strawgirl.

Elly: My name is Elly.

Toto: I – wauf am – wauf Toto!

Strawgirl: Where are you going?

Elly: We’re going to the Emerald town to ask Goodwin the Great to make our wish come true.

Strawgirl: And what do you want him to do?

Elly: We want him to send us back to Kansas city!

Strawgirl: How I wish somebody could fulfil my dream!

Elly: What are you dreaming of?

Strawgirl: I want to have brains. My head is stuffed with the straw and I often tell the things which I don’t mean. If I had brains I would have become wise.

Elly: Come along with us! Goodwin the Great is all-powerful he’ll give you brains.

Strawgirl: With pleasure!!!

И Страшила пошел вместе с девочкой Элли и Тотошкой по дороге, вымощенной желтым кирпичом…

(Музыка. Занавес закрывается.)

Scene 3.

(Занавес открывается. На сцене стоит Железный Дровосек с поднятым топором и не двигается. Появляются наши путешественники.)

Toto: Look! There is somebody over there. He can’t move.

Woodcutter: You right! I can’t…Help me, dear friends. I’ve been caught in the rain and have become rusty.

Strawgirl: Poor thing!

Woodcutter: Will you oil me (grease me), please?

Elly: There’s no doubt we’ll help you!

(Элли мажет дровосека маслом, он начинает двигаться.)

Woodcutter: I am so grateful to you. I can move again. Where are you going?

Toto: We’re looking for Goodwin the Great. He is the one who can return us back home to Kansas.

Strawgirl: And I need brains. He is powerful and can do magic.

Elly: Do you have any wish?

Woodcutter: I do have it! I am eager to possess a live heart, not an iron one.

Elly: Come with us then. Goodwin can do anything; he’ll give you a live heart. (Музыка, уходят вместе).

По дороге они встретили Льва. Он зарычал!


(Тотошка выскочил вперед.)

Toto: You are a coward if you’re growling at those who are weaker than you are.

Lion: (опустил голову.)That’s true, I am a coward. I growl to make everybody believe that I’m brave.

Elly: I am sure we can improve this situation.

Lion: It’s my heart’s desire!

Woodcutter: We’re going to The Emerald Town! To Goodwin! He is the greatest wizard! He will help us.

Strawgirl: Come along with us! He’ll give make you brave!

Toto: Elly do you remember what Villina had told us? If we help three creatures we’ll have a chance to get back home!

И Лев отправился с ними…

(Музыка. Занавес закрывается.)

Scene 4.

(Препятствия. Проходят перед занавесом и в зале. Музыка. Занавес открывается. На сцене наши путешественники и солдат.)

Elly: Hello, soldier! We’d like to meet Goodwin the Great.

Soldier: Nobody has ever seen Goodwin the Great and The Horrible.

Toto: Why has nobody seen him and why is he the Horrible?

Soldier: Nobody has ever seen his face. He is always in different aspect. He can be a fire ball; he can turn either into an awful monster or into a huge head. If you’re lucky you’ll be able to see his real look. However you can’t be sure whether it’s real or not.

Woodcutter: Mr. Soldier, tell Goodwin that we ask him to receive us!

Soldier: Ok, I’ll tell him, but if the problem isn’t really urgent Goodwin will get furious with you and it will turn out badly for you.

(Музыка. Занавес закрывается.)

Scene 5.

Тотошка выбегает перед занавесом.

Toto: At last we are welcomed by Goodwin the Great.

(Музыка. Занавес открывается. На сцене мы видим огромную голову. Появляются наши путешественники.)

Goodwin: I’m Goodwin the Great and the Horrible! Why did you come to my town? What did you want?

Strawgirl: I want you to give me the new brains. I want to have new clever ideas.

Woodcutter: I want you to give me the heart, the real heart, not the iron one.

Lion: I want you to give me the courage. I want to become the tsar of the animals.

Elly: And I ask you to send me and my dog Toto back to our home, to Kansas.

Goodwin: I’ll keep all your wishes if you do what I’ll tell you! Help me and I’ll help you!

All: What?! What shall we do?

Goodwin: You must defeat the wicked witch Bastinda!

Elly: How shall we do that?

Goodwin: Think! Or your wishes can’t come true. Now go, go!

(Все уходят. Музыка. Занавес закрывается.)

Перед занавесом.

Elly: Poor me! I’m a little girl! Poor my Toto! We can’t return to our mother and father.

Lion: I’m a weak shy lion! I’ll never have courage.

Woodcutter: I don’t have a heart! I’ll never have it.

Strawgirl: I have no brains! I’ll never have brains.

Toto: How can we defeat Bastinda?

Elly: I want to come back home! I want to see my Mum and Dad!

Lion: We’ll help you! We must go and win!

All: We must, we defeat her.


Scene 6.

(Музыка. Открывается занавес. На сцене злая волшебница Бастинда. Она держит руку под козырек и смотрит куда-то вдаль.)

Bastinda: I’m Bastinda! I’m the wicked witch!

(Смотрит.) Well… How interesting! Who came into my palace? A little girl with a dog, a strawgirl, a woodcutter and a lion. What do they want here? Where is my magic hat?

(Бастинда надевает шапку, поворачивает ее.)

Flying Monkeys, come, come! Catch these strangers and bring them to me. I’ll put them into the cage!

(Музыка. Бастинда продолжает смотреть. Занавес закрывается.)

Танец летучих обезьян, они приводят друзей.

Scene 7.

Бастинда посадила в железную клетку Льва, Страшилу, Дровосека и Тотошку. А девочку Элли она не посмела тронуть, т.к. увидела на ней серебряные туфельки. Она знала, что они волшебные, и что она, Бастинда, их владельцу ничего не сможет сделать. Бастинда решила хитростью отнять туфельки у девочки Элли.

(Музыка. Занавес открывается. На сцене Элли и Бастинда. В клетке находятся все остальные путешественники. Бастинда подходит к клетке.)

Bastinda: You lion will carry me in my coach around the city. Ha-ha– ha

Lion: (рычит) Rrrrrrrrrrrrr! I’ll eat you!

Bastinda: A bad lion! I won’t feed you and you’ll agree to carry me.

Lion: (рычит) Rrrrrrrr! I’ll eat you, eat you!

Bastinda: Oh well! Stay here and think! (Поворачивается к Элли) And you will wash up and cook in the kitchen! Do you understand me, a girl?

(Бастинда уходит. Музыка. Занавес закрывается.)

Scene 8.

(Музыка. Занавес открывается. На сцене Элли и Повариха. Они готовят еду.)

Elly: I have to work here. I’ll have to wash up and cook. But I must help my friends; I must feed them at night.

Спрашивает повариху.

Elly: Is Bastinda really a powerful witch?

Cook: Oh yes, she is. But she is afraid of one thing.

Elly: What? What is she afraid of?

Cook: She is afraid of water! She never washes her face and hands. She never cleans her teeth. And she always has her umbrella with her.

(Входит Бастинда, бросает что-то под ноги Элли. Элли падает. Одна туфелька с нее соскальзывает. Бастинда хватает туфельку.)

Bastinda: Ha-ha-ha! And the second shoe will be mine, too!

Elly: What?!

(Элли берет ведро с водой и выливает на Бастинду.)

Bastinda: What have you done? I’m afraid of water! It’s my death!

(Музыка. Бастинда начинает таять, т.е. корчится и накрывается одеждой. От нее, (как будто) остается только одежда, ключ и золотая шапка. Элли берет ключ и открывает клетку. Ее друзья выходят из клетки.)

All: Hooray! Hooray! There is no wicked witch at all!!!

(Элли одевает туфельку, берет шапку и обращается к Поварихе.)

Elly: What do you know about this hat?

Cook: Oh! It’s a magic hat. If you put it on and say, “Flying monkeys come, come”, they’ll fly here and bring you where you like.

(Элли надевает золотую шапку и поворачивает ее.)

Elly: Flying monkeys come, come. Bring us to the Emerald City to Goodwin the Great!

Monkeys: That’ll be done!

Elly: And what about Kansas? Can you bring us to my native city? To Kansas?

Monkeys: No, we can’t. We can fly only in the magic country.

Elly: What a pity! Then fly to Goodwin the Great!

(Музыка. Занавес закрывается.)

Scene 9.

(Музыка. Занавес открывается. На сцене наши путешественники. Появляется Гудвин в облике человека. Может быть в колпаке.)

Elly: Hello, Goodwin! Here we are again!

Goodwin: You have done my task! Now I’ll keep my promise! Here are brains for you, Strawgirl!

(Дает, например, мешочек.)

Strawgirl: Thank you, the Greatest! Now I’ll have clever ideas.

Goodwin: It’s a real heart for you Woodcutter! (дает)

Woodcutter: Thank you! I can feel like a real man.

Goodwin: Courage for you, Lion. You were the bravest lion all the time, though. (дает).

Lion: Thank you, Goodwin! I can become the tsar of animals.

Elly: And will you send me and Toto back to Kansas?

Goodwin: Yes, my little girl. It’s very easy. You have the silver shoes on. They are magic. Only say, “One, two, three” and they’ll bring you anywhere you want.

Elly: Why didn’t you tell me about it before? Why did you send us to Bastinda?

Goodwin: I’m so sorry, but I have read in the magic book, that the little girl in the silver shoes will help us. She will be able to find out Bastinda’s secret and defeat her. Thank you Elly! Thank you my dear friends!

Elly: Well, good bye my friends. We’ll always remember you.

All: Good bye Elly! Good bye Toto! We’ll never forget you! (Машут им.)

(Элли берет Тотошку за лапу, поворачивается вокруг себя.)

Elly: One… Two… Three… My silver shoes bring us to Kansas, to my parents!

(Музыка. Занавес закрывается.)

Toto: So, Elly visited the fairy land, met Goodwin, and helped her friends to have their dreams come true. Moreover she saved the fairy land from the two witches.

