Инсценировка "Cap of Rushes"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип занятия: Театральная постановка

Учебная группа: учащиеся 3-4 класса.

Оснащение: декорации, костюмы, музыкальное оформление, проектор, экран.


  • способствовать раскрытию творческого потенциала, артистических способностей учащихся.
  • формировать мотивы изучения английского языка.


  • Образовательная: расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся.
  • Развивающие: развитие творческих способностей учащихся, формирование готовности к коммуникации, мотивации к изучению английского языка.
  • Воспитательные: развитие интереса к русской и англоязычной литературе и чтению, воспитание уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

Cap of Rushes


Act I

Scene I

Girl: One and two – two and three what is hiding under the Christmas Tree? Just a book... How disappointing....

Fairy: Why are you crying my little girl?

Girl: I wrote a letter to Santa Clause, asking him to bring me a piece of magic. But he only brought me the book.

Fairy: But it’ s a piece of magic. When you open it , you’ll hear the most beautiful music and you’ll see a little elf fly out of it and tell you the most interesting story ever.

Girl: May I open it, please? ..... but I can’t hear anything at all !

Fairy: Well, my dear child, it all depends on the way touch the book, how you open it and how you read it .

Listen! ...

Scene II

Elf: Once there lived a rich gentleman, and he had three daughters. One day he wanted to see how fond they were of him. So he said to his first daughter:

Father: How much do you love me my dear?

1st Daughter: Oh , I love you as I love my live.

Father: That’s good!

Elf: So he said to his second daughter:

Father: How much do you love me my dear?

2nd Daughter: Oh , I love you better than anyone else in the world.

Father: That’s good

Elf : So he said to his third daughter:

Father: How much do you love me my dear?

3rd daughter: Oh , I love you as fresh meat loves salt.

Elf : The father got very angry.

Father: You don’t love me at all and you will not stay any more in my house.

Elf: So he turned her out of the house and shut the door.

Act II

Scene I

Girl: What a cruel father!

Fairy: Oh! Yes my dear! But he is weak as well, because all cruelty springs from hardheartedness and weakness.

Elf: She went away and walked on and on till she came to a river. There she gathered a lot of rushes and out of them made a cloak with a hood.

3rd daughter: Do you like my new cloak it covers me from head to foot, and now nobody can see my fine clothes.

Elf: Then she went on and on till she came to a great house.

3rd daughter: Do you need a servant?

Servant 1 (M):  No, we don't.

Servant 1 (M): No, we don't.

3rd daughter: I haven't any place to go I can do any kind of work. I want no money for the work I do.

Servant 1 (M): Well, if you like to wash the pots and scrape the saucepans.......

Servant 2 (S): And do the rooms and sweep the floor, you may stay.

Elf: So she stayed there and because she did not tell them her name, they called her "Cap of Rushes".

Servant 1 (M): Cap of Rushes, Scrape the saucepans!

Servant 2 (S): Cap of Rushes, Fetch some water!

Servant 1 (M): Cap of Rushes, Sweep the floor!

Servant 2 (S): Cap of Rushes, Make the beds!

Servant 1 (M): Have you heard the news? There will be a great dance at a big house and the servants are allowed to go and look at the ladies and gentlemen.

Servant 1 (M): Yes! What a chance!

Servant 1 (M): Cap of Rushes, do you want to go?

Cap of Rushes: Oh, no. I’m too tired to go, I’ll stay at home.

Elf : But when they had gone, she took off her cap of rushes, and cleaned herself, and went to the dance. And no one there was so finely dressed as she.

Her master's son was there and he fell in love with her the minute he saw her. He danced with no one but her.

Scene II

Servant 1 (M): Look at this young lady!

Servant 2 (S): How beautiful she is!

Servant 1 (M): And the master’s son! He never takes eyes off her. I bet, he has fallen in love with her.

Master’s son: What a beautiful lady! Would you like to dance with me?

Cap of Rushes: With great pleasure! ( they dance)

Oh, it’s too hot here!

Master’s son: Would you like some ice-cream?

Cap of Rushes: Yes, please.

(Master’s son leaves the dancing hall and she runs away)

Master’s son: Where are you, my dear child? Where are you, my dear lady?

Scene III

Servant 1 (M): She’s sleeping. Foolish girl. She’s missed a lot.

Servant 2 (S): Yes, she has. You should have gone to the dance.

Cap of Rushes: Why?

Servant 2 (S): The most beautiful lady was there and the young master danced with her.

Cap of Rushes: I should like to see her one day.

Scene IV

Elf: It happened two times and the last dance he gave her a ring.

Master’s son: Here is a ring for you young lady. If I don't see you again, I'll die. But tell me what’s your name? Where have you come from?

Cap of Rushes: Please don’t ask me about it. It’s my secret.

Elf : And she slipped away secretly.

Master’s son: Have you seen a young lady with long hair and blue eyes? Have you seen her?

Girl: What a foolish girl! Why didn’t she tell him her name? Why did she part with him?

Fairy: Hold your horses! Wait and see! Besides parting is such a sweet sorrow.

(sweet sorrow)

Master’s son: No more do I see the starlight caress your hair

No more feel the tender touches we used to share.

Cap of Rushes: I close my eyes and clearly my heart remrmbers

A thousand good-byes could never put out of the embers.


Scene I

Elf : The master's son tried every way to find out where the lady had gone. He went everywhere, and asked everyone he met, but nobody heard anything about her. And he got worse and worse for love of her, till he had to keep his bed.

Servant 1 (M): Cap of Rushes make some porridge for the young master he's dying of love for the lady.

Elf : So, Cap of Rushes made some porridge for the young master and put the ring there.

Master’s son: Oh! Here ‘s a ring! I know this ring. Who made the porridge?

Servant 1 (M): Cap of Rushes.

Master’s son: Send for Cap of Rushes.

Servant 1 (M): Here she is.

Servant 2 (S) Here she is.

Master’s son: Did you cook the porridge?

Cap of Rushes: Yes, I did.

Master’s son: Where did you get the ring ?

Cap of Rushes: From the man who gave it to me.

Master’s son: Who are you then ?

Cap of Rushes: I’ll show you.

Elf : and she took off her cap of rushes and there she was in the beautiful clothes.

Scene II

Elf : Well, the master's son soon got better and there was to be a great wedding in a short time. A lot of people were asked from far and near to be present at the wedding. And Cap of Rushes' father was asked too. Before the wedding Cap of Rushes went to the cook .

Cap of  Rushes: Please cook every dish for the wedding feast without salt.

Servant 1 (M): But the food will all be tasteless.

Cap of Rushes: It doesn't matter.

Servant 2 (S) Very well, then.

Elf : The wedding-day came, and the two young people were married. After they were married, all the guests sat down to the wedding feast. When they began to eat the meat, they found that it was so tasteless that they couldn't eat it.

Cap of Rushes' father tried first one dish and then another, and then he burst into tears.

Master's son: What is the matter?

Father: I had a daughter. And I asked her how much she loved me. And she said, 'I love you as fresh meat loves salt.' And I turned her out of the house, for I thought she didn't love me at all. And now I see she loved me best of all my daughters. And she may be dead now.

Cap of Rushes: No, Father, here she is.

Elf : And she went up to him and put her arms round him And so they were all happy ever afterwards.
