Олимпийский урок "День здоровья"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Внедрение системы Олимпийского образования в учебный процесс в школе в преддверии XXII Олимпийских и XI Паралимпийских зимних игр 2014 года в г. Сочи - актуальная задача каждого учителя. Арсенал информационно-методических и цифровых образовательных ресурсов богат и разнообразен. Проблема, решаемая учителем, в том, как интегрировать этот материал с систему уроков и внеурочной деятельности.

Одной из удачных, на мой взгляд, форм стало проведение в нашей школе - интернате Дня здоровья в целях пропаганды здорового образа жизни, олимпийских ценностей, укрепления физического здоровья учащихся и педагогов. Олимпийские уроки стали частью этого дня, что позволило учителям – предметникам выбрать своё направление – историческое, культурологическое, художественно-эстетическое, экологическое, спортивное, чтобы создать представление о философии, ценностях Олимпийского и Паралимпийского движения, истории Олимпийских и Паралимпийских игр, особенностях подготовки Сочи к проведению XXII Олимпийских и XI Паралимпийских зимних игр, их экологической стратегии и олимпийском наследии[1].

Поскольку в памяти ребят ещё были свежи воспоминания об Олимпийских играх в Лондоне, я решила включить в олимпийский урок выступление российских спортсменов на XXX летних играх 2012 года.

Считаю, что проведение таких уроков стало полезным опытом, способствовало созданию необыкновенной атмосферы состязания, азарта, высокого уровня мотивации и сотрудничества, познания и творчества, имело положительное эмоциональное и воспитательное значение.

Предлагаю конспект урока, проведённого в 8 “А” классе 23.11.2012 года.

Олимпийский урок

Тема: The Day of Health. Olympic lesson

Цель: проведение работы по Олимпийскому образованию и гражданско-патриотическому воспитанию учащихся в рамках школьного дня здоровья.

Задачи урока.

Проведение познавательной игры-соревнования на английском языке в целях:

- актуализации и расширения спортивной, олимпийской тематики и лексики,

- включения школьников в активное освоение системы олимпийских и паралимпийских ценностей;

- актуализации информации о XXX летних Олимпийских играх, имеющейся у школьников,

- расширение представлений школьников о XXII Олимпийских зимних играх и XI Паралимпийских зимних играх в Сочи,

- воспитания здорового образа жизни, гордости за страну и Олимпийских чемпионов.

Оборудование: экран, компьютер, проектор, раздаточный материал (карточки-задания), презентация (слайд шоу) цветная бумага, ножницы, клеящие карандаши, фломастеры.

Ход урока

I этап - Стимулирование интереса учащихся к проведению школьного дня здоровья и олимпийского урока.

1. Организационный момент. Создание психологически комфортной атмосферы урока.

T-CL: Dear children! My congratulations to everybody on “The Day of Health” in our school!

What is your attitude towards the idea of organizing our school day of health? Choose a smile or draw your own smile to express your feelings.

(Интернет-источник PSD - Smileshttp://pixelbrush.ru/2009/05/25/psd-smiles.html)

T: Wonderful smiles and this is mine. I should say that all the teachers approved and welcomed this idea, too.

2. Речевая зарядка.

T-CL: On the back cover of your smile you will find a question. Would you mind answering it right now? (Here are some questions for warming up).

Do you want to be healthy?

Do you agree with the proverb “Health is above wealth”? What other proverbs about health do you know?

Do you think that health is one of the national values? Why?

What should you do to be healthy?

Do you know the rules and the programme of “The Day of Health” in our school? Would you mind reminding it now?

P1: The rules are the following:

- Good mood,

- Dress code: sports uniform for teachers and students,

- Following Olympic and Paralympic values,

- participating in any of sporting events you like and you are good at,

P2: The programme of “The Day of Health” in our school includes:

- School morning exercises,

- Olympic lessons,

- Multivitamin Lunch,

- Sporting events : table-tennis, darts, draughts, pioneer ball, football, “fun run” and the” Tug of war”, where our teachers will compete with the students.

3. Brainstorming. Cтимулирование интереса учащихся посредством ситуативного задания.

T-CL: Terrific, isn’t it? Can you think of some adjectives, starting with the letters H,E,A.L,T,H to describe our expectations of today’s holiday? What will it be like?

H - healthy ['helθɪ] ) здоровый, полезный, благотворный

E - energetic [ˌenə'ʤetɪk] активный, энергичный, сильный (характеризующийся энергией, мощью, энергичностью)

A - awesome ['ɔːsəm] потрясающий, фантастический adventurous [əd'venʧ(ə)rəs] отважный, (безрассудно) смелый

L - lively ['laɪvlɪ] / яркий, живой local ['ləuk(ə)l] местный

 T - triumphant [traɪ'ʌmfənt] победоносный, победный,триумфальный ; ликующий tremendous [trɪ'mendəs] классный, обалденный, потрясающий tiring ['taɪərɪŋ] изнурительный, утомительный

H - hilarious [hɪ'leərɪəs] / весёлый, шумный, оживлённый

4. Постановки личностно значимой цели деятельности. Деление на команды.T-CL:

T: Sounds like the spirit of competition is in the air. And it certainly, is and not only in our school, but in the whole country as well, because our country is preparing to host the

2014 Winter Olympic Games. Sport has always united people, promoting education, peace and friendship. Why don’t we talk about Olympic Games, Olympic sports and values at our lesson today when we are having The Day of Health”? Don’t you think it’s just the time to check and improve our knowledge? I thought we could do it in a game competition. Why not start competing right now? As there are Summer and Winter Olympic sports, I suggest dividing into two groups. Just pull a pictogram to become a member of the team, will you?

T: Now as you belong to Summer or Winter Olympic Sports team, it’s time to start competing .Let it be fair play! And don’t forget the Olympic credo:

The most important thing in life is not the triumph, but the fight ;

the essential thing is not to have won, but to have fought well.” [3]

There will be six tasks- challenges for you. I wish you good luck!

II этап. Познавательная, интеллектуально-преобразовательная деятельность учащихся в игровой форме (работа в командах)

1. Освоение (активизация и расширение) лексики по теме “Олимпийские летние и зимние виды спорта”.

Task 1 Olympic sports memory/matching game Summer and Winter sports. How well do you know your kinds of sport?

Each team gets sheets with either 38 pictograms of the 2012 Summer Games in London or 22 pictograms of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi as well as the cards with the names of sports.

Which team will be the first to cover 22 pictograms. (Перед началом игры каждая команда получает опорную карточку для ознакомления в течение ограниченного времени. Оставшиеся 16 пиктограм летних игр учащиеся выкладывают вместе). Приложение 1 (handouts) (http://www.designboom.com/design/2012-london-olympics-pictograms/


T-Cl: One of the rules of today’s holiday is that everyone should follow Olympic and Paralympic values, which express what these competitions are all about. There are seven of them: three Olympic values and four Paralympic values. It is a set of universal principals, which can be applied to education and our lives, as well as to sport itself. Do you know these values?

They are Friendship, Respect, Excellence, Determination, Inspiration, Courage and Equality. [2].

3. Освоение системы олимпийских и паралимпийских ценностей.

Предъявление результата- декламация лозунгов, изготовление цветных ленточек со словами, выражающими олимпийские духовные ценности.

Task 2 Olympic values.

T-Cl: Here are two slogans with Olympic and Paralympic values in Russian. Which team will be the first to translate them into English.

“Смелость, Равенство, Решимость, Вдохновение – ценности …. движения!”

“Дружба, Совершенство, Уважение – ценности …… движения!”

(The Olympic Values are Respect, Excellence, Friendship. The Paralympic Values are:

Determination , Courage, Equality, Inspiration)

To promote these values I suggest each team should make wrist bands of seven different colours with an Olympic value written on it so that you can demonstrate them today. Which team will be the first?

1. Интеллектуально-преобразовательная деятельность учащихся. Освоение олимпийской символики.

Task 3 T-Cl: Besides seven Olympic and Paralympic values, the Olympic movement has seven main Olympic symbols and attributes. What are they? In Russian they sound like флаг, гимн, лозунг, талисманы, медали, огонь, эстафета олимпийского огня.

Each team gets seven cards with the explanation of the meaning of each symbol and an anagram for the word. Which team will be the first to name the symbols. Приложение 2 (handouts)

“This is the credo of those who are ready to strive for setting new records. It is an idea that embraces the spirit of competition. (MOTTO)

This is a white silk cloth with the Olympic logo embroidered on it. The five interlocking rings represent the five continents, demonstrating the link between peoples of the world and the universality of the Olympic Games. (FLAG)

This piece of music marks raising of the Olympic flag during the Opening ceremony and during competitions.(ANTHEM)

It is a special thing of the Olympic Games, which is designed to bring good luck to athletes and fans (MASCOT)

They are gold, silver, and bronze, They are awarded to three athletes, who showed the best results in competitions (MEDALS)

It is lit in the Greek city of Olympia, at the foot of Mount Kronos, through a special parabolic mirror. (OLYMPIC FLAME)

With the help of it the fire crosses all 5 inhabited continents of the Earth and arrives to the venue of the Games.(TORCH RELAY)”

Проект учебно-методического комплекса “Английский язык” для основной школы (Разработано Российским международным олимпийским университетом)

T-CL: Could you think of three of these symbols which convey the message of Olympiс Games in a simple and direct manner . Right you are. They are the rings, the motto and the flame. How well do we know them?

Each team gets five rings now. The task is to arrange the rings in the right order as they appear on the Olympic flag. Additional question is the following. What do the colours represent?

And now read how Pierre de Coubertin, the father of the modern Olympic Games, explains the meaning of the flag :

“ The Olympic flag has a white background, with five interlaced rings in the centre: blue, yellow, black, green and red . This design is symbolic; it represents the five continents of the world, united by Olympism, while the six colours are those that appear on all the national flags of the world at the present time. ” (1931) [3] Интернет источник:

[PDF] The Olympic symbols - International Olympic Committeehttp://www.olympic.org/Documents/Reports/EN/en_report_1303.pdf)

T-CL: A motto is a phrase which conveys a life philosophy or a code of conduct to follow.

The Olympic motto is made up of three Latin words: “CITIUS, ALTIUS, FORTIUS “

Which team will be the first to say them in English?


2. Актуализации информации о прошедших и будущих олимпийских играх.

Task 4 T-CL: How well do you know Olympic Games host cities. Match the dates with the host city of the summer or winter Olympic games. Choose the cards related to your team. Who will be the first?

Приложение 3

2012 - 2014 - 2016 - 2018 -
Summer Olympic Games Winter Olympic Games Summer Olympic Games Winter Olympic Games
London, United Kingdom Sochi, Russia Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Pyeongchang, South Korea

3. Актуализации информации о XXX -х летних Олимпийских играх в Лондоне.

T-CL: And now let’s look back at the XXXth Summer Olympic Games. Russian President Vladimir Putin greeted the country’s Olympic champions at the Kremlin, presenting state honors to the London 2012 heroes. He said: “We need to set ambitious targets, the most ambitious. And only then we’ll be successful, even if we don’t achieve something”.

"The main result of the XXX Summer Games is the feeling of pride for our country, which the fans experienced after the display of our Olympic team,” Russian Olympic Committee President Alexander Zhukov told the Russian Olympic Committee’s official website. [4]” (Интернет – источник” President Vladimir Putin (C) with Russia's rythmic gymnastics ... – RT” http://rt.com/sport/putin-olympic-champions-honors-745

Let’s look at our famous sportsmen and recollect their achievements. A slide show.[4]

Task 5 Викторина для команд, посвящённая выступлению сборной команды России на XXX летних Олимпийских играх

Which team will be the first to answer the following questions.

1. How many sportsmen presented our country at the XXXth Summer Olympic Games? In how many kinds of sport did they take part? (436/ 24)

2. For the first time in the history of our country the standard-bearer of our national team at the opening ceremony became a woman. What is her name? (Tennis player - Maria Sharapova)

3. In what kind of sport did Russia make a breakthrough, having won three gold medals (and five in total for the first time in history? (Judo- Arsen Galstyan, Extra-lightweight (60 kg), Mansur Isaev lightweight (73 kg), Tagir Khaibulaev, Half-heavyweight (100 kg).

4. In what kind of sport did the pair of N.Vislova – V.Sorokina win the first in history of our country bronze medal? (In badminton, because of disqualification of team players from China and South Korea from the competition for "not using one's best efforts to win a match" and "conducting oneself in a manner that is clearly abusive or detrimental to the sport”

Интернет источник “ Badminton at the 2012 Summer (Olympicshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badminton_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics”)

5. In what team sport did Russia win the gold medal for the second time in history after the success of our handball team in 2000? (In volleyball)

6. Name the sportswoman who brought Russia the first gold medal since 2000 in artistic gymnastics in the uneven bars final. She became the most decorated gymnast, male or female, at the 2012 Summer Olympics, having won four medals (Aliya Mustafina).

7. Name the Russian diver who won the 2012 Olympic Gold medal in the Men's 3 metre springboard diving and recaptured Russia's success for this sport after 12 years? (Ilya Zakharov)

8. Name the team sport where Russian sportswomen remained traditionally dominant at the XXXth Summer Olympic Games ? (Synchronised Swimming. Our girls “ have won gold at every World Championships since 1998 and seem to be almost unbeatable, with Natalia

Ishchenko and Svetlana Romashina sealing the Duets title for Russia too”. Anastasia Davydova became the most successful synchronized swimmer in Olympic history, with a total of five gold medals,. Round-up: Rivals aim to emulate clean-sweep Russia http://www.london2012.com/news/articles/round-rivals-aim-emulate-clean-sweep-russia.html

9. Name the only rhythmic gymnast to win two Olympic all-around gold medals, winning at the 2008 and 2012 Olympics. (Evgenia Kanaeva)


T-CL: As our President said, “We need to set ambitious targets, the most ambitious” [3].. The forthcoming 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi will be certainly very challenging and ambitious. We are all looking forward to the Olympic Games for the second time in the history of our country.

Let’s make a short excursion to the future to see what the 2014 Winter Olympic games will be like.

1. Расширение представлений школьников о XXII Олимпийских зимних играх и XI Паралимпийских зимних играх в Сочи,

Task 6. Watch the film and think of seven adjectives to describe the future games.

Просмотр видеофильма “Наследие игр в Сочи.Наша миссия”

(Olymp Lesson with questions small - YouTube Татьяна Ямскова.)

Возможные варианты ответов:

 Positive ['pɔzətɪv]) позитивные,

 innovative ['ɪnəuveɪtɪv ], инновационные новаторские, передовые

 the most compacted [kəm'pæktɪd] самые компактные

 environmentally friendly- экологически приемлимые

 nature-conservation games ['neɪʧə kɔn(t)sə'veɪʃ(ə)n] природоохранные

 educational [ˌeʤu'keɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l ], образовательные; воспитательные;

 peace-loving 'piːsˌlʌvɪŋ] миролюбивые

 uniting, motivating, promoting volunteerism [ˌvɔlən'tɪərɪz(ə)m]

 creating non barrier ['bærɪə] environment for people with disabilities

 multifaceted [' mʌltɪfæsɪtɪd] многогранные


III Заключительный этап. Рефлексивная деятельность.

Самоанализ и самооценка собственной деятельности

  1. Подведение итогов игры. Награждение команды- победителя.
  2. Самооценка собственной деятельности.
  3. Заключительное слово учителя.

T-CL: Dear friends! You worked hard, trying your best and demonstrating fair play and Olympic values. You were very creative, smart and friendly, tolerant, joyful and optimistic.

I want to give each of you a small present. It relates to the visual image of our country at the 2014 Sochi winter Olympic Games. Can you guess what it is? It is a pattern of the patchwork quilt. I hope this quilt will keep you warm in cold weather of Russian winter! And you will also get one of the 16 patterns of national Russian arts and crafts: Try to find out more about them. Do you feel like smiling again? Let’s take a photo to remember the Day of Health in this November.

(Образцы дизайна лоскутных одеял и народных ремёсел можно найти на сайтах:

Sochi 2014 - New official licensed products collection of XXII Winter ... http://sochi2014.bosco.ru/en/) Quilt Inspiration: Free Pattern Day and Olympic Inspiration

Использованная литература:

[1]. Проект учебно-методического комплекса “Английский язык” для основной школы(Разработано Российским международным олимпийским университетом)

[2]. Olympic and Paralympic Values | British Council Schools Online http://schoolsonline.britishcouncil.org/warm-up-for-the-games/competition-theme-2

[3]” [PDF] The Olympic symbols - International Olympic Committeehttp://www.olympic.org/Documents/Reports/EN/en_report_1303.pdf

[4]” President Vladimir Putin (C) with Russia's rythmic gymnastics ... – RT” http://rt.com/sport/putin-olympic-champions-honors-745/

(Quilt Inspiration: Free Pattern Day and Olympic Inspiration)..