Урок английского языка в 10-м классе по теме "Цивилизация и прогресс"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели и задачи урока:


  • совершенствование речевых навыков:
  • развитие умений говорения (делать сообщения, содержащие наиболее важную информацию по заданной теме / проблеме; описывать особенности жизни и культуры разных стран; выражать мнение по обсуждаемой проблеме)
  • развитие умений чтения
  • развитие умения читать с разными стратегиями (выделения главных и второстепенных фактов; формирование умения детального понимания прочитанного с целью дальнейшего использования полученной информации)
  • расширение лексического запаса


  • способствовать формированию позитивного отношения к иностранному языку, к культуре англо-говорящих стран, формировать позитивное отношение к собеседнику.
  • воспитание убеждённости в приоритетности общечеловеческих ценностей,
  • воспитание потребности к творчеству


  • развитие способности к анализу, синтезу,
  • развитие дедуктивного мышления, воображения, внимания,
  • развитие способности к комбинированию и трансформированию речевых единиц, к функционально-адекватному восприятию грамматических структур и их использованию

Познавательный аспект (тематика общения):

  • раскрытие понятия «цивилизация»; древние цивилизации;
  • влияние изобретений на развитие человечества;
  • высокие технологии; нравственный аспект технического прогресса;
  • преимущества и недостатки новых изобретений в области техники;
  • влияние человека на окружающую его среду и жизнь планеты в целом.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, презентация, учебный фильм RobinHood, листы с заданиями, дидактический материал для проведения игр.


I. Организация класса и речевая подготовка

1.   CIVILISATION AND PROGRESS   (развитие умений говорения)

Деятельность учителя:

Деятельность учащихся:

Презентация   (слайды 1-3)
T: Are you ready for a challenge?
Today’s challenge

I think it sounds really interesting.
Now here are some questions for you.
Do you remember
the definition of CIVILISATION?

(подготовка к просмотру
T: Now you’re going to watch an episode
about a fictional character
who is just an English legend.

(просмотр фильма #1)

(после просмотра #1)
Презентация   (слайды 5-8)
Who was he?
Who fired the arrow?
He was a brilliant archer.
Robin Hood lived in England
in the 12th century
(eight hundred years ago).
He became an outlaw
and lived in Sherwood Forest.
He lived with his ‘Merry Men’.
Friar Tuck (a fat, cheerful priest)
and Little John (a tall man)
were his best friends.
They stole from the rich and gave to the poor.
(до просмотра #2)
T: Watch the second episode.
While you watch, find the anachronisms
(mistakes about time).




(просмотр фильма #2)

(после просмотра #2)
Презентация   (слайды 10, 11)

Is he Friar Tuck or Little John?
Who’s holding a sword?

(до просмотра #3)
T: Watch the third episode.
Don’t forget about the anachronisms.
(просмотр фильма #3)

(после просмотра #3)
Презентация   (слайды 13-22)

How many anachronisms did you find?
T: Make sentences.
They didn’t have bathrooms
in the 12th century / 800 years ago.

(опоры в презентации)
have coffee / lemonade / orange juice

metal cans
mobile phones
telephones / answerphone

studios / movie / Hollywood




(P1, P2, P3…)






(P1, P2, P3…)
It was fired by Robin Hood.







(P1, P2, P3…)
n 2
a) the placing of smth in the wrong historical period;
It would be an anachronism to talk of
Queen Victoria watching television.
fifth edition, Oxford University Press, 1995)



(P1, P2, P3…)
Friar Tuck is asleep.
Robin Hood is holding a sword.









(P1, P2, P3…)
They didn’t drink lemonade 800 years ago.
They didn’t have coffee / lemonade / orange juice.
They didn’t have cans 800 years ago.
They didn’t have pens.
They didn’t have newspapers at that time.
They didn’t do crosswords in the 12th century.
They didn’t have taps then.
They didn’t know about America then.
They didn’t have watches 800 years ago.
They didn’t use mobile phones in the 12th century.
They didn’t have telephones or answerphones
800 years ago.
There wasn’t any film industry then
(studios, movies, Hollywood).
Hamlet wasn’t written then. /+in about 1601/
Shakespeare wasn’t born then. /+until 1564/

II. Основной этап

2. HISTORY AND CIVILIZATION  (развитие умений говорения)

Деятельность учителя:

Деятельность учащихся:

Презентация   (слайды 24, 25)
слайд 24   Look at the pictures.
How old do you think these works of art are?
Why are they important?


What can be learnt from them?




слайд 25   What can you see in the pictures?
(Pictures A and B)



In what ways
were early civilizations advanced?



Can you add anything?


Why are some early civilizations
considered important?


Which ancient civilizations
do you admire?


Why is it important
to study history at school?


Презентация   (слайды 27-30)

Let’s talk about the most important achievements of each civilization.

What were
the Egyptians' greatest achievements?

What were
the Babylonians’ greatest achievements?

What were
the Incas’ greatest achievements?

What were
the Romans’ greatest achievements?


(P1, P2, P3…)
(Free answers)
These works of art probably date back to ancient times.
They're important because they remind us
of the glorious past of our ancestors.

What we can learn from such artefacts is
how advanced ancient civilisations were,
What we can learn from such artefacts is
what their scientific / artistic achievements were.
What we can learn from such artefacts is
what people's life was like then.

Picture A is an ancient temple,
I think it is the Parthenon in Greece,
whereas picture B is the Sphinx in Egypt.
Both are examples of amazing architecture
from early civilizations.

Early civilizations such as
the ancient Greeks, Romans, the Incas, etc.
were advanced in the sense
that they laid the foundations
of some modern theories
in maths, physics, chemistry, architecture etc.
Despite lacking the sophisticated technology
which is available to us today,
they produced works which are still admired.

They are considered important
because we are still inspired
or influenced by them today.

I admire the ancient Greek civilization
because their art and science
are a guideline for our civilization as well.

Historians say that all things have grown out of the past.
There is the possibility that if we don't learn from history then we will repeat it,
and perhaps make the same mistakes all over again.

We can improve our general knowledge
and learn more about our cultural identity
by studying history.



(P1, P2, P3…)
The Egyptians formulated a calendar of 365
and a quarter days.
The pyramids are
one of their most famous achievements.

The Babylonians developed agriculture and trade.
They introduced theories on mathematics and astronomy.

The Incas developed farming techniques
They built excellent roads
to link their towns and distant lands.
They were skilled metal workers especially with gold.

The Romans built large public buildings
such as theatres and temples.

II. Основной этап

3. A   TECHNOLOGY   (развитие умений чтения, расширение лексического запаса)

Деятельность учителя:


So we can see throughout history,
humans have moved forwards
because of inventors and their inventions.

Презентация   (слайды 32-33)
TECHNOLOGY continues to advance every day,
making everything in our lives
easier and safer,
and open new possibilities for mankind.

Read the question…
How has technology helped improve life
in the home?
You’ve got ACTIVITY SHEETS on your desks.

Read the rubric and the essay below.
The topic sentence of each paragraph is missing.
Match the sentences A-E
with the appropriate paragraph 1-5
in the essay.
Приложение 1, Приложение 2

Презентация   (слайды 34-43)
(Для проверки выполнения задания используется презентация)













II. Основной этап

3. B   TECHNOLOGY  (развитие умений говорения, расширение лексического запаса)

Презентация   (слайды 45, 46)
Now you should talk in pairs
about the benefits and drawbacks of the items above as in the example:

(Free answers) / (Suggested answers)
Приложение 1, Приложение 2
(Для проверки выполнения задания используется презентация)
Презентация   (слайды 45-52)


SA:  Computers have revolutionised industry.
SB:  However, they have led to a reduction
in the amount of available jobs in offices.



II.  Основной этап

3. C   TECHNOLOGY  (развитие умений говорения, расширение лексического запаса)

Презентация   (слайды 54-61)
Intheyear2525   (Zager and Evans, 1969)

T:Listen to the song In the year 2525.
Match the singers' predictions to these years.

The task is in your ACTIVITY SHEETS
Приложение 1, Приложение 2
(Для проверки выполнения задания используется презентация)
Презентация   (слайды 54-62)




(P1, P2, P3…)



II. Основной этап

3. D   TECHNOLOGY   (развитие умений чтения, расширение лексического запаса)

Презентация   (слайды 64)
Global Issues
Read the texts and give an appropriate title to each text.
The task is in your ACTIVITY SHEETS
Приложение 1, Приложение 2
(Для проверки выполнения задания используется презентация)
Презентация   (слайды 64-76)



(P1, P2, P3…)


II. Основной этап

3. E   TECHNOLOGY   (развитие умений чтения, расширение лексического запаса)

Презентация   (слайды 102, 103)

Look at these suggestions how to protect our environment.
Which do you think are for individuals?
Which for governments?
What is the point of them?
Fill in the table.
Приложение 3




(P1, P2, P3…)


III. Завершающий этап

Подведение итогов урока

Список литературы:

Приложение 4