Урок английского языка по теме "Средства массовой информации". 10-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10


  • to bring up students’ respect to the profession of a journalist;
  • to develop critical thinking through discussion in the form of a role-play and a teamwork;
  • to help students find their solutions in difficult situations, to express their own points of view;
  • to involve students in a cooperative work to provide weaker learners with the opportunity to participate;
  • to encourage self-expression and creativity.


  • to find out good and bad points of the mass media;
  • to decide upon the question
  • ‘Which kind of information is
    • the most popular,
    • the most available,
    • the most truthful in Russia?’
  • to express preferences.

 1. Topic introduction.

Hello, boys and girls! Today we’ll speak about the ways of getting new information in the modern world. The topic of our lesson today is MASS MEDIA IN THE 21ST CENTURY.

Презентация 1. Слайд 1.

2. Warm-up.

The term 'media' is understood broadly.

1. How do you understand it?

2. Can we live without the mass media?

3. Objectives introduction.

Of course, we can’t say exactly which source of information is the best. It depends upon what kind of information you need. In the course of our warm-up activity we have already set the objectives of our lesson.

Презентация 1. Слайд 2.

4. Activity 1. Home Assignment.

Project work. Find out the information about each kind of the mass media and do an advert.

(The class is divided into 4 groups according to students’ interests.)


The 1st group – Radio. The form of presentation is a radio program.

The 2nd group – Newspapers and magazines. The form of presentation is a reality show.

The 3rd group – TV. The form of presentation is drama.

The 4th group – the Internet. The form of presentation is a computer presentation.Ссылка на презентацию 2 в приложении 1.

So, all groups presented an advert of all kinds of information. It’s just for you to decide which kind of media to choose. Which of them is the most truthful?

Приложение 1.

5. Activity 2. Creative work.

One and the same event is covered in the mass media differently. Read an article “The True Life Drama” taken from a women’s magazine.

Сover the event by means of your favouritekind of the mass media.

  • The 1st group – Radio. The form of presentation is broadcasting.
  • The 2nd group – Newspapers and magazines. The form of presentation is a picture story.
  • The 3rd group – TV. The form of presentation is a chat show.
  • The 4th group – the Internet. The form of presentation is a computer presentation. Ссылка на презентацию 3 в приложении 2.

Приложение 2.

6. Activity 3. Find out good and bad points of the mass media.

7. Activity 4. Critical thinking.Problem solving.

All groups could convince us that all kinds of mass media have both good and bad points.

Now you will participate in a Communication Workshop. Think critically to solve the problem.

Take the cards with the task. Let’sreadtogether.

Decide upon the question

‘Which kind of information is

  • the most popular,
  • the most available,
  • the most truthful in Russia?’

Follow the stages below.

Stage 1.

Form four new small groups (one student from each group). Take the list with good and bad points with you.

Share your ideas with the students of different groups.

Stage 2.

Use the list of expressions which will help you to express your agreement, disagreement and an opinion.

Презентация 1. Слайд 3.

Stage 3.

In groups, prepare a discussion. Agree or disagree with your partner and express your opinion.


Share your ideas with the class.

Now let’s answer the question

What is your favourite kind of mass media? Why?

8. Activity 5. Survey.

Sum up the ideas about the media in Russia and do a survey about your preferences.

Презентация 4.

9. HomeAssignment.

Write an essay.

TV will soon disappear as it is easier, cheaper and more convenient for everyone to use the Internet. What is your opinion?

10. Activity 6. Evaluation.

Express your attitude to the lesson.

What new information have you learnt?

Do you like to work in a team? Is it difficult for you?

Where can you use the results of your work?

Thank you for the lesson. I suppose, this work was useful for everybody. We developed critical thinking through discussion in the form of a role-play and a team work. We found the solutions in difficult situations, expressed our own points of view and were involved in a creative and cooperative work.

Выставление и комментирование оценок.

Группа 4. Освещение события через Интернет

Презентация 3.

Слайд 1. In the Internet we can find not only the event we are interested in but a lot of additional information, for example gossips about private life of the characters. The Internet could interpret this event in the following way.

Cлайд 2. You see 3 topics in local news:

- Local heroes;

- Accidents on the roads;

- True life drama.

Слайд 3. Let’s click “Local heroes”. You see an interview with Liz Pursey’s student who speaks about her traits of character.

Слайд 4. Click “Accidents on the roads”. You will learn facts and details of this accident.

Слайд 5. Click “True life drama” and you will find information about the relations between Liz and Neil after the accident.

After reading these articles you will know not only facts but the opinions of different people, a lot of rubbish and gossips. Be careful!